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1、Unit 8 Our ClothesTopic1 What a nice coat!Section A,Teacher:Chen Xiaofei,Class:Class 2,Grade 8,Fenjie Middle School,When you go back home take my song with you,but you never take your smile away.When you go back home take my song with you,but you never take your smile away.Tomorrow this song will be

2、 heard every corner of the world,every corner of the world.Tomorrow this smile will be flowers blossoming in the spring time,blossoming in the spring time.,warm-up 热身,song and smile,Lilys calling Lily来电,Sophy:Hi,this is Sophy.Lily:Hi,my daring.This is lily.Sophy:Oh,Lily,Long time no see,How are you?

3、Lily:Im fine.I have a good news to tell you.I will get marry with Li Ming next Monday.Sophy:Really?Congratulations。Lily:You are my good friend,You must come to my wedding.Sophy:Of course.I will go.Lily:Ok,I m waiting for you.To be in good dress.Sophy:En,I will Lily:Bye bye!,Sophy:嗨,我是Sophy.Lily:嗨,亲爱

4、的,我是lily啊。Sophy:哦,lily,很久没见,还好吗?Lily:我很好啊,我要告诉你一个好消息,下周一,我和李明结婚啦。Sophy:真的啊?恭喜你。Lily:你是我的死党,一定要来哦。Sophy:当然的啦,我肯定会去的。Lily:那行,我等着你啊,穿漂亮点哦。Sophy:嗯,好吧.Lily:拜拜!,Lets go shopping together!,3,Pair work,1 st Floor Shoes and Hats Sections一楼 鞋帽区,2nd Floor Sportswear Sections 二楼 运动服服装区,3rd Floor Womens Wear Sec

5、tion 三楼 女士服装区,4th Floor Mens Wear Section四楼 男士服装区,What are they in English?他们用英语怎么说?,coat n.外套,What are they in English?,scarf n.围巾,领巾,What are they in English?,sunglassesn.太阳眼镜,What are they in English?,skirt n.裙子;边缘;(连衣裙、外衣等的)下摆;,What are they in English?,jeans n.牛仔裤,What are they in English?,over

6、coat n.长大衣,What are they in English?,sweater n.毛衣,运动衫;,What are they in English?,shorts n.短裤(short的名词复数),What are they in English?,jacket n.夹克,What are they in English?,T-shirt n.T恤,短袖汗衫;样式类似T恤的外衣,shirt n.衬衫,衬衣;内衣,汗衫,raincoat n.雨衣,What are they in English?,handbag n.女用皮包,手提包,What are they in English

7、?,magic trick 魔术,Its the show time.,2,Work alone,Fill in the brackets with the words in the box.Then listen and number the pictures.,coat skirt sweater shirt scarf jeans shorts raincoatsunglasses overcoat jacket handbag,(scarf),(coat),(sweater),(jeans),(overcoat),(skirt),(raincoat),(shorts),(shirt),

8、(jacket),(sunglasses),(handbag),1,2,3,4,5,6,1a,Look,listen and say,Jane:Hi,Maria.You look great today.What a nice coat!Maria:Thank you.My father says that its a Chinese Tang costume.It feels quite soft and smooth.I liked it so much that my father bought it for me.Jane:Is it a cotton one?Maria:No,its

9、 a silk one.Jane:My old coats are so short that I want to buy some new ones.And you know we will have a class fashion show next Monday.Maria:Well,do you have time tomorrow?Lets go shopping together.Jane:Good idea!Shall we meet at the school gate at 8 a.m.?Maria:All right.See you tomorrow.,(Look,list

10、en),cotton n.棉布,棉花,棉制的,silk n.丝,丝织品,My old coats are so short that I want to buy some new ones.我的旧外套太短了,我想买些新的。so.that.意为“如此以至于”。that 引导的是结果状语从句,其结构是“so+形容词/副词+that 从句”。如:,天气是如此的糟糕导致学生们不能在课室里上课。(so+形/副+that+从句),The weather was so terrible that students couldnt have classes in the classroom.,这个停车场是如此

11、的可怕导致我们不能停车了。(so+形/副+that+从句),The parking lot was so terrible that we couldnt park our bikes here.,环境是如此的疯狂导致我们不能去学校。(so+形/副+that+从句),The environment was so crazy that we couldnt go to school.,学校是如此的脏导致老师们清洗了五天五夜。(so+形/副+that+从句),The school was so dirty that teachers cleaned it five days and nights.

12、,1a,Look,listen and say,Jane:Hi,Maria.You look great today.What a nice coat!Maria:Thank you.My father says that its a Chinese Tang costume.It feels quite soft and smooth.I liked it so much that my father bought it for me.Jane:Is it a cotton one?Maria:No,its a silk one.Jane:My old coats are so short

13、that I want to buy some new ones.And you know we will have a class fashion show next Monday.Maria:Well,do you have time tomorrow?Lets go shopping together.Jane:Good idea!Shall we meet at the school gate at 8 a.m.?Maria:All right.See you tomorrow.,Lets translate the passage.翻译一下课文。,Jane:Hi,Maria.You

14、look great today.What a nice coat!Maria:Thank you.My father says that its a Chinese Tang costume.It feels quite soft and smooth.I liked it so much that my father bought it for me.Jane:Is it a cotton one?Maria:No,its a silk one.Jane:My old coats are so short that I want to buy some new ones.And you k

15、now we will have a class fashion show next Monday.Maria:Well,do you have time tomorrow?Lets go shopping together.Jane:Good idea!Shall we meet at the school gate at 8 a.m.?Maria:All right.See you tomorrow.,嗨,Maria,你今天看起来棒极了。多么漂亮的外套啊!,谢谢。我爸爸说这是唐装。,它的质地十分柔和光滑。,我太喜欢了爸爸便买了给我。,是纯棉的吗?,不,是丝绸的。,我的旧外套是太短了我想去买

16、一些新的衣服。,而者你知道的,我们班下周一有一个时装展。,好呀,你明天有时间吗?,一起去逛街吧。,好啊!早上八点钟在学校门口见,好吗?,好的。那就明天见!,1b,Work alone,Fill in the blanks according to the pictures with“so.that”.,Marias coat is _ _ _she likes it very much.The cotton blouse is _ _ _ the girl cant afford it.The boy is _ _ _ he cant reach the apples.,so nice/bea

17、utiful that,so expensive that,so short that,consolidation 课堂巩固,洗澡是如此的有趣导致我弟弟非常地享受它。(so+形/副+that+从句),Taking a bath is so funny that my brother enjoys it very much.,这蛋糕是如此的美味导致这个男孩吃了很多。(so+形/副+that),Exercises in class 练习,The cake was so delicious that the boy eat a lot of it.,他的中国功夫是如此的厉害以至于他的朋友感到害怕了。

18、(so+形/副+that+从句),Exercises in class 练习,His Chinese kongfu is so great that his friend feels frightened.,这只鸟是如此的可爱导致车老师想跟它一起飞向天空。(so+形/副+that+从句),Exercises in class 练习,The bird was so cute that Miss Che wanted to fly to the sky with it.,这位军人是如此的严格导致我们不得不听从于他。(so+形/副+that+从句),Exercises in class 练习,The

19、 solider was so strict that we had to follow him.,有如此多的学生导致我找不到我自己。(so+形/副+that+从句),There were so much students that I cant find myself.,这些花儿太美丽了导致我们忍不住要在那里拍照。(so+形/副+that+从句),Exercises in class 练习,These flowers were so beautiful that we couldnt help taking photos there.,cant help doing sth 忍不住做某事,这

20、只大肥猫是如此的好动导致我一点都不喜欢它。(so+形/副+that+从句),Exercises in class 练习,The fat cat is so active that I dont like it at all.,这张照片太有趣了导致我们都笑了。,The picture is so funny that we all laugh.,Exercises in class,一、单项选择。()1.He was _ tired _ he fell asleep as soon as he lay down.A.too;to B.so;that C.such;that D.enough;th

21、at()2.Look,here is my new mobile phone.Its very nice.Could you tell me_?A.where to buy B.where to buy it C.where will buy it D.where I will buy二、根据句意、首字母或汉语提示完成句子。Many women have a _(手提包)with them.This T-shirt is made of _(棉花).The s_ around the girls neck makes her more beautiful.The cowboys(牛仔)in t

22、he U.S.A.like wearing j_.,B,B,handbag,cotton,carf,eans,Summary 总结,1.new words(新单词):cotton,silk,scarf,jeans,overcoat,handbag,hat,sock2.the structure of“so that”(so that的结构):“so+形容词/副词+that 从句”,The weather was so terrible that students couldnt have classes in the classroom.,The parking lot was so terr

23、ible that we couldnt park our bikes here.,The school was so dirty that teachers cleaned it five days and nights.,同义句:The weather was too terrible to have class in the classroom.,同义句:The parking lot was too terrible to park our bikes here.,Homework,1.Prepare a family photo and describe the clothes of the people.2.Preview Section B.,


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