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1、Interpretation,口译笔试中数字的处理和训练,Interview,听录音,做笔记。音频资料中级口译中级口译.mp3,Numbers,数字向来是口译过程中的一个难点。建议可用“点三杠四”的方法来处理听到的数字,即“点”代表英语表达,“杠”代表汉语表达。,contents,数字的转换(Switch Numbers)Number Readings常用表达方式数字背诵句数字练习段落练习音频资料,数字的转换(Switch Numbers),让我们看一看英汉数字单位的对应表(新东方口译教研组专用)thou=thousand mn=million bn=billion,千以内的数字转换相对比较简

2、单,千亿以外的数字转换在口译中不太常见,所以我们尤其要在万到千亿这个范围内的数字转换上下功夫。数字单位必须苦练,才能做到在口译中数字已出现,相应的单位(中或英)就在脑海中反应出来。一开始可以像口诀一样有节奏地念:one thou,ten thou,hundred thouone mil,ten mil,hundred mil,one bil,ten bil,hundred,bil而在念的同时脑子迅速反映它的对应汉语单位。,按上述表中的数字对应规律将出现的所有数字迅速以目标语的正确单位翻出。一遍不行再练一遍,成百上千遍地练,最终达到不经思索,脱口而出的地步。,Number Readings,(1

3、)年号的读法:1979nineteen seventy-nine or nineteen hundred(and)seventy-nine;(2)电话号码、货币的读法:1023one o two three;1227one double two(or two two)seven;4.25four dollars(and)twenty-five(cents);,(3)小数点的读法:13.91thirteen decimal(point)nineone;0.23=nought point two three;(4)算术式的读法:2+3=5 Two plus three is(equals,is e

4、qual to)five.5-3=2 Five minus three is equal to two.32=6 Three times two is six.or Three by two are six.93=3 Nine divided by three makes three.,(5)百分数的读法 89%eighty nine per cent(6)分数的读法 1/3one-third 3/4three-fourths 23/32twenty-three over thirty-two,数字练习,常用表达方式,占 account for;make up;cover;达到 come to

5、;climb to;jump to;reach;arrive at;stand at;hit累计达,共计 add up to;amount to;total;a cumulative total;an accumulative total;the total number of;bring the total number of to,提高,增长,增加 by“了”increase/rise/be raised/go up/grow to“到”fromto be on increase;up降低,下降,减少 by Decrease/drop/decline/reduce/go down/fall

6、 to fromto be on decrease;down,打折扣 口译数字的时候还要注意汉语的“打折”。英语中用discount;deduct;subtract,即“扣去成”的意思。打八折:twenty percent discount,20%off the price,数字背诵句,1.In 2001,Chinas GDP reached 9.5933 trillion yuan,almost tripling that of 1989,representing an average annual increase of 9.3 percent.二一年,我国国内生产总值达到九万五千九百三十

7、三亿元,比一九八九年增长近两倍,年均增长百分之九点三。注意triple(增至三倍,三倍的)这样的以非数字形式出现的“数据”,特别要引起注意,类似的还有:double,quadruple,tertiary在中高级口译试题中均出现过。,2.Efforts will be made to quadruple the GDP of the year 2000 by 2020.国内生产总值到二二年力争比二年翻两番。3.The earths moon is located an average of 239,000 miles from the earth.It has a diameter of 2,1

8、36 miles,and its gravity is one-sixth that of earths.月亮离地球约有239,000英里远,其直径为2136英里,重力为地球的1/6。,4.Unemployment has risen to over three million for the first time in six years and analysts expect the jobless total to rise by a further 40,000 this month.Manufacturing output has meanwhile steadied,after a

9、 nought point five per cent decrease last month.失业人数六年来首次突破3百万。专家预测本月失业人数约新增4万,而制造业产量继上个月下跌百分之零点五之后已趋稳定。注意naught(nought)point five=0.5 naught=0 零的其他形式:zero,O,cypher(cipher),nil,nothing,love(限于网球比分),5.Except Xinjiang,output value of the secondary industry of other Chinese provinces occupies more than

10、 40%of its GDP,while output value of the tertiary industry occupies more than 30%in most of the provinces.除新疆以外,中国其他省份的工业值占GDP的百分之四十几,而第三产业的产值在大部分省份中占有的比值均超过30%。,6.Steel production this week totalled 327 289 metric tonnes,down 1.4%from 332 103 tonnes a week earlier but up 9.8%from 298 100 tonnes in

11、the same week of 2003.本周钢产量总数为327,289公吨,比上一周的332,103公吨下降1.4%,而与2003年同一周的数据298,100公吨比较增加了9.8%。,7.The amount of savings of urban and rural residents have increased over 71.4 per cent from 21.06 billion yuan in 1978 to 1,520.35 billion yuan in 1993.城乡居民的储蓄从1978年的210亿6千万元增加到1993年的1万5千2百零3亿5千万元,上升71.4个百分

12、点。,8.As compared with the same period last year,the price of rice,wheat,maize and soybean rose by 16.2%,18.1%,22.8%and 29.5%respectively.与去年同期相比,米,麦,玉米,大豆的价格分别提升了16.2%,18.1%,22.8%和29.5%。,9.With over 40,000 US-invested enterprises,the paid-in value of the total US investment in China now stands at 43

13、 billion US dollars.Of the top 500 US companies,more than 400 have come to China,and most of them are making a handsome profit.今天,美国在华投资设立企业超过4万家,实际投资430亿美元。美国500强企业中,已有400多家进入中国,大多数企业获利丰厚。,10.Chinas GDP in 1997 amounts to US$902 billion.This figure ranks No.7 behind USA(US$7819.3 billion),Japan(US$

14、4223.4 billion),German(US$2115.4 billion),France(US$1393.8 billion),Britain(US$1278.4 billion)and Italy(US$1146.2 billion).From 1979 to 1997,Chinas average annual growth rate is 9.8 percent,6.5 percentage points higher than that of the world.1997年中国的国民生产总值达到902 bn美元,在世界排名第七,仅次于美国(7819.3bn),日本(4223.4

15、bn),德国(2115.4bn),法国(1393.8bn),英国(1278.4bn)和意大利(1146.2bn),从1979年到1997年,中国的平均年增长率的为9.8%,比世界平均值高出6.5个百分点注:billion(十亿)可缩写为bn,million为mn,11.In 1999,Chinas gross domestic product(GDP),which came to only RMB 362.41 billion yuan in 1978,amounted to 7955.3 billion yuan,20-fold increase over 1978.China ranks

16、No.7 in terms of total supply and demand and No.1 in terms of economic growth rate.1999年,中国的国内生产总值达到7955.3bn元,相比1978年的362.41bn元,增长了20倍。中国在总供给和需求方面排名世界第七,而在经济增长率上排名第一注:20-fold 20倍 many-fold 许多倍,12.China hit 9.1 percent in GDP growth in 2003,despite the impact of SARS epidemic,a record since the Asian

17、 Financial Crisis in the late 1990s.尽管有非典的影响,2003年中国的国内生产总值增长率达9.1%,创18世纪90年代后期亚洲金融危机以来的最高纪录。,13.China contributed to about four percent of the worlds total GDP in 2003 by consuming 7.4 percent of the oil,31 percent of the coal,27 percent of steel,25 percent of alumina and 40 percent of the cement,c

18、onsumed worldwide.2003年中国的GDP是世界总GDP的4%,消耗了世界7.4%的油,31%的煤,27%的钢,25%的氧化铝以及40%的水泥。,数字练习,1.到1996年底,在机关、企事业等单位工作的女干部已达1328万人,占干部总数的33.8%.By the end of 1996,the number of women cadres in government departments,enterprises and institutions had climbed to 13.28 million,making up 33.8%of the total number of

19、 cadres in China.2.1998年西藏全区粮食总产量达85万吨,比1995年增长4.6倍.In 1998,the total grain output of the Tibet Autonomous Region stood at 850,000 tons,or 5.6 times the 1995 figure.,3.截止1994年底,全国参加失业保险的职工总数达9500万人.By the end of 1994,the total number of workers and staff participating in the unemployment insurance p

20、rogram had reached 95 million throughout the country.4.从1962年至1972年,中国年平均出生人口2669万,累计出生了3亿.From 1962 to 1972,the annual number of births in China averaged 26.69 million,totaling 300 million.,5.律师事务所达到8625家,比上年增加1065家,增长14.8%.The number of lawyers offices reached 8265,up 1065 or 14.8%.6.中国城镇人均住房面积由3.

21、6 平方米增加到7.5平方米.In Chinese cities and towns,the per-capita housing increased from 3.6 square meters to 7.5 square meters.,7.到1994 年,中国的文盲人数已下降到1.5亿,文盲率下降为17%.In 1994,the total number of Chinas illiterates dropped to 150 million,and the illiteracy rate dropped to 17%.8.到1998年,西藏已拥有各级各类学校4365所,文盲率减少了47

22、 个百分点.By 1998,there were 4365 schools of all levels in the Tibet Autonomous Region and the illiteracy rate has been reduced by 47 percentage points.,9.如果买十件,可以打九五折。If you buy ten pieces,you can get a five percent discount.10.清仓大拍卖!全部按货价打九折。Rummage Sale!10%discount off/on the prices of all goods!11.许

23、多服装打八五折 A lot of garments are selling with fifteen per cent discount.,段落练习,自从成立以来的15年里,本公司有了很大的发展,年出口额从1987年的一千一百万美元上升为2002年的四亿二千八百万美元,年进口额为一亿零一百万美元。进出口总额达到五亿二千九百万美元。在中国500家进出口公司中,本公司排名第20位,我们还和一百多个国家的1800家企业和公司建立了商业关系。,For 15 years since its inauguration,the corporation has had great development wi

24、th its annual export value rising from US 11 million in 1987 to US 428 million in 2002,and annual import value of US101 million.The total volume of imports and exports has reached US 529 million.Among Chinas 500 biggest import and export enterprises,our corporation ranks 20th and we have established business relations with 1,800 enterprises and companies in more than 100 countries.,数字音频练习:音频资料数字音频练习实战口译汉英1.mp3音频资料数字音频练习实战口译汉英2.mp3音频资料数字音频练习实战口译汉英3.mp3音频资料数字音频练习实战口译英汉1.mp3,


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