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1、Enquiries and Replies询盘/询价函及其回复part II,Chris Chen 2012/3/26,Template study:letter 2-1,tweed lengths粗花呢布料,Letter 2-2,Mopeds:机动脚踏两用车;摩托自行车,Letter 2-3,epoxy 环氧树脂dies 冲模 压模 塑模wear resistance 耐磨,Mold-pouring,mold,die set 冲模/压模机床,die attach,Letter 2-4substantial 大量的,可持续的,the tactic often used to invite be

2、tter terms is to give the seller some hope of substantial orders or continued business.,贸易折扣 trade discount,折扣贸易是指卖方在商品的卖价上,给予买方一定数量或比例的减让。采用这种贸易方式的买方,应切实地弄清商品的原价,底价,商品的质量,对于卖者来说,应做到货真价实。产生折扣贸易的原因:一是商品积压,或市场上同类商品较多,以减让价格来促销;二是对购货客户、老客户、定销商、包销商通过减让价格的办法,给予一定的照顾和支持;三是向顾客开展购销上的心理战术,迎合顾客爱买“便宜货”的心态。,Trad

3、e Discount,Manufacturers and dealers often allow to their best customers,and those buying in large quantities,what is known as trade discount.This means that a discount is allowed from the amount of the bill.Suppose A buys from B$200 worth of goods.He is allowed a discount of 10%from the list price.

4、Then he would have to pay only$180 to B.Suppose the terms had stipulated that he be allowed a discount of 10%and 5%off from the list price.This would not give him a deduction of 15%from the$200,but it would give him a further discount of 5%of the$180,or$9,making only$171 A would have to pay.He might

5、 in addition be allowed a cash discount,which would be figured on the$171.,Letter 2-5,Provision 防备,letter 2-6 quoting competitive prices?,In an enquiry such phrases are often used as“Should your prices be competitive”,“If your quotation is favorable”or“Please quote your best prices”,Letter 2-7,bill

6、of exchange 汇票 A bill of exchange or draft is a written order by the drawer to the drawee to pay money to the payee.,documents against payment D/P 付款交单,付款交单(DP)是经济贸易交易中付款方式的一种。指出口方在委托银行收款时,指示银行只有在付款人(进口方)付清货款时,才能向其交出货运单据,即交单以付款为条件,称为付款交单。,Reply letter:,1.thanks+time+reference(感谢;明确回的哪封询盘信)2.state ou

7、t the things you can do/you have done/will do for your clients(尽量满足询盘客户的需要)3.mention you own ways of doing business(告诉对方你方公司的通常做生意方式,如贸易术语,折扣等)4.introduce the marketability of your products(推销对方已经感兴趣并向你问询的产品)5.promote other products or services of yours.(抓住机会向客户推销其它产品,最好是相关的)6.maintain intercommunic

8、ation and outlooks.(保持关系/沟通,展望前景),Letter 1(P30),by L/C at sight=sight L/C即期信用证,信用证是银行用以保证买方或进口方有支付能力的凭证。一般用于刚建立商务关系的不够信任客户之间。在国际贸易活动中,买卖双方可能互不信任,买方担心预付款后,卖方不按合同要求发货;卖方也担心在发货或提交货运单据后买方不付款。因此需要两家银行做为买卖双方的保证人(guarantor),代为收款交单,以银行信用代替商业信用。银行在这一活动中所使用的工具就是信用证。可见,信用证是银行有条件保证付款的证书,成为国际贸易活动中常见的结算方式。按照这种结算方

9、式的一般规定,买方先将货款交存银行,由银行开立信用证,通知异地卖方开户银行转告卖方,卖方按合同和信用证规定的条款发货,银行代买方付款。信用证方式有三个特点:一是信用证不依附于买卖合同,银行在审单时强调的是信用证与基础贸易相分离的书面形式上的认证。二是信用证是凭单付款,不以货物为准。只要单据相符,开证行就应无条件付款。三是信用证是一种银行信用,它是银行的一种担保文件。,sight L/C 即期信用证,指买方按即期信用证(SightLetterofCredit)规定的条款签发即期汇票(SightDraft),称见票即付信用证,亦称即期汇票付款。付款(给指定银行)之后才发货,对出口商有利,confi

10、rmed irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight,保兑过的不可撤销的即期汇票信用证 见票即付信用证 即期汇票付款不可撤销信用证是指信用证一经开出,在有效期内,未经受益人(beneficiary)、开证人(opener)及保兑行(confirming bank如果有)的同意,开证行(issuing bank)不得片面修改或撤销信用证的规定和承诺。信用证上未注明可否撤销,即为不可撤销信用证。国际贸易中使用的信用证,基本上是不可撤销信用证。draft at sight(指定银行)见票即付款,P31 E-Letter 2 reply to general

11、 inquiry,starter batteries 起动用蓄电池,E-letter 3 reply to specific inquiry,COA 分析证书milky white mesh 筛孔 目(mesh)是指1 inch(2.54cm)筛网上的空眼数目。1 目就 是指每平方英吋上的孔眼是1个,ppm,paper per minute即为每分钟打印的页数,这是衡量打印机打印速度的重要参数,是指连续打印时的平均速度 ppm 浓度 立方厘米/立方米 ppb pptpart per million 百万分之part per billion 十亿分之一part per trillion 万亿分之

12、一,reply to KK inquiry,1.opening sentence2.answer inquiry of supplying to teenagers3.answer inquiries of discounts and payment4.answer inquiry of latest catalogue and price-list5.promoting products interested6.ending sentence,回复KK公司的询盘,1.感谢琼斯先生三月二号的询盘信及对我公司毛线衣(针织套衫)的喜欢。2.我方对提供各年龄层各种款型需求一点问题都没有。3.对于超过

13、$20,000.00的订单,我方可给予净价5%的数量折扣。但我国对贸易折扣的允许额是10%。我公司要求的付款方式是即期信用证付款。当然,在我方与你方建立牢固的商贸关系之后,我方也会重新审视该付款方式。4.我方随信附上夏季的产品目录和价格清单,报价都是温哥华到岸价。5.我方相信你会发现我方产品在你们国家会很好卖,我方欧洲及美国的零售商客户已经证明这一点。我方希望我们能按引述的条件达成共识。6.谢谢你方对我公司产品的兴趣,期待很快收到您的回复。,4 March,2010,Mr.Fred Johns,Chief BuyerKiddle Komer,Inc.#202-418 Richards Stre

14、etVancouver,B.C.Canada V6B 3A7,Dear Mr.Johns,1.感谢琼斯先生三月二号的询盘信及对我公司毛线衣(针织套衫)的喜欢。1.We are pleased to receive your inquiry of 2 March,and to hear that you liked our range of sweaters.6.谢谢你方对我公司产品的兴趣,期待很快收到您的回复。6.Thank you for your interest;we look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely,GAO Ju

15、n(Mr.)Encl.,2.我方对提供各年龄层各种款型需求一点问题都没有。2.There would certainly be no trouble in supplying you from our wide selection of garment which we make for all age groups.,4.我方随信附上夏季的产品目录和价格清单,报价都是温哥华到岸价。We are enclosing our summer catalogue and price-list quoting prices c.i.f.Vancouver.,5.我方相信你会发现我方产品在你们国家会很好

16、卖,我方欧洲及美国的零售商客户已经证明这一点。我方希望我们能按引述的条件达成共识。We are sure you will find a ready market/sale for our products in Canada as have other retailers throughout Europe and America,and we do hope we can reach an agreement on the terms quoted.We are sure that our products will enjoy great popularity in your marke

17、t as have they throughout Europe and America,3.对于超过$20,000.00的订单,我方可给予净价5%的数量折扣。但我国对贸易折扣的允许额是10%。我公司要求的付款方式是即期信用证付款。当然,在我方与你方建立牢固的商贸关系之后,我方也会重新审视该付款方式。,对于超过$20,000.00的订单,我方可给予净价5%的数量折扣。We can offer you the quantity discount you asked for which would be 5%off net prices for orders over$20,000.00但我国对贸

18、易折扣的允许额是10%。but the usual allowance for a trade discount in our country is 10%,我公司要求的付款方式是即期信用证付款。and we always deal on payment by sight L/C.,当然,在我方与你方建立牢固的商贸关系之后,我方也会重新审视该付款方式。However,we would be prepared to review this once we have established a firm trading association with you.,We can offer you

19、the quantity discount you asked for which would be 5%off net prices for orders over$20,000.00,but the usual allowance for a trade discount in our country is 10%,and we always deal on payment by sight L/C.However,we would be prepared to review this once we have established a firm trading association with you.,The End of This Lecture,


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