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1、Text A Exercises,Reading Aloud,Understanding the Text,Reading Analysis,Vocabulary,Structure,Translation,TA-main,Read the following paragraphs until you have learned them by heart.,“I like animals,”I added,“because they only take out of life what they need.They dont abuse their environment,pollute th

2、eir water and the air they breathe.They dont build weapons of mass destruction and use them against others particularly members of their own species.I like animals because they have no use for those things.”“I also like animals,”I continued,“because they dont dwell on things of the past,nor use them

3、 as excuses for behavior in the present.And they dont plan to live some day in the future;they live today,this moment,fully,completely,and purely.I like animals because they live their lives with so much more freedom than humans live theirs.”,Read the following,Reading Aloud,Answer the following que

4、stions,Understandling-Answer,Why does the writer like animals?How did her family expect her to answer this question?2.Why does the writer say that animals are honest?3.When did this conversation take place?4.According to the writer,how do animals treat the environment?5.What difference lies between

5、the writer and her sister as to why animals dont do those harmful things mentioned earlier?6.According to the writer,what is the animals attitude towards life?7.How does the writers cousin explain that animals live a freer life than humans?,Understanding the Text,Topics for Discussion.,Do you agree

6、with the writers statement“Animals not humans are the best this planet has to offer?”Give your reasons.What rights do you think animals should have?,Topics-1,8.How did the family members respond to the conversation?9.According to the writer,what do we humans do to animals?10.What is the conclusion t

7、hat the writer draws about animals?11.Do her family members disagree with her?How did they respond to her talk?,Read text-1,Read Text A again and complete the following table.,1-4,5-9,Paragraph Topic Sentence Supporting Details,I like animals because they are honest.,They dont pretend to be;they don

8、t fake.,I like animals because they only take out of life what they need.,They dont their environment,their water and the air they breathe.They dont build and use them against others particularly members of.,someone theyre not,_,abuse,_,pollute,_,their feelings,_,weapons of mass destruction,_,their

9、own species,Reading Analysis,_,Read text-2,10-13,14,Paragraph Topic Sentence Supporting Details,They dont dwell on,norplan to live some day;they live,this moment,fully,completely,and purely.,I like animals because they dont do to themselves or others the things we do to them.,Animals are the most cr

10、eatures on earth.Our prejudice enables us to and them and to them.We do to them any cruel act we can think of.,they live their lives with so much more freedom than humans live theirs,_.,I like animals because,in the future,_,today,_,victimized,_,things of the past,_,use,_,exploit,_,eat,_,Read text-3

11、,15,16-18,Paragraph Topic Sentence Supporting Details,I like animals because,They dont say one thing and They are honest.,Now,if humans could only be like animals.,The conversation actually rolled into shared stories of animals theyd known,stories of animal and,theirand.,they are not hypocrites,_.,d

12、o another,_.,humor,_,intelligence,_,loyalty,_,innocence,_,Now retell the story by using the information in the table you have completed.,Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the forms where necessary.,Vocabulary-Fill in1-1,comment pretend pollute particularly freedom despite enable c

13、ruel planet argue,1.The zoo tourists to get a close look at wild animals.2.When youre trying to help someone,you dont get anywhere by with them.3.We were discussing Zhang Yimous new movie,and my brother made some interesting on it.4.Runners of all ages showed up the cold morning temperature.5.Buying

14、 organic(有机的)food is certainly one way to help save our.,comments,_,enables,_,despite,_,planet,_,arguing,_,Vocabulary,Vocabulary-Fill in1-2,She left the room quietly,not realizing that her son was just to be asleep.Its a fact that we,human beings,are the ultimate cause of the disappearing animal kin

15、gdom(王国).Dianchi,a famous fresh water lake in Yunnan Province,is heavilyand officials warn the situation is getting worse.Most poor families in this small village have difficulty sending their children,girls,to school.The teachers have been given much to choose their own,6.,7.,8.,9.,10.,pretending,_

16、,particularly,_,polluted,_,cruel,_,freedom,_,textbooks.,comment pretend pollute particularly freedom despite enable cruel planet argue,Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below.Change the forms where necessary.,Vocabulary-Fill in2-1,play with have no use for get together dwell on on earth

17、on behalf of,If you for the book anymore,you can give it to me.Sometimes the old man just sits there all day cards alone.I dont actually the dangers or worry about them,although I am aware of them.,1.,2.,,playing with,_,have no use,_,dwell on,_,Why dont we some day and have a real girls nigh

18、t?The decision is an important one as we are making it all the members.When Mary kissed him for the first time,Jim said he was the happiest man.,get together,_,on behalf of,_,on earth,_,Ask a question about the statement by using the words provided in brackets.,Structure-complete1-1,Model:,I like an

19、imals very much.(why,suppose)Why do you suppose you like animals so much?,1.The bad weather has made him change his mind.(what,guess),What do you guess has made him change his mind?,He is the winner of the speech contest.(who,guess),2.,Who do you guess is the winner of the speech contest?,_,_,Struct

20、ure,Structure-complete1-1,The results of the exam will come out next week.(when,suppose),3.,When do you suppose the results of the exam will come out?,_,They spent their vacation deep in a tropical forest in Africa.(where,imagine),4.,Where do you imagine they spent their vacation?,_,Change the sente

21、nce pattern as shown by the model.,Structure-complete2-1,Model:,Its not because they dont know how.I dont think its because they dont know how.,He will not agree with us.,1.,I dont think he will agree with us.,_,Alice cannot understand such a difficult question.,2.,I dont think Alice can understand

22、such a difficult question.,_,Structure-complete2-1,They havent made up their minds.,4.,I dont think they have made up their minds.,_,You are not at all taller than your brother.,3.,I dont think you are taller than your brother.,_,TL1,Translate the following sentences into English.,1.这份报告详述了部分物种如何因为环

23、境污染而灭绝的经过。,This report dwells on how some species were exterminated because of the polluted environment.,说实话,我觉得出于偏见的刻毒评论总比伪君子的假意称赞好。,2.,To tell the truth,I think a snide comment made out of prejudice is better than faked praise given by a hypocrite.,_,_,玛丽代表全体员工反驳经理,她争辩说限制员工自由是残忍的,并且最终将使公司名誉受损。,3.,

24、Mary countered the manager on behalf of all the employees by arguing that its cruel to limit the employees freedom and it will eventually affect the companys reputation.,_,Translation,TL2,到底是什么使得一些人,尤其是一些高官,不顾法律(law)而滥用职权?,What on earth has enabled some people,particularly certain high officials,to

25、abuse their powers despite the law?,我不认为成功仅仅与智力有关。其实很多好的品质(quality)比如纯真、诚实、幽默和忠诚等,也可以帮助我们成功。,5.,I dont think success is merely related to intelligence.In fact,many good qualities,such as innocence,honesty,humor and loyalty,can help us succeed,too.,说来也怪,这个笑话居然没有引来捧腹大笑,甚至连一丝笑声都没有。难道观众(audience)在装严肃?,S

26、trangely enough,the joke did not bring about hearty laughter,not even a hint of any.Could it be that the audience was pretending to be serious?,_,_,_,4.,6.,GR1,Grammar Review,动词-ing形式与不定式的比较(3),在某些情况下既能使用不定式,也能使用-ing形式,但有时两种形式所表达的意义是有差别的。,下面的动词后用不定式或用-ing形式作宾语,意义上几乎无差别:begin,start,prefer,continue。但当

27、这些动词用于进行时的时候,后面一般用不定式。,1.,下面的一些动词后用不定式或用-ing形式作宾语,在意义上是有差别的:remember,forget,regret,try,mean。,2.,She started to cry.=She started crying.They continued to talk.=They continued talking.I didnt begin reading the book until she came in.=I didnt begin to read the book until she came in.Its starting/beginn

28、ing to rain.(不用:Its starting/beginning raining.),He has forgotten to meet her.他忘了要去见她。(表示要发生的动作)He has forgotten meeting her last year.他忘了去年曾见过她。(表示已经发生的动作)He tried to learn Japanese.他试图学习日语。(想做某事),GR2,go on,stop后跟不定式和跟-ing形式在意义上也是有差别的。,3.,He tried learning Japanese.他试着学习日语。(尝试做某事)We regret to infor

29、m you that your application has not been successful.我们遗憾地通知您,您的申请没有成功。He regretted having mentioned it.他后悔提到了这件事。I mean to go and nothing is going to stop me.我决意要走,什么也阻拦不了我。The key to endurance running is to conserve energy.This means using as little energy as needed to move oneself forward.耐力跑的要诀是保

30、存能量。这意味着用所需的最小能量使自己向前移动。,After reading the text,the teacher went on to explain the new words.读完课文后,老师接着解释生词。(接下去做另一件事)He said nothing but just went on working.他什么也没说,只是继续干活。(继续做同一件事)They stopped to take a few pictures.他们停下来拍了几张照片。(停下来去做另一件事)They stopped taking pictures.他们停止了照相。(停止做某事),GR5,Rewrite th

31、e following sentences,using the words in brackets.,1.John isnt here.Phone his home number to see if hes there.(try,phone),2.He was walking along the street.He stopped.Then he took a picture.(stop,take),John isnt here.Try phoning his home number to see if hes there.,_,3.I needed to ask him for his ad

32、dress.But I didnt do it.(forget,ask),4.We are sorry to inform you the model you want is out of stock(脱销).(regret,inform),Model:,I went to London in 2002.I still remember it.(remember,go)I remember going to London in 2002.,Walking along the street,he stopped to take a picture.,_,I forgot to ask him f

33、or his address.,_,We regret to inform you the model you want is out of stock.,_,GR6,5.They wanted to pass the exam.They studied very hard for it.(try,pass),6.We turned the lights off before we came out.I remember it.(remember,turnoff),7.I heard this piece of music when I was lonely.Ill never forget

34、that experience.(forget,hear),8.I gave up the job.I feel sorry about it.(regret,give up),9.I used to eat chocolate.But I stopped last year.(stop,eat),I regret giving up the job.,_,They tried to pass the exam.,_,I remember turning the lights off before we came out.,_,Ill never forget hearing this pie

35、ce of music when I was lonely.,_,I stopped eating chocolate last year.,_,10.She first told us her plan.Then she told us how she would carry it out.(go on,tell),She first told us her plan and then went on to tell us how she would carry it out.,_,PW1,Practical Writing,Telephone Messages,When a telepho

36、ne is answered on behalf of another person,a clear and concise message should be written.Most organizations have a message pad specifically designed for that purpose.Often it is possible to simply write down the callers name;the person for whom the message is intended;and fill in the callers telepho

37、ne number.Sometimes it is important to write down a specific direction or message.This falls into the category of a short message and must express clearly and briefly what the caller wishes to communicate.If the caller wants the person to take some action based on his/her message,it may be good to n

38、umber the points to help clarify the instructions.,How to take a telephone message,PW2,For example,if the message is something like:Would you tell him that I cant meet him until 1:30?If thats okay,tell him not to ring me back but just to be there.Also we cant have lunch at Geralds.Theyre full.It wil

39、l have to be at Georges around the corner.Actually hed better ring me back or else I wont know whether to wait or not.Thanks.Bye.This is an example of a brief message outlining the above details:,DATE:10/5/04 TIME:12:00 p.m.TO:Peter FROM:Jane Please meet Jane at 1:30 instead of 1:00 it will have to

40、be Georges,not Geralds.Ring back to confirm.,PW3,Or if the message is like this:Ask Mr.Smith to ring me back please.The name is Potter.Im at 3212-3212.I will be out at lunchtime,but it is important that I speak to him as soon as possible.I have left this message on his mobile phone as well,so you ma

41、y not need to give him the message at all.See what you can do but it is quite urgent.I should be back by 2:00 at the latest.He could try my mobile phone but it will be turned off while Im actually eating lunch.My assistant will be there and he hates to be disturbed by the sound of the phone while we

42、 are trying to get some work done and eat lunch.Thanks very much.,DATE:10/5/04 TIME:12:00 p.m.TO:Mr.Smith FROM:Mr.PotterPlease ring 3212-3212 after 2 p.m.it is quite urgent.Hes left a message on your mobile too.,PW6,Read the following telephone message and complete the information by filling in the

43、blanks below.,A:Leisure and Business Travel,Lucia speaking.How may I help you?B:Can I speak to Charles,please?A:Im afraid hes out to lunch.Can I take a message?B:Yes,please.My names Dryden.A:Thats D-R-Y-D-E-N,isnt it?,B:,Thats right.Im ringing about a ticket to Hong Kong.Charles was getting me a red

44、uced fare.Anyway he said this reduced fare was only available in December and I want to check that because I may not be coming back until January.,PW7,A:OK.Ill get Charles to call you back.Can you give me a contact number?B:Im at work at the moment and the number here is 051-4488-2279.A:Right,well r

45、ing you back this afternoon.B:Ill be in the office until 6.A:Thank you very much.,MESSAGETo:From:LuciaDate:22 November,2004 Time:13:301.When you were out called.2.Please ring him about a fare to Hong Kong.You can ring him on until 6 p.m.,Charles,_,051-4488-2279,_,Dryden,_,reduced,_,PW8,Read the foll

46、owing telephone message and complete the information by filling in the blanks below.,(J=Jim;G=Gerald Rivers)J:Hello,Gerald.Its Jim.Is Peter there?G:Im sorry,Jim.Hes just left the office.J:What time will he be back?G:Not till tomorrow,Im afraid.Can I take a message?J:Yes,OK.Its about a training cours

47、e hes interested in.Could you tell him the name of the course is“Managing People,”and its on July 13th?,PW9,Telephone MessageFor:Taken by:Date:7/3/2004 Time:4:00 p.m.Message:,G:OK,so thats“Managing People”on July 13th.J:Yes,so hell have to be quick if hes interested.The woman who runs the course is

48、called Joanna Little,and he should call her directly.Her numbers 032-4388-7762.G:OK,Jim.Ill make sure he gets this when he comes in.,Jim rang about the training course you are interested in.Its called“Managing People”and the next one is on July 13th.If youre interested,call Joanna Little at 032-4388

49、-7762.,_,Peter,_,Gerald,_,Exercises,Answer the following questions.,What did von Osten think of animals?What did von Osten do to prove what he thought was right?Did the students stick to the end?Why did von Osten put flaps at the sides of Hans eyes?What did von Osten use to teach Hans the numbers on

50、e to nine?How well did Hans learn arithmetic?What else did Hans learn?What did some mathematicians think of Hansperformance?What did the mathematicians find when they tested Hans?How was the second test different from the first one?Why did Hans fail in the second test?What was the result of von Oste


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