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1、,Group members:,Tiffany(裴雨晴)1309010120Sara(王东梅)1309010121Alice(徐建芳)1309010125,Braised eggplant(红烧茄子),Braised eggplant material:eggplant,coriander,garlic,soy sauce,sugar,salt,water,oil,1.First,peel the eggplant,cut it in pieces.Put it into a bowl,sprinkle it with salt and stir it evenly.And then put

2、it aside.,2.At this time,you can peel the garlic,wash the coriander.Cut up the garlic cloves in the bowl,add a little soy sauce.Add a little sugar and water till the bowl is full.And cut up the coriander,after 30 minutes,you can do the next step.,3.Grabbed the eggplant,desperately clutching try to p

3、ut away all of the water.Because the more eggplant is dry,the dish will be more incense.until the oil is 8 min heat,put the eggplant ball into the pot.Fill in the sauce after the oil is 80 percents heat.Boiled off a small fire,remember to reverse the pot to make it even.Turn off the heat to enter co

4、riander,turn the pot a few,fill in the plate.You can enjoy the dish,可乐鸡翅Cola chicken wings,Ingredients:half a can of cola,500 grams chicken wings,ginger,green onion,1/2 spoon of dark soy sauce,1 spoon of cooking wine,1/4 spoon of salt,oil,The method to cook:1:wash the chicken wings,cut ginger and gr

5、een onion into slices2:put clean-washed chicken wings into boiling water.when the water boil again,pull the wings out and drain them,4pour the cola,dark soy sauce into the pot.then put the onion,ginger,salt,cooking wine into.When the cola is boiling turn down the fire.Cook until the soup is thick li

6、ke.the dish is ready for table.,Mushroom Pork 香菇炒肉,Mushroom Pork production of materials:香菇炒肉的制作材料:Ingredients:主料:Pork(lean)200 grams of mushrooms(fresh)200 g猪肉(瘦)200克,香菇(鲜)200克Seasoning:lard(refining)75 grams,3 grams of salt,cooking wine 10 grams,15 grams of green onions,starch(corn)10 grams of MSG

7、 3 grams,8 grams of ginger,pepper powder,1 gram,1 gram of pepper调料:猪油(炼制)75克,盐3克,料酒10克,大葱15克,淀粉(玉米)10克,味精3克,姜8克,花椒粉1克,胡椒粉1克,1.meat and mushroom slices,respectively;1.肉和香菇分别切片;2.meat,salt,cooking wine and mix well on the wet starch slurry;2.肉用盐、料酒拌匀,浆上湿淀粉;3.with cooking wine,monosodium glutamate,onio

8、n,ginger,soup,pepper starch,ground pepper,wet starch into sauce;3.用料酒、味精、葱、姜、汤、花椒面、胡椒面、湿淀粉对成汁;,4.wok hot grease,oil heat under the meat after,while promoting the bottom with a spoon until the pork spread;4.炒锅烧热注油,油热后即下肉片,边 下 边 用 勺推动,待肉丝散开; be shed taste,add mushrooms and fry a few times,then pour on the sauce,to be turned even when blistering serve.5.待散出味后加香菇炒几下,再倒入对好的汁,待起泡时翻匀即成。,Thats all.Thank you!,


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