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1、急性有机磷农药中毒的护理查房,Acute organophosphate pesticide poisoning(AOPP)care rounds,2011/8/18,病例介绍 伍南臻,患者,周桂云,女性,46岁入院时间:2011-08-07主诉:呕吐、口吐白沫、神志不清、大小便失禁4小时,Patients,guiyun Zhou,female,46years old Admission time:2011-08-07Chief Complaint:vomiting,foaming at the mouth,confusion,incontinence 4 hours,基本资料,1,病例介绍,

2、现病史:患者于4小时前因争吵后自服农药(半硫磷)约100ML,服用后出现神志改变。,History of present illness,For four hours after an argument with his family before,She take the pesticide about 100Milliliters,Pesticides considered for the half sulphur phosphoric.After take appear mind change.,病例介绍,家人行紧急救治后送入当地医院行洗胃治疗,于2011-08-07 12:20急诊平车

3、转入我院肾病内科,Patients after medication with vomiting,after the emergency salvage,she was send to the local hospital for gastric lavage for her famliy.In august 7,2011 12:20,She was transferred to our hospital nephropathy internal medicine with emergency flatcar.,病例介绍,转运途中出现呕吐,大小便失禁症状。门诊以“急性有机磷农药中毒”收治。起病

4、以来,精神差,体重无明显变化。,In transit,Patients had repeated vomiting and Elimination of urine and feces are not controlled by herself,Clinic diagnosis is AOPP,After the patient is admitted to hospital,her Spirit was so bad and weight did not have significantly change.,病例介绍,既往有肺脓肿病史,已行部分肺叶切除术,术中有输血,有青霉素过敏史。,she

5、 had lung abscess before,and was done a partial lobectomy,in that operation,She had a blood transfusion.The most important is she had the Penicillin allergy.,病例介绍 全凤春,体格检查:T35.8 P126次/分 R20次/分 BP109/69mmHg,Physical examination:Temperature:35.8,Pulse:126 Beat Per Minute,respiration:20 Beat Per Minute

6、,Blood Press 109/69mmHg,病例介绍,神志浅昏迷,双侧瞳孔等大等圆3mm,对光反射迟钝,口唇发绀,皮肤湿冷,双肺呼吸音粗,可闻及大量湿性啰音。,Coma consciousness,Pupils are equal roundness and same size with 3mm,reaction to light shows delay,while the lips is cyanotic,Breath sound shows Coarse while it Can be heard and a lot of wet rales.,病例介绍,心率 126次/分,肠鸣音活跃

7、,四肢肌张力稍高,无自主活动,病理反射未引出。,Heart rate is 126Beat Per Minute,borhorygmus shows increased,Limb muscle tone is slightly higher,there is no independent activity,Pathological reflex is not elicited.,病例介绍 刘伟明,入院诊断:1、急性重症农药中毒(半硫磷)2、中毒性心肌炎 3、吸入性肺炎,Admission diagnosis:1、severe acute pesticide poisoning(half sul

8、phur phosphorous)2、toxic myocarditis 3、aspiration pneumonia,主要病情变化 马志群,8-8 01:40T39.1摄氏度,予温水擦浴 05:20 患者开始出现躁动,予丙泊酚5毫升IV 效果不明显,予地西泮镇静,One forty on august 8th,the patients body temperature rises to thirty-one point one degrees celsius,we give him a warm water bath.Five twenty,the patient begin to appe

9、ar restless,propoful five milliliter intravenens injection,the effect is not obvious,to the diazepam sedation.,病例介绍,12:30 患者躁动不安,血氧饱和度波动在70%-80%请麻醉科及ICU会诊后考虑气管插管脱出予重新插管14:50 患者转入ICU,Twelve thirty,the patient is restless,fluctuations of oxygen satturation in seventy percent to eighty percent.then ple

10、ase anesthesia and intensive care unit consulation,considering the endotracheal to be extrusion,to reintubation for him.Fourteen fifty,the patient is transforred to the intensive care unit,病例介绍 贺 舒,转入ICU时情况:体温37.3,脉搏140次/分,呼吸35次/分,血压116/87mmHg,血氧饱和度95%,When transferred to ICU conditions:temperature

11、37.3,pulse 140 beats/min,breathing 35 times/min,blood pressure 116/87mmHg,oxygen saturation 95%.,病例介绍,神志镇静中,躁动不安,两侧瞳孔等大等圆4mm,对光反射迟钝,气管插管,呼吸机辅 助呼吸,气道内少量痰液,皮肤干燥。,conscious sedation,irritability,Pupils are equal roundness and same size with 4mm,reaction to light shows delay,endotracheal intubation,mech

12、anical ventilation,Within a few airway sputum,dry skin.,病例介绍,双肺可闻及中等量湿性啰音,腹部叩诊呈鼓音,诊断为:1.急性有机磷农药中毒;2.吸入性肺炎、1型呼吸衰竭;3.中毒性心肌炎。,double-lung can be heard and moderate moist rales,The drum sound abdominal sound The diagnosis is:1:acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning;2:aspiration pneumonia,type 1 resp

13、iratory failure;3:toxic myocarditis.,病例介绍,予以呼吸机辅助呼吸,留置胃管,胃肠减压,留置深静脉导管,遵医嘱予抗感染、护胃、护心、解毒、导泻等对症支持治疗。,To mechanical ventilation,indwelling stomach tube,decompression,indwelling venous catheters,prescribed to fight infection,protect stomach mucosa,protection of heart function,detoxification,catharsis,sym

14、ptomatic and supportive treatment.,病例介绍 苏敏,现患者的情况:神志模糊,躁动不安,双侧瞳孔等大瞪圆3mm,对光反射迟钝,皮肤干燥。,The current situation of patients:mind fuzzy,restless,Pupils are equal roundness and same size with 4mm,reaction to light shows delay,the skin is dry.,病例介绍,有发热,最高体温39,予物理降温。血压稳定,仍给予阿托品间断静推。,with fever,the maximum te

15、mperature about 39,to the physical cooling.Blood pressure stability,intermittent intravenous injection of atropine,病例介绍,气道内有少量的黄色痰液,双肺未闻及湿啰音,四肢有自主活动。,there were a few of the airway yellow sputum,double lung not smell and wet go sound,limbs have independent activities.,病例介绍,主要的实验室检查 8-7 WBC 27.3*109/

16、L,CHE 23KU/L,8-8尿常规RBC2-4/HP,K+3.38 mmol/L,钙离子1.73 mmol/L,CHE 10KU/L,心肌酶、肝功能基本正常,The main laboratory tests On 8-7 The patient s WBC is 27.3*109/L and CHE is 23 KU/L.On 8-8 Form the Routine Examination of Urine on high power lens we can see 2 to 4 red blood cells,The patient s Potassium is 3.38 mmol/

17、L,calcium is 1.73 mmol/L and Cardiac enzyme and liver function are normal.CHE 10.0KU/L,病例介绍,8-9 CHE 8.0 KU/L,。胸片提示:肺部感染及双侧胸膜炎。8-12血常规正常,CHE32 KU/L,On 8-9,CHE 8.0KU/L;Chest X ray tip:lung infection and bilateral pleurisy.On 8-12 Blood routine is normal,and CHE is 32KU/L,病因与发病机制 谢妹娜,病因生产及使用过程的不当:如生产设备

18、密封不严导致化学毒物泄漏;喷洒杀虫药过程中经皮肤和呼吸道吸收,EtiologyImproper production and use:For example,production equipment sealed poorly result in leakage of chemical toxicant;in the process of spraying pesticide,absorbed through skin and airway.,病因与发病机制,生活性中毒:主要由于自服、误服或摄入被污染的水源和实物水果等。,Living poisoning:Mainly due to drink

19、ing or eating contaminated water and fruit voluntarily or by mistake etc.,病因与发病机制,有机磷农药中毒机制主要是抑制体内胆碱酯酶的活性。正常情况下,胆碱能神经兴奋所释放的递质乙酰胆碱被胆碱酯酶水解为乙酸及胆碱而失去活性。,Mechanism of poisoningThe Primary mechanism of organophosphate pesticide poisoning is inhibition of the action of cholinesterase in body.In general,exc

20、itement of cholinergic nerve releases neurotransmitter-acetylcholine which can be hydrolyzed to choline and acetic acid by cholinesterase and lose its activity.,病因与发病机制,有机磷农药进入人体后与体内胆碱酯酶迅速结合形成磷酰化胆碱酯酶,使胆碱酯酶失去水解乙酰胆碱的能力。,Once organophosphate pesticides enter into body,it will bind rapidly to cholineste

21、rase and form phosphorylated cholinesterase,thus make cholinesterase lose the ability to hydrolyze acetylcholine.,病因与发病机制,导致组织中的乙酰胆碱过量蓄积,产生胆碱能神经功能紊乱,先表现为兴奋,然后出现抑制。,bring out excessive accumulation of acetycholine in tissue,Which result in disfunction of Cholinergic Nerve.It manifestates excitement a

22、t first and then inhibition.,护理评估 Nursing assessment 袁清红,临床表现胆碱能危象急性有机磷农药中毒的典型表现,Clinical SituationCholinergiccrisis Typical performance of AOPP.,护理评估 Nursing assessment,毒蕈碱样症状主要是副交感神经兴奋所致,临床表现有恶心,呕吐,腹痛,多汗,流涎,瞳孔缩小,支气管痉挛,分泌物增多,心率减慢,气急,严重者出现肺水肿,MuscarinicsymptomsMainlycausedbytheparasympatheticnervous

23、excitement,Clinicalmanifestationshavenausea,vomiting,abdominalpain,sweating,salivation,miosis,bronchospasmandIncreasedsecretions heart rate decreased,dyspnea,the serious cases appear pulmonary edema.,护理评估 Nursing assessment,烟碱样症状患者常有肌束颤动,肌肉强直性痉挛,心率加快,甚至全身抽搐,最后出现肌麻痹,呼吸肌麻痹引起周围性呼吸衰竭,Nicotine-likesympto

24、msPatientsoftenhavemusclebundleof trembling,tetanic spasm,heartrateincreased,Even the whole body twitching,finally,myoplegia happen,breath myoparalysiscause peripheralrespiratoryfailure,护理评估 Nursing assessment,中枢神经系统症状表现为头晕,头痛,疲乏无力,共济失调,烦躁不安,意识模糊,抽搐及昏迷,CentralnervoussystemsymptomsManifestedasdizzine

25、ss,headache,fatigue,ataxia,irritability,confusion,convulsionsandcoma,护理评估 Nursing assessment 莫思慧,急性有机磷中毒分为轻、中、重三级:轻度中毒:头晕、头痛、恶心、呕吐、多汗、流涎、视力模糊、瞳孔缩小、全血胆碱脂酶活力一般在7050。,AOPP can be divided into 3 grades:mild,moderate,severeMild poisoning:dizziness,headache,nausea,vomiting,sweating,salivation,blurred visi

26、on,miosis,and the whole blood cholinesterase activity was in the 50 70%,护理评估 Nursing assessment,中度中毒:除上述症状外,还出现肌纤维颤动、瞳孔明显缩小、轻度呼吸困难、大汗、腹痛、腹泻、意识清楚或轻度障碍、步态蹒跚。全血胆碱脂酶活力降至5030。,Moderate poisoning:In addition to these above,symptoms also include muscular fibrillation,mild dyspnea,sweat,abdominal pain,diarr

27、hea,clear or mild disorders of consciousness,and staggering gait.Whole blood cholinesterase activity declined to 50%-30%.,护理评估 Nursing assessment,重度中毒:除上述症状外,发生肺水肿、惊厥、昏迷及呼吸麻痹。全血胆碱脂酶活力降至30以下。,Severe poisoning:In addition to these above,symptoms also include pulmonary edema,convulsions,coma and respir

28、atory paralysis.Whole blood cholinesterase activity declined to below 30%.,护理评估 Nursing assessment 王丽炜,有机磷农药中毒后,经急救临床症状好转,可在数日到一周内突然再次发生昏迷,甚至发生肺水肿或突然死亡,此为中毒后反跳现象。,Organophosphorus pesticide poisoning were the first aid clinical symptom,can be in a few days to get better within a week,even happen aga

29、in suddenly a pulmonary edema or sudden death,says bounce phenomenon.,护理评估 Nursing assessment,这与残留在皮肤、毛发和胃肠道的有机磷农药重吸收或解毒药 停用过早或减量过快等原因有关。,This and remain in the skin,hair and the gastrointestinal tract is absorbed by heavy or antidote to credit dose or reasons such as too early on.,护理评估 Nursing asse

30、ssment,在急性中毒症状缓解后迟发性神经病变发病前,一般在中毒后2496小时突然发生以呼吸肌麻痹为主的症状群,称“中间型综合征”。,In patients with acute poisoning symptoms after the late-occurred neuropathy,generally in the poisoning before 24 to 96 hours after happen suddenly by respiratory muscular paralysis primarily the symptoms,says middle type syndrome.,

31、护理评估 Nursing assessment,发病机制可能与胆碱酯酶长期受到抑制,影响神经肌肉接头突触后功能有关。,The mechanism may and cholinesterase long-term effect is restrained,neuromuscular postsynaptic functioning.,治疗原则 严超,治疗原则我们都知道,中毒后,我们要迅速清除毒物,一般来说越快洗胃效果越好,Treatment principle As we know,the most important of all is removing toxic as quickly as

32、 we can when someone poisoned.Generally speaking,the faster lavage the better effect we get.,治疗原则,幸运的是,这个病人中毒后4小时就在当地医院洗胃。另外,导泻也是一个好办法。,Fortunately,that patient lavaged in local hospital after drinking toxic 4 hours.In addition,guiding diarrhea is an effective measure.,治疗原则,第二,促进毒物进一步排除也十分重要,在此,我们应用

33、的是血流灌注。,Secondly,promoting discharge poison is necessary,we used blood perfusion for her.,治疗原则,第三,特殊解毒剂的应用,如阿托品、碘解磷定,这取得不错的效果。,Thirdly,the application of the special effects antidote such as atropine and pralidoxime iodide.Thus,the doctors achieved good results in the process of that treatmeat.,治疗原则

34、,最后也是非常重要的一点,对症支持治疗。抗感染,促进炎症消散;护胃,保护胃黏膜;护心,治疗中毒性心肌炎;,The last but not least,Symptomatic support treatment including Fighting infection to promote inflammation dissolve;Protecting stomach to care gastric mucosa;Heart care,it is positive for toxic myocarditis.,治疗原则,升压、降温,维持生命体征平稳很重要镇静,细心照顾他,安慰情绪尽快纠酸和纠

35、正电解质紊乱,以稳定内环境,Elevating blood pressure and decreasing temperature are of importance to maintain vital signs smoothly;we should better calm down her emotion and take care of tenderly.As quickly as possible to correct acidosis and electrolytes disturbance to stable inner condition.,护理诊断 Nursing diagno

36、sis 彭瑜,气体交换受损 与肺水肿有关清理呼吸道无效 与呼吸道炎症、气道分泌物增多有关急性神志改变 与胆碱能神经功能紊乱有关,Impaired gas exchange Relating to pulmonaryedemaAcute consciousness changing Relating to cholinergic disturbancesIneffective airway clearance Relating to airways inflammation and airway secretions increasing.,护理诊断 Nursing diagnosis,有效血容

37、量不足 与大量呕吐、感染等有关 体温过高 与肺部感染、应用阿托品等有关有受伤的危险 与躁动不安有关有猝死的危险 与毒物的重吸收和阿托品使用不当有关,Risk for Sudden Death Relating to poison absorbing and the wrongly using of atropineHyperthermia Relating to Lung Infection and application atropine etcRisk for injury Relating to restlessnessInsufficient of blood decrease Rel

38、ating to profuse vomiting,infection and so on.,护理措施 刘 萍,迅速清除毒物清除胃内毒物 催吐:神志清楚、能合作的服毒者,可行催吐。让患者饮温水300500毫升,然后用压舌板或患者手指刺激咽后壁或舌根部引起呕吐。,Quickly remove toxic removal of the undigested poisons Emetic:This only applies to the pations who can cooperate with,Let the patient drink warm water 300 to 500 ml,and

39、then with a spatula or finger stimulate patients,posterior pharyngeal wall or the base of the tongue caused vomiting,护理措施,洗胃:一般在服药后6小时内洗胃有效,但如果超过6小时,仍有洗胃的必要。导泻:洗胃后灌入泻药以清除进入肠道的毒物,常用硫酸钠或硫酸镁。清除皮肤上的毒物 脱去污染的衣服,用肥皂水或大量清水冲洗皮肤和毛发。,Gastric lavage:generally within 6 hours.if more than 6 hours,it is also neces

40、sary for gastric lavage.Catharsis:after gastric lavage we can fill laxatives to clear the intestinal poison,commonly used sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate.Clear the skin.Remove contaminated clothing,wash the skin and hair with soap water.,护理措施,促进已吸收毒物排出 利尿 绝大多数毒物由肾脏排泄人工透析,Promotion has been absor

41、bing poison out Diuresis:The vast majority of poison excreted by the kidneys,Artificial dialysis,护理措施 龙丽娟,应用阿托品的观察与护理抢救治疗中使用阿托品的原则:早期,足量,快速,反复给药,直到阿托品化后再逐渐减量或延长间隔时间。,Application of atropine observation and nursing The rescue of the principle of treatment using atropine:early,enough,fast,repeated dos

42、e,until the atropine again after reducing gradually or extend the time interval.,护理措施,阿托品化和阿托品中毒的剂量接近,后者可引起抽搐、昏迷等。因此使用过程中应严密观察病情变化,注意区别“阿托品化”与阿托品中毒。,The cause atropine and atropine toxic dosage is close,the latter can cause convulsions,coma,etc.Therefore when using atropine we should monitor the con

43、dition changes,and pay attention to the distinction between the atropine and atropine poisoning.,护理措施,阿托品化的表现包括:意识清楚或模糊颜面潮红、干燥瞳孔由小扩大后不再缩小体温正常或轻度升高心率120次分,脉搏快而有力。,The performance of atropine include:(1)clear consciousness or fuzzy(2)red and dry face(3)the pupil become big and not small any more(4)and

44、 the temperature is normal or little raise(5)the heart rate is more than 120 times every minute,and the pulse fast and powerful,护理措施,阿托品化的表现包括:意识清楚或模糊颜面潮红、干燥瞳孔由小扩大后不再缩小体温正常或轻度升高心率120次分,脉搏快而有力。,The performance of atropine include:(1)clear consciousness or fuzzy(2)red and dry face(3)the pupil become b

45、ig and not small any more(4)and the temperature is normal or little raise(5)the heart rate is more than 120 times every minute,and the pulse fast and powerful,护理措施,阿托品中毒的表现包括:谵妄、躁动、幻觉、双手抓空、抽搐、昏迷皮肤紫红、干燥瞳孔极度散大高热,T40心动过速,甚至有室颤发生,Atropine poisoning performance including:(1)the delirium,agitated,illusion

46、,convulsions,coma(2)amaranthine and dry skin(3)the pupils extremely enlarge(4)high fever,the temperature 40 centigrade(5)tachycardia and even a ventricular fibrillation happen.,护理措施 王洁,应用胆碱酯酶复能药的观察和护理首先,你必须尽早用药。第二,轻度中毒,你可以单独使用这个药物,但是中度以上中毒,你必须和阿托品一起使用。,The clinical observation and nursing of the app

47、lication of acetyl cholinesterase:First,you must use the medicine early.Second,light poisoning you can use the medicine,but if bad poisoning,you can use the atropine together.,护理措施,第三,很高的浓度或快速注射能引起中毒,所以你必须稀释后使用,注意给药速度。第四,不可皮下注射,确定针头在血管内方可用药。,Third,Much high concentration or fast injection can cause

48、poisoning.so you must dilute the medicine.Pay attention to the medicine speed.Fourth,you can not use an intramuscular injection.When you want to inject it,you must define the pin in the vein.,护理措施 丁广湘,气管插管和呼吸机的护理体位:患者卧床休息,予抬高床头3040固定:导管固定要牢靠,确定导管已准确插入气管后,用长胶布将导管和牙垫一起捆扎固定;,Tracheal intubation and bre

49、athing machine care.Body Position:bed rest for the patient with bed raising 3040Fix:The catheter should be firmly fixed to make sure that it is inserted into trachea and be tied together with teeth cushion through adhesive plaster;,护理措施,气道护理 气道的湿化 保持气道通畅吸痰,Periodically check the depth of trachea and

50、 catheter,auscultation breath sounds from lungs.Be ready for bedside shift.Air flue care Airway humidificationMaintain airway unobstructed Suction phlegm.,护理措施,密切观察生命体征、spo2、神志、皮肤面色、出入量、观察人机是否同步,并做好记录。心理护理。,Close observation of vital signs、spo2、consciousness and skin complexion.Observe whether man a


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