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1、(人教版),阅读综合训练(六),英语,.完形填空。(2015,随州)Once there was a great man.He had a little daughter and he loved her very much.When she was very little,he would pick her up,sing a _1_ and dance with her,and he would tell her,“I love you,little girl.”When the girl grew up,the man would _2_ hug her and tell her,“I

2、love you,little girl.”The little girl would be _3_ and say,“Im not a little girl any more.Dont call me _4_ that.”Then the man would laugh and say,“But to me,youll _5_ be my little girl.”,The little girl _6_ home and went into the world.As she learned more about herself,she learned _7_ about the man.

3、She realized he always _8_ his love to her.It didnt matter wherever she went in the world,the man would call her and say,“I love you,little girl.”The day came when the great man was ill _9_He couldnt talk any more.He could no longer _10_,hug,dance or tell the little girl that he loved her.When she w

4、alked _11_ the room and saw him,he looked small and not _12_ at all.He looked at her and tried to speak,but he could not.,The little girl did the only thing she could do.She climbed up on the _13_ next to the great man.Tears ran from both of their eyes and she drew her _14_ around the shoulders of h

5、er father.She _15_ what she needed to hear.His heart beat out the words that his mouth could no longer say I love you,little girl!,(Bsong CmusicDword()2.A.never Bhardly Cjust Dstill()3.A.afraid Bexcited Cunhappy Dsad()4.A.like Bas Cfor Dwith()5.A.often Bsometimes Cusually Dalways,D,D,C,A,D,()6.A.arr

6、ived Bbuilt Cleft Dbelieved()7.A.fewer Bmore Cless Dbetter()8.A.expressed BpaidCreturned Dtaught()9.A.slowly Bquickly Cclearly Dbadly()10.A.smile Bwalk Cjump Dcry()11.A.by Binto Cfrom Dthrough()12.A.strong Bkind Ccreative Dclever()13.A.tree Bbed Cwindow Dtable()14.A.ears Blegs Cfeet Darms()15.A.saw

7、Bfelt Cheard Dtouched,C,B,A,D,A,B,A,B,D,C,.阅读理解。A(2015,营口)There are many useful inventions in the world.Have you ever wished to have an umbrella that makes your hands free?Alan Kaufman has thought up the“Nubrella”,which means“new”“umbrella”It is the first truly handsfree umbrella in the world.The in

8、ventor says that it stops rain,wind and snow and can keep your head,face and hair dry.,“I never planned to invent a product.I just noticed a problem and thought up a solution,”said the inventor.The idea for the invention began on one rainy day.Mr Kaufman was standing in one of his stores.He began to

9、 look at peoples umbrellas.He found that they had to try very hard to keep their umbrellas in the right place.At that moment an idea came into his mind.He ran to his desk and drew a picture.In this way,the Nubrella was born.,One cool feature of the Nubrella is that you dont hold it like a usual umbr

10、ella,you wear it.The shoulder straps(肩带)of the Nubrella allow people to be fully handsfree,so when walking in the rain with the Nubrella,you are able to use your cell phone or drink a hot cup of coffee.Also,the Nubrella will never be inverted(颠倒)in the wind.The new umbrella is far safer than traditi

11、onal ones,because it has no sharp points.,16“Nubrella”is a kind of _ umbrella.Ausual BhandsfreeCtraditional Dpaper17How can you use the“Nubrella”?_AYou can wear the shoulder straps of the Nubrella.BYou can put the Nubrella on your head.CYou can use your hands to control it.DYou can put it on your bi

12、ke.,A,B,18Which of the following is NOT right?_A“Nubrella”means“new”“umbrella”BThe idea of the new umbrella came from the rainy day.CWhen you are walking in the rain,youd better take the Nubrella.DIf you go out with the Nubrella in the rain,youd better drink a hot cup of coffee.19It can be learned f

13、rom the passage that _AAlan Kaufman often uses umbrellas in everyday lifeBthe new kind of umbrella was invented by an umbrella store ownerCthe inventor thought for a long time before inventing the NubrellaDyou can do other things with your hands when using the Nubrella,D,D,20In writing this passage,

14、the writer mainly intends(意图)to _Aintroduce this new kind of umbrella to people who are selling umbrellasBtell the readers about a great inventor named Alan KaufmanCtell the readers about a new invention that is very usefulDtell the readers that the inventor didnt want to invent anything,C,B(2015,凉山

15、)What do you do if you are in trouble on a lonely island?Surely you need to find a way to get in touch with the outside world.Your best chance of doing this is to draw the attention of a passing plane.Body signalsPilots from different countries understand body signals if they have the correct traini

16、ng.When you wave your arms up and down in a straight line,it means,“yes”When you point downwards and swing your arm from side to side,it means“no”If you want the pilot to know that its safe to land,push your hands out in front of you and bend your knees.If you want to say that its not safe to land,p

17、ut your arms in the air and move them to one side.,Smoke signalsThe smoke from a fire can be seen from far away,so its a good way to draw attention.If the weather is dry,it isnt hard to start a fire.Remember,however,that fires can be very dangerous if they get out of control.Never light a fire unles

18、s youre sure that it cant spread.If the ground is dark,light smoke can be seen more easily.Green grass and leaves produce light smoke.,Groundtoair signalsIts a good idea to build some signals,too.Use large pieces of wood to make the symbols(标记)If you cant find any wood,use earth.Some useful symbols

19、are:F“I need food and water”II“I need medicine.”I“I am badly hurt.”X“I am unable lo move from here.”Pilots replies,If the pilot lowers the planes wings from side to side,this means:“message received and understood”(At night,the pilot flashes the planes green lights.)If the pilot flies the plane in a

20、 clockwise circle,this means“message received but not understood”(At night,the pilot flashes the planes red lights.)However,there is no signal which means“message not received.”21According to the passage,you can use _ to build Groundtoair signals on a lonely island.Awood or earth Bgrass and leavesCw

21、ood and leaves Dsand or grass,A,22Which picture means“its safe to land”?_,C,C,23If the pilot flies the plane in a clockwise circle,what does this mean?_AIt means“message not received”BIt means“message received and understood”CIt means“message received but not understood”DIts not mentioned in the pas

22、sage.,24From the passage we know that _Aswinging your arm from side to side means“yes”Blight smoke can be seen easily if the ground is dark.Cmake a symbol“I”if you need some medicine.Dthe pilots make replies with a yellow light at night.25What is the passage mainly about?_Athe explanation of body si

23、gnals on an island.BThe importance of making signals on an island.CWays of living on a lonely island.DWays of sending out signals on a lonely island.,B,D,.任务型阅读。(2015,长沙)阅读下面的短文,将画线部分译成英文和中文。What are magic words?Words like thank you,please and sorry can work wonders in our daily life.These polite ex

24、pressions are used every day in Americanamong strangers,between friends or with family.26.People_with_good_manners_always_communicate_with_others_well_by_using_these_magic_words.,What should you do when you receive a gift for your birthday?27.你最好坐下来写一封感谢信。28.The_words_thank_you_are_very_important_an

25、d_used_very_often.We say them when someone hands us a letter,passes us a book,offers us a drinks,or lends us an umbrella.Please is another important word,but many people forget to use it.It is not polite to ask someone for help without saying please.29.We_are_supposed_to_use_it_when_we_ask_for_somet

26、hing,too.It may be a book,a pen,or more milk.It may be in the classroom,at home,or at the bus stop.We can use please to make a request(请求)pleasant.,26_27_28_29_30_,有好习惯的人经常通过使用这些有魔力的词汇与别人很好的交流。,Youd better sit down and write a thankyou note.,“谢谢”这类词非常重要并且经常被使用。,当我们需要某些东西的时候,我们也应该使用它。,We should learn to say sorry too.,


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