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1、Unit 2 Extreme Lifestyle,Paparazzi,READING AND SPEAKING,Cambodia,Cambodia has an area of 181,035square kilometers and a population of over 14 million ethnic Khmer.Most Cambodians are Theravada Buddhists,but the country also has a minority number of Muslim Cham,as well as ethnic Chinese,Vietnamese an

2、d small animist hill tribes.Agriculture has long been the most important sector to the Cambodian economy,with around 59%of the population relying on agriculture for their livelihood(with rice being the principal crop).(l_assistant),A.Read the article.Find the answer to the question below.,Skill Focu

3、s,Why did Sal Lou and his wife feel that the woman was their long-lost daughter?,Article,Because they saw a distinct scar on the womans right arm.,Key,X,New Words,Translation,A Unique Life,Translation,Then,in early January 2007,their neighbor,Chea Bunthoeun made a startling discovery.Neither Sal Lou

4、 nor the other villagers were prepared for it.Bunthoeun found a strange woman from the jungle.He spotted her in his field,hunched over and eating grains of rice from the ground.Bunthoeun called his neighbors,and they caught the woman.She didnt speak the local language,didnt walk upright,and didnt ha

5、ve any clothes.Women from the village gave her clothing.Who was this woman?Where was she from?,Translation,Translation,Neither the authorities nor the villagers are completely certain where the woman is from.A number of people hypothesize that she isnt Cambodian because she cannot speak any local la

6、nguages.Others speculate that she is simply a young woman with mental troubles who became lost in the jungle.Both Sal Lou and his wife feel that the woman is their long-lost daughter,Rochom.Through all the speculation,there is one certaintythe woman is a unique addition to the village.,不同寻常的生活 柬埔寨的罗


8、没想太多,直到在她的右胳膊上看到一个醒目的伤疤,他们才开始怀疑她就是罗宗。但丛林女没有认出罗萨尔夫妇。事实上,罗萨尔和村民们都感觉到这个女人并不乐意和别人呆在一起。她以前的生活是什么样的?没有人能完全确定,但这个女人不用筷子,只用手抓了吃。她还拒绝穿衣服,这让村民们很头疼。,Article,官方和村民都无法弄清这个女人的来历。一些人认为她不是本国人,因为她不会说任何当地语言。还有人认为她不过是个在丛林中走失的精神有点问题的女人。而罗萨尔夫妇觉得她就是他们失踪多年的女儿罗宗。通过种种推测,可以肯定一点对于这个村庄来说,这个女人是一位不寻常的来客。,Article,B.Read again and

9、 check Fact or Opinion for each sentence.Write a clue from the article that helped you decide.,Both Sal Lou and his wife suspected it was Rochom.,The jungle woman is Sal Lous daughter Rochom.,Fact Opinion,2.The jungle woman cant communicate in the local languages of Cambodia.,She didnt speak the loc

10、al language.,Fact Opinion,3.The jungle woman isnt Cambodian.,A number of people hypothesize that she isnt Cambodian because she cannot speak any local languages.,Fact Opinion,4.The jungle woman isnt comfortable around people.,Sal Lou and the villagers had the impression that the woman wasnt very com

11、fortable being with other humans.,Fact Opinion,5.The jungle womans lifestyle is very different from that of the villagers.,There is one certaintythe woman is a unique addition to the village.,Fact Opinion,C.Discuss the following questions with your classmates.,1.Do you think the woman is the missing

12、 daughter?Why or why not?2.Do you think the woman should be kept in the village or let go?Why?3.Do you think the woman can adapt to the life in the village?Why?,READING AND SPEAKING,Irvine Lake,Irvine Lake is a reservoir in Orange County,California.It was originally called the Santiago Reservoir.The

13、 lake is formed by the Santiago Dam at its north end,which was built between 1929 and 1931.The dam was built by the Irvine Company and the Serrano Irrigation District;it is now administered jointly by the Serrano Water District and the Irvine Ranch Water District.The lake fishery opened to the publi

14、c in 1941.(),In the Orange County wilderness,the vigilant keeper shares life with the wind,the rattlers,a road that floods and a tolerant wife.,在奥兰治县的荒野里,这位尽职尽责的守坝人与清风、响尾蛇、被水淹没的小路,还有一位无怨无悔的老伴长相厮守。,A Hermits Life at the op of Santiago DamBy David Ferrel,1 No mail reaches Ron Staubs little cottage up

15、in the canyonno bills,no postcards,nothing.The house has no street address and not even much of a street.It sits by itself on a rocky hillside populated by deer,rattlesnakes and mountain lions,four miles from the nearest neighbor.,TRANSLATION,2 To buy milk,or rent a movie,Staub points his battered p

16、ickup across a rocky creek bed and down a private one-lane road,stopping twice to let himself through locked gates.Or he lets his wife,Virginia,go instead.“You cant order a pizza,”the longtime dam keeper laments.“You cant have a newspaper delivered.When the lake fills up,you cant get in and out,exce

17、pt by boat.”,TRANSLATION,TRANSLATION,3 The silvery waters of Irvine Lake end just below Staubs long wooden porch.The mile-wide lake,shaped by the rugged fingers of the canyons,is both a fishing spot for trout and catfish and one of Orange Countys primary reservoirs.It contains 8 billion gallons of w

18、ater that exert a formidable pressure on Santiago Dam.,4 The dam is considered sound but it is old,built in 1931.An arc of earth and concrete,it extends a quarter-mile from the end of Staubs steep driveway.From his porch,Staub can look right along the top of it,to the sculpted hills on the opposite

19、side.It is a tranquil,rustic scene,but tremendous natural forces are concealed within it.,TRANSLATION,5 A spillway at the dams far end released a deluge of overflow during the storms of 1969.Two nearby homes and four bridges were washed away.Should this dam ever fail,the disaster would be great,dest

20、roying scores or even hundreds of homes in Villa Park,Orange and Santa Ana.,TRANSLATION,6 Although the prospects of that may be infinitesimal,Staub is a conscientious man who hails from Youngstown,Ohio,and still bears a trace of the accent.He makes it a point to be here,just in case.He is on the job

21、 morning,noon and night,charting water levels,adjusting flow valves,taking readings from the strange,dipstick-like devices that measure seepage deep in the dams base.,TRANSLATION,7 He watches the dam seven days a week,pretty much every holiday,every waking hour.He strolls the dirt path across the to

22、e of the dam,where it slopes into a rocky wash,scanning for signs of leaks.He keeps cattle from grazing on the earthen edge,lest they make hoof prints that hold the rain and loosen the soil.He chases away intruders.,TRANSLATION,8 On nights of the full moon,when fishing boats are allowed on the lake

23、until 2 a.m.,Staub watches from the dark of the cottage,making sure that they stay outside the buoys and that no one fishes from the dam.Hes done all that for eight years.“I never go to town,”Staub says.“My wife gets madshe can never get me out of here.Im always afraid something will happen.”,TRANSL

24、ATION,9 The last time he went to a movie theater was three years ago,when he saw Saving Private Ryan.Virginia is good-natured about the lifestyle,but she gets away,going to the store,meeting friends for lunch.“I can get him out of here every two months,”she says,laughing.“We have friends who have wa

25、ited two years for us to go out again.They keep calling.”,TRANSLATION,TRANSLATION,10“Its our turn to buy,”Staub quips.“Actually,its their turn.I dont want to say Im a hermit,but I guess I am.”,11 Staub is certainly a rare breed.There may be no more than 50 dam keepers in all of California,a state da

26、ppled with nearly 1,500 significant dams and reservoirs.Most dams are carefully monitored even without full-time keepers.Inspections are made,water levels tracked,and repairs done periodically.The success of the maintenance programs is reflected in the relatively small number of dam disasters in the

27、 past half-century,despite the fact that so many dams are getting old.,TRANSLATION,12 Californias last fatal collapse happened 38 years ago in Baldwin Hills:four people were killed when the dam washed out.Homes and businesses were flooded.Ground subsidence caused by oil extraction was blamed for wea

28、kening the dam.,TRANSLATION,13 Dam keepers tend to work at places where inspecting and operating the dam can be combined with other duties.At Irvine Lake,where private ranch borders a busy regional park,Staub also serves as a security guard.Trespassers who start campfires at night are no real danger

29、 to the dam itself,but Staub chases them out to prevent brush fires.,TRANSLATION,14 The Irvine Ranch and Serrano water districts co-own and operate the dam,and Staub,a former water-quality inspector,works for both agencies.One or the other owns the two-bedroom house he is provided,or maybe both dohe

30、 isnt sure.He also gets a$20,000 salary,which doesnt sound like much,but he is a grandfather who could be retired if he wanted,and he savors the chance to live on one of the last slices of urban wilderness.,TRANSLATION,15 Right after he took over the job,in 1993,torrential rains caused the dam to ov

31、erflow,wiping out the road below it.For two days,Staub had to record the lake level every hour,a vigil that made it impossible to sleep.It was three in the morning,black,raining,and he was out on the dam when a detector for mountain lions began beeping.,TRANSLATION,16“Im thinking,what else can go wr

32、ong?”he says.“Then the dam started vibrating.Im thinking its an earthquake.I forgot about the horses.”Horses grazed on the property then.They stampeded and nearly trampled him in the dark.,TRANSLATION,17 During cooler months,fierce winds rake the canyons.Staub swears the gusts reach 80 mph.He has tr

33、ied to clock them by rigging a gauge on the roof.“It blew away,”he says.,TRANSLATION,18 Milder summer weather means he can reinstall the big screens that enclose the porchor he could,if not for the five pairs of birds that have used the porch for their nests.So the screens sit and the bugs invade ev

34、ery night,when the Staubs porch light is the only light for miles.,TRANSLATION,19 Snakes lurk under the cottage steps and slither in the brush outside.Virginia was washing a window not long ago and thought she heard the hose running.It was a rattlesnake,only feet from her ladder.A bloodstain on the

35、deck marks where Staub shot it to death.,TRANSLATION,20 Maybe he gripes,but its usually with a laugh.The truth is,he loves it herethey both doseeing the stars,listening to crickets,watching the dam.One tip-off is that Staub never bothers to fish.“I used to fish to get away from everything,”he says.“

36、Now Im away from everything.”,TRANSLATION,Part Paragraph Main Idea,1.This amazing story depicts the everyday life of _.,A.For questions 1-7,choose the best answer from the four choices marked A,B,C,and D.For questions 8-10,complete the sentences with the information from the text.,a hermita security

37、 guarda dam keepera trespasser,C,2.Objectively speaking,the dwelling environment of the Staubs is _.,tranquil and interesting sparsely populated and inconvenient harsh and adventurous boring and terrifying,B,3.Staubs wife gets mad at him because _.,Staub is so lazy as to leave the cottage Staub has

38、been worried about the average city life Staub is so afraid of the unexpected accident Staub doesnt like to hang out,C,4.The sentence“I dont want to say Im a hermit,but I guess I am”in paragraph 10 means that _.,A,A.Staub is a hermit based on the facts of his lifestyle B.Staub hates to be a hermit w

39、ho is misunderstood easilyC.Staub is proud of being a hermitD.Staub feels embarrassed to admit he is a hermit,5.According to the text,Staubs primary task is _.,A.to stroll the path under the damB.to chase the campers outC.to keep the fishing boats outside the damD.to watch the dam,D,6.Despite the fa

40、ct that he could be retired if he wanted,Staub continues to work because _.,A.he wants to make more moneyB.he regards work as his lifeC.he is fearful of the dam collapseD.he loves and enjoys the beauty of nature,D,7.Paragraph 18 suggests that Staub is _.,A.too lazy to repair his porch screensB.too b

41、usy to build new porch screensC.a man of great benevolence D.reluctant to kill the bugs,C,8.Staub keeps cattle from grazing and _ _ that hold the rain and loosen the soil.9.The success of the maintenance programs is confirmed by _ _ in the past half-century,despite the fact that so many dams are get

42、ting old.10.As a grandfather,Staub could retire if he wanted,but he _ to live on one of the last slices of urban wilderness.,making hoof prints,the relatively samll number of dam,savors the chance,disasters,B.Answer the following questions according to the text.,Why is the mail or paper unavailable

43、for those living in the canyon?,The uncertain street address,remoteness and mostly the terrible transportation lead to the inaccessibility.,2.What responsibilities should Staub take as a dam keeper?3.What was the reason for the last fatal dam collapse of California?,He watches the dam seven days a w

44、eek,charting water levels,adjusting flow valves,taking readings,scanning for signs of leaks and trying to eliminate all potential hazards.,Oil extraction gave rise to ground subsidence which weakened the dam and led to the collapse.,C.Discuss the following questions with a partner.,Typical Lifestyle

45、,Extreme Lifestyle,1.Which adjectives would come into your mind first once you have the lifestyles above?,Typical Lifestyle:Extreme Lifestyle:,comfortable,convenient,cozy,inconvenient,isolated,tough,quiet,Can you guess why people choose to live an extreme lifestyle?,Some people may be fed up with th

46、e ordinary everyday lifestyle and looking for something extraordinary,exciting or challenging to meet their inner demand.Some people live an extreme life because their jobs require that.To them,interest and persistence in job outweigh the convenience in ordinary life.,3.Imagine that you were leading

47、 a hermit life.What are the advantages of it?,I can be firmly dedicated to a life of silence and solitude.I can live a simple life on a very small amount of income.I can avoid suffering from social anxiety.,Study the words that can collocate with“deliver”and complete the following sentences with the

48、m.,Prof.Smith will deliver his _ to the students at the gathering hall this afternoon.Doctors said that the only way to save her life was to deliver the _ immediately.,speech,baby,3.Opinion polls suggested that it would be hard for the centre party to deliver the white-collar _.4.Im absolutely certa

49、in that if youve got the people and the contracts in place,the people employed will deliver a high quality _.5.Some sea creatures such as stingrays can deliver electric _ to their preys and use electricity as a means of defense as well.,vote,service,shocks,6.A postman is a man employed to deliver le

50、tters and _.7.I picked up Mundi from the police station and delivered him _ his mother who was waiting at Heartbreak Hotel.,to,parcels,TEXT A,8.If the company cant deliver on these _,users will quickly become furious.9.If you cant deliver a reasonable _ at the end of this week,youll be fired.10.It i


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