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1、一般将来时,Simple Future Tense,一般将来时:表示一个将要发生的动作或状态。常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如:tomorrow(明天)before long(不久)the day after tomorrow(后天)next week(下周)soon(很快)in the future(将来)in three days(三天后)some day(将来的某一天),指现在以后的任何时刻、时段或全部时间。,现在,未来 某一时刻,未来 某一段时间,A.表示将要发生的事情,或存在的状态.I will see you tomorrow.He will lose the job if he d

2、oesnt work hard.,B.表示一种倾向或习惯性动作.Well die without air and water.Water will boil if heated.,C.be going to do sth 表示打算,想要,准备做某事He is going to be a doctor when he grows up.,D.be about to sth+V 表示即将,就要(最近将发生的动作,一般不带时间副词或片语)She is about to go home.,E.be to do sth 表示计划或安排好,即将发生的动作(吩咐、命令、约定、计划 中的或按职业、义务)You

3、 are to get here before 6.I am to see him at the airport.Am I to go on with the work?,be about to do sth when“正打算做某事,这个时候.”I was about to go shopping when it suddenly began to rain.,一般将来时的句式:,肯定句:主语(I/We)+will/shall+动词原形+(宾语)+其他 e.g.I will call you this evening.We will win the match.主语(He/She/It/You

4、/They)+will+动词原形+其他 e.g.Hell teach me English tomorrow.Some day people will go to the moon.They will take us to the Great Wall next week.,否定句:主语(I/We)+will/shall not+动词原形+(宾语)+其他 e.g.I wont be a doctor.We wont leave for Beijing next week.主语(He/She/It/You/They)+will not+动词原形+其他 e.g.They wont use book

5、s.Mike wont finish middle school in one year.,一般疑问句:Will+主语+动词原形+其他 e.g.Will the students go to the zoo this Sunday?(Yes,they will./No,they wont.)Will you leave for Beijing next week?(Yes,I will./No,I wont.),特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+will+主语+动词原形+其他 e.g.When will you leave for Beijing?Where do you leave for next

6、week?,I will=Ill;she will=shell;will not 和shall not分别可以缩写为 wont 和shant。,will句式总结:,shall与will的区别,shall,will,shall常用于第一人称(we/I).,will常用于第二、三人称,但在口语中各种人称都可以用will.,否定式:will not=wont,否定式:shall not=shant,缩略形式,I feel terrible,I think Im going to be sick.Im going to be 16 years old next year.Look at the clo

7、uds!It s going to rain!(表示有迹象要发生某一动作时,要用be going to),be going to与will的区别,will,be going to,事先考虑好的意图,或做好安排.,未经事先考虑的意图,临时决定的。,If you want to go,Ill meet you at 5 oclock.(临时的决定),一般将来时在使用中的一些注意事项:,在含有条件状语从句或时间状语从句的复合句中,从句用一般现在时,主句用将来时,且用will而不用be going to。如:Mum will go to Beijing if it doesnt rain tomorr

8、ow.When you get home,youll find a new bike in your garden.,肯定句:There will be+名词+其他成份注意:无论后面加单数名词或复数形式,be都必须用原形。There will be only one country.否定句:在will后面加not.There wont be only one country.一般疑问句:把will提到there之前。Will there be only one country?Yes,there will./No,there wont.,“There be”句型的一般将来时,It will b

9、e与There will be 的区别,It will be:将会怎样。It will be rainy/cool/warm.There will be:将会有什么。There will be rain/wind/snow.,“in与after+时间”都可表示“在之后”。当它们用于一般将来时态时,in后接“时间段”,after后接“时间点”。,Hell come back in three years.他三年以后回来。2.Hell come back after three oclock.他三点钟以后回来。,表时间和条件的状语从句一般用现在一般时表“将来”。,一般将来时的注意点,.hope t

10、hat you a good time this evening.A.have B.are having C.will have D.has2.Look at those big black clouds.It rain.Lets hurry.A.must B.will C.would D.is going to,3.There a basketball match this afternoon.A.will have B.will be C.has D.have 4.We to the park if it is fine tomorrow.A.will go B.go C.goes D.t

11、o go,注意:will与be going to的区别,be going to可以表示明显将要发生的情况,C,D,B,A,明天不用上课。There _ _ _ class tomorrow.也许在100年后人们将活到200岁。_ people _ _ _ _ 200 years old _ 100 years.3.许多女孩子喜欢养宠物。Many girls like _ a pet.There will be a sports meeting tomorrow.(一般疑问句)_ _ _ a sports meeting tomorrow?我想将会有更多高楼,更少汽车,更少污染。I think

12、there will be _ tall buildings,_ cars,_ pollution.你认为Sally5年后会成为什么?What _ _ _Sally _ _ in 5 years?,will be no,Maybe will live to be in,keeping,Will there be,more fewer less,do you think will be,明天的天气会是怎样?What _ _ _ _ _ tomorrow?有一天我将会和好朋友乘火箭到月球度假。One day I will _ _ _ _ _ _ vacation _ my friends.10.我

13、帮妈妈做家务。I _ my mother _ housework.11.科学家尝试让机器人做同样的事情。Scientists _ _ _ robots do the _ things _ human(人).,will the weather be like,fly rocket to the moon for with,help with,try to make same as,根据括号中的提示完成句型转换。,1.The students will go to the zoo this Sunday.(变一般疑问句),2.Mike will finish middle school in on

14、e year.(变否定句),3.Hell ring you tonight.(对划线部分提问),4.She will come to see us this weekend.(对划线部分提问),Will the students go to the zoo this Sunday?,Mike wont finish middle school in one year.,When will he ring you?,Who will come to see us this weekend?,试翻译以下句子:,1、明天他将教我英语。2、他们下个星期带我们去颐和圆。3、西蒙十分钟后将干什么?他将帮助妈 妈打扫房间。,Hell teach me English tomorrow.,They will take us to the Summer Palace next week.,What is Simon going to do in ten minutes?Hes going to help his mother clean the room.,


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