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1、体育与运动,Sports and events,Yin Xiaohong,亚运会 Asian Gamesmanager 经纪人instructor 教练,技术指导guide 领队,Useful words and expressions,referee,umpire(网球、棒球)裁判linesman,touch judge(橄榄球)裁判contestant,competitor,player 运动员professional 职业运动员,Useful words and expressions,amateur 业余运动员,爱好者enthusiast,fan 迷、爱好者Favourite/favo

2、rite可望取胜者outsider 无取胜希望者,Useful words and expressions,record holder 纪录创造者Winter Olympics/Olympic Winter Games 冬季奥林匹克运动会国家体育总局 State Physical Culture Administration国脚 player of the national football team;footballer of the national team,Useful words and expressions,黑马 dark horse基本功 basic technique记分牌

3、score board记者席 press box,Useful words and expressions,奖牌榜 medal standings/rankings啦啦队 cheer squad模拟训练 Simulator热身运动 warming up,Useful words and expressions,世界排名第一选手 world No.1 player体育道德 Sportsmanship体育评论员 sports commentator头号种子选手top seed卫冕冠军 defending champion,Useful words and expressions,循环赛 round

4、 robin主场比赛 home match客场比赛 away match足球流氓 football hooligan东道国 host country,Useful words and expressions,金牌得主 gold medalist亚军 runner-up;second place季军third place;bronze medalist 爆冷门 to produce an unexpected winner,Useful words and expressions,比分领先to outscore 比赛地点competition/sports venue发展体育运动,增强人民体质

5、Promote physical culture and build up the peoples health,Useful words and expressions,最后冲刺 final spurt体育大国/强国 sporting/sports power 打出水平,打出风格up to ones best level in skill and style of play 锻炼身体,保卫祖国 Build up a good physique to defend the country,Useful words and expressions,Sentence interpreting,游泳

6、有助于培养一个人的体力、柔韧性和耐力,保持体形。Swimming can enhance ones stamina,flexibility and endurance,and help keep one in shape。,Sentence interpreting,早晨游泳或者慢跑会使你白天感到精力充沛。Swimming or jogging in the morning will keep one energetic during the daytime.,Sentence interpreting,运动员村占地25公顷,分国际区和居住区,可住5000多人。公共设施包括来宾接待处、国旗广场

7、、餐厅、信息中心、停车场、洗衣房和商店等等。The athletes village takes up 25 hectares.It is divided into the international zone and the residential zone,and can house over 5000 people.Public facilities include the reception center,the flag plaza,and the dinning room,the information center,the parking lot,the laundry room

8、 and the store.,Sentence interpreting,这是一座刚落成的可容纳6000人的体育馆,馆内安装了先进的场馆照明、消防、保卫监控和电视转播等设施。This is a newly-built stadium with a capacity of 6000 people.It is installed with advanced equipment for lighting,fire fighting,security monitoring and television broadcast.,超出常人的特殊体质加上后天的勤奋训练使他在上一届奥运会上囊括8枚金牌,成为最

9、受瞩目的奥运冠军。His extraordinary physique,combined with diligent training,enabled him to sweep eight gold medals in one Olympic Games,putting him in the spotlight of Olympic Champions.,Sentence interpreting,After the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games,this year,2010,the Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou,the c

10、apital city of Guangdong Province,which lies in the South China in November 12th,2010.继2008年北京奥运会之后,在今年,2010年,广州亚运会将会于2010年11月12日在广州举行,广州是广东省的省会,位于中国的华南地区。,Sentence interpreting,The Opening Ceremony of the Guangzhou Asian Games on November 12th has caught the worlds eyes.But it couldnt be so success

11、ful without the efforts of 6,000 Asian Games volunteers.2010年11月12日举行的广州亚运会开幕式吸引了全世界的目光。没有6000名亚运会志愿者的努力,此次开幕式不会如此成功。,Sentence interpreting,passage interpreting,主题导入:体育局官员在国际马拉松比赛前新闻发布会上介绍赛事准备情况。请先熟悉下列词汇再听录音,并在录音停顿后开始口译。,expressions,锦标赛 championship选拔赛 qualification competition肯尼亚 Kenya knj坦桑尼亚 Tanzania,tanzn 厄瓜多尔 Ecuador kwd,ekwaor埃塞俄比亚 Ethiopia,ip,expressions,绿化广场 landscaped square航拍 aerial view电视直播 be televised live电子芯片 electronic chips创世界记录奖 World Record Award男子冠军 Mens Champion女子冠军Womens Champion,


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