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1、,再 别 康 桥,徐志摩,Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again,朗诵者:张萍 管亚雄,作者简介,徐志摩(18961931),浙江海宁人,富商家庭。1916年考入北京大学,毕业后先后到美国、英国留学。历任北京大学、清华大学教授,诗刊增刊、新月月刊等主编。我国现代著名诗人、翻译家。新月诗派代表人物。,康桥,即英国著名的剑桥大学所在地。1920年10月1922年8月,诗人曾游学于此。1922年,从剑桥进修归国后,有诗康桥,再会罢,1926年,二次旅游该国后,又有散文我所知道的康桥,可看出诗人对康桥的感情是十分深切的。究其原因,一方面康桥充满了这位浪漫诗人所需的古老、宁

2、静,充盈梦幻色彩的氛围,另一方面是康桥是诗人一生真愉快时光的所在。1928年夏天,诗人故地重游。11月6日,在归国途中的轮船上,他吟成了这首传世之作。,我的眼是康桥教我睁的,我的求知欲是康桥给我拨动的,我的自我意识是康桥给我胚胎的。徐志摩,再 别 康 桥 徐志摩,Very quietly I take my leave 轻轻的/我/走了,As quietly as I came here;正如/我/轻轻的来.Quietly I wave good-bye 我/轻轻的/招手,To the rosy clouds in the western sky.作别/西天的/云彩.,The golden w

3、illows by the riversideAre young brides in the setting sun;Are young brides in the setting sun;Always linger in the depth of my heart.,那河畔的/金柳,是/夕阳中的/新娘;波光里的艳影在我的心头/荡漾。,The floatingheart growing in the sludgeSways leisurely under the water;In the gentle waves of CambridgeI would be a water plant!,软泥

4、上的/青荇,油油的/在水底招摇;在康桥的柔波里,我/甘心做/一条水草!,That pool under the shade of elm treesHolds not water but the rainbow from the sky;Shattered to pieces among the duckweedsIs the sediment of a rainbow-like dream?,那榆荫下的/一潭,不是/清泉,是/天上虹,揉碎/在浮藻间,沉淀着/彩虹似的/梦。,To seek a dream?Just to pole a boat upstreamTo where the gre

5、en grass is more verdant;Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlightAnd sing aloud in the splendour of starlight.,寻梦?撑一支/长蒿,向/青草更青处/漫溯,满载/一船星辉,在星辉斑斓里/放歌。,But I cannot sing aloudQuietness is my farewell music;Even summer insects help silence for meSilent is Cambridge tonight!,但/我不能/放歌,悄悄/是别离的/笙箫;夏虫/也为我/沉默,沉默/是今晚的/康桥!,Very quietly I take my leaveAs quietly as I came here;Gently I flick my sleevesNot even a wisp of cloud will I bring away,悄悄的/我走了,正如我/悄悄的来;我/挥一挥/衣袖,不带走/一片云彩。,谢谢,


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