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1、AIR FORCE UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS,Love under the Nazis,Section B,Unit 4,Love Under the Nazis,Like the other skills for your use,the skill introduced in this unit does render you better able in reading.,This practice is designed to help you get a deeper

2、insight into the skill for this unit.,Reading Skills,随 笔,阅读实践,Reading for the Key Idea in a Sentence,Although a sentence may give much information,it usually offers one key idea.Readers should learn to find the key idea in order to clearly understand the meaning of a sentence.The key idea of a sente

3、nce usually tells:1.what a person or an object is,and 2.what a person or an object is doing,In six minutes he would see the woman who had filled a special place in his life for the past thirteen months,a woman he had never seen,yet whose written words had been with him and had given him strength wit

4、hout fail.(Para.1),He would see the woman.,Look at the following examples taken from Text A:,随 笔,阅读实践,Explanation,This sentence tells about“he”(John Blandford).We know that he would see the woman.All the information about when he would see her,who the woman was,and how she had given him strength,add

5、s details.The details are helpful in completing the scene for the reader,and we need to rely on these details to make the key idea clearer.But the key idea in this sentence is simply“he would see the woman”.,随 笔,阅读实践,And while they all got strength from it,and appreciated her support of their cause,

6、John Blandford was the only person to write Ms.Meynell back.(Para.2),John Blandford was the only person to write Ms.Meynell back.,随 笔,阅读实践,Explanation,This sentence tells about“John Blandford”.We know that he was the only person to write Ms.Meynell back.All the information provided in the while clau

7、se to show concession only adds details.,随 笔,阅读实践,阅读技巧,Directions:Write down the key idea in your own words for each of the following sentences from Text B.,随 笔,1.I am almost dead,surviving from day to day,from hour to hour,ever since I was taken from my home and brought here with tens of thousands

8、of other Jews.(Para.1),I am almost dead.,阅读技巧,随 笔,2.I am moving mechanically across the landscape,kneeling on occasion when I think I see a bit of timber or other item that I can use to start a fire.(Para.2),I am moving across the landscape.,阅读技巧,随 笔,3.And I have achieved a modest amount of prosperi

9、ty,having gone into the business of aluminum fence installation and recycling.(Para.8),I have achieved a modest amount of prosperity.,阅读技巧,随 笔,4.A friend,who is in the insurance business,convinces me to go on a blind date with a lady friend of his.(Para.8),A friend convinces me to go on a blind date

10、 with a lady friend of his.,阅读技巧,随 笔,5.Roma gets a faraway look in her eyes,as if she is remembering something painful yet sweet.(Para.11),Roma gets a faraway look in her eyes.,阅读技巧,随 笔,New Words,1,Questions Previewing,2,Passage Reading,3,Choice Making,4,Text B,自测,技巧,随 笔,阅读理解,问题预览,课文阅读,New Words,New

11、 Words,C,U 水晶,n.,crystal,染污;沾污/C 污迹;污斑,v./n.,stain,sing.伤亡人数;C 通行费,n.,toll,1.磁的 2.有魅力的,a.,magnetic,C 产品;制品,n.,product,C 1.微量 2.踪迹,痕迹,n.,trace,C 小仙子;小精灵,n.,fairy,U 引力;重力,n.,gravity,C 条;项;项目,n.,item,随 笔,阅读理解,问题预览,课文阅读,New Words,随 笔,阅读理解,问题预览,课文阅读,New Words,随 笔,阅读理解,问题预览,课文阅读,New Words,随 笔,阅读理解,问题预览,课文

12、阅读,New Words,随 笔,阅读理解,问题预览,课文阅读,生词学习,Questions Previewing,Directions:For you to be better conditioned for reading as fast as 100 words per minute,as required in the new type of examination“Fast Reading”,Text B can serve to be your fast-reading material.But,for this purpose,the best course of action

13、is to know what to scan for in your skimming.Thus,the trick is to keep in your mind the key words of each question before you start off.That is where the“Question Previewing”comes in.,随 笔,阅读理解,课文阅读,Questions Previewing,1.From the story we can tell that the writer was brought to the concentration cam

14、p because _.2.When the writer saw the young girl walking past on the other side of the fence for the first time,he wanted to look away because he _.,生词学习,随 笔,阅读理解,课文阅读,Questions Previewing,3.From the story we might tell that the young girl _.4.The daily meeting between the writer and the young girl

15、_.5.Years later,the writer came to live in New York,and he _.6.The two of them had a chance to see each other again because _.,生词学习,随 笔,阅读理解,课文阅读,Questions Previewing,7.The writer didnt like talking about his experience in the war because _.8.For the woman,the memory of seeing the writer in the conc

16、entration camp _.,生词学习,随 笔,阅读理解,课文阅读,问题预览,Love Under the Nazis,Para.1a It is cold on this winter day in 1942.But it is no different from any other day in this Nazi concentration camp.I am almost dead,surviving from day to day,from hour to hour,ever since I was taken from my home and brought here wit

17、h tens of thousands of other Jews.,Chinese,Question 1,生词学习,随 笔,阅读理解,Para.1b We suffer under the whips of the terrible Nazis.Will I still be alive tomorrow?Will I be taken to the gas chamber tonight?Or will a security guard simply shoot me with his rifle?,Chinese,问题预览,生词学习,随 笔,阅读理解,Para.2a Back and f

18、orth I walk next to the wire fence.I am not thinking about my steps;I am moving mechanically across the landscape,kneeling on occasion when I think I see a bit of timber or other item that I can use to start a fire.Suddenly,I notice a young girl walking past on the other side of the wire.,Chinese,问题

19、预览,生词学习,随 笔,阅读理解,Para.2b She has the light,gravity-free steps of a fairy.She stops and looks at me with sad eyes.The camp has taken its toll on me.I want to look away,as I feel oddly ashamed for this stranger to see me like this,sickly thin and in torn,stained clothing,but I cannot take my eyes from

20、 hers.,Chinese,Question 2,问题预览,生词学习,随 笔,阅读理解,Para.3 Then she reaches into her pocket,and pulls out a red apple.Oh,how long has it been since I have seen one!And how this one shinesgreater than any crystal!She looks cautiously around,and then quickly throws the apple over the fence.I pick it up and h

21、old it in my frozen fingers.In my world of death,this apple is an expression of life,and her act is the product of love.I glance up in time to see the girl disappearing into the distance.,Chinese,问题预览,生词学习,随 笔,阅读理解,Para.4 The next day,I am drawn to that spot near the fence,as if pulled by a magnetic

22、 force.Am I crazy for hoping she will come again?Of course.But in here,I cling to any tiny trace of hope.,Chinese,问题预览,生词学习,随 笔,阅读理解,Para.5 Again,she comes.And again,she brings me an apple,flinging it over the fence with greater precision than before so that the apple flies over the fence and drops

23、directly above me.I catch it as it is descending.I hold it up for her to see.Her eyes shine.,Chinese,Question 3,问题预览,生词学习,随 笔,阅读理解,Para.6 For seven months,we meet like this,and I am becoming accustomed to this apple diet,but it soon comes to an end.One day I hear frightening news:I am being shipped

24、to another camp.,Chinese,Question 4,问题预览,生词学习,随 笔,阅读理解,Para.7 The next day when I greet her,my heart is breaking,and I can hardly speak as I say what must be said:“Do not bring me an apple tomorrow,”I tell her.“I am being sent to another camp.We will never see each other again.”Turning before I lose

25、 all control,I run away from the fence.I cannot bear to look back.If I do,I know she would see the tears streaming down my face.,Chinese,问题预览,生词学习,随 笔,阅读理解,Para.8 Years pass.It is 1957.I am living in New York City,a far cry from the awful scenery of Nazi Germany.And I have achieved a modest amount o

26、f prosperity,having gone into the business of aluminum fence installation and recycling.A friend,who is in the insurance business,convinces me to go on a blind date with a lady friend of his.Reluctantly,I agree.But she is nice,this woman named Roma.And like me,she is a foreigner,so we have at least

27、that in common.,Chinese,Question 5,Question 8,问题预览,生词学习,随 笔,阅读理解,Para.9“Were you exiled during the war?”Roma asks me gently,in that careful way people with experience ask one another questions about those years.Para.10“No.I was in a concentration camp in Germany,”I reply.I dont specify which camp,or

28、 give any other details right then.Telling the story has become tedious,as I have done it so many times.,Chinese,Question 6,问题预览,生词学习,随 笔,阅读理解,Para.11 Roma gets a faraway look in her eyes,as if she is remembering something painful yet sweet.Para.12“What is it?”I ask.Para.13“You see,when I was a youn

29、g girl,I lived near a concentration camp.There was a boy there,a prisoner,and for a long while,I used to visit him every day.I remember I used to purchase apples and throw them to him.I would throw the apple over the fence,and he would be so happy.”,Chinese,Question 7,问题预览,生词学习,随 笔,阅读理解,Para.14 With

30、 my heart pounding loudly,I look directly at Roma and ask,“And did that boy say to you one day,Do not bring me an apple tomorrow.I am being sent to another camp?”Para.15“Why,yes,”Roma says,her voice trembling.“But how on earth could you possibly know that?”Para.16 I get up from the table,embrace her

31、,and answer,“Because I was that young boy,Roma.”,Chinese,问题预览,生词学习,随 笔,阅读理解,课文阅读,Choice Making,1.From the story we can tell that the writer was brought to the concentration camp because _.A.he opposed the Nazi rule B.he stood with tens of thousands of other Jews C.he was almost dead D.he was a Jew,R

32、efer to Para.1,问题预览,生词学习,随 笔,Choice Making,2.When the writer saw the young girl walking past on the other side of the fence for the first time,he wanted to look away because he _.A.was ashamed of his own appearance B.was a shy boy in front of strangers C.could not take his eyes from hers D.would not

33、 have someone see what he was doing there,Refer to Para.2,课文阅读,问题预览,生词学习,随 笔,Choice Making,3.From the story we might tell that the young girl _.A.was brought here from another concentration camp B.was kept in another section of the concentration camp C.lived somewhere near the concentration camp D.w

34、as a Jew herself,Refer to Para.5-6,课文阅读,问题预览,生词学习,随 笔,Choice Making,4.The daily meeting between the writer and the young girl _.A.was suddenly broken after around seven months B.went on almost till the end of the war C.soon came to an end because the girl moved away D.was discovered by a security gu

35、ard in the camp,Refer to Para.6,课文阅读,问题预览,生词学习,随 笔,Choice Making,5.Years later,the writer came to live in New York,and he _.A.went into the insurance business B.opened his own business C.found life in New York tedious D.thought of meeting the girl again,Refer to Para.8,课文阅读,问题预览,生词学习,随 笔,Choice Maki

36、ng,6.The two of them had a chance to see each other again because _.A.they met by chance in New York B.someone had arranged for them to meet C.the writer had known the girls name from the start D.the girl had been sure that she would meet the writer after the war,Refer to Para.8,课文阅读,问题预览,生词学习,随 笔,C

37、hoice Making,7.The writer didnt like talking about his experience in the war because _.A.the experience was too sad to talk about B.the experience was ordinary for people of his generation C.he was tired of telling the story again D.he was afraid that the lady might be uninterested,Refer to Para.10,

38、课文阅读,问题预览,生词学习,随 笔,Choice Making,7.For the woman,the memory of seeing the writer in the concentration camp _.A.was both painful and sweet B.caused too much pain to think about C.caused her heart to pound loudly D.caused her to think about it every day,Refer to Para.11,课文阅读,问题预览,生词学习,随 笔,课文,技巧,In thi

39、s section,you will hear three short passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).,Test Yourself,In this section,there

40、is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank above the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.,Listening Comprehension,Reading in Depth,Questions 1 to 3 are based on the passage you are goin

41、g to hear.,阅读理解,A)Courses in British history.B)Language courses.C)Courses in sports.D)Teacher training courses.,1.,What kind of courses do summer schools offer?,Script,随 笔,A)To attract more students.B)To make the courses suitable for students of all levels.C)To let the students have a good rest.D)To

42、 make the summer school more like a holiday.,2.,Why do summer schools arrange visits and other activities for the students?,Script,阅读理解,随 笔,A)Because they all work very hard.B)Because their teachers are all native speakers of English.C)Because they learn not only in but also out of class.D)Because t

43、hey are all advanced students.,3.,Why do students in summer schools learn quickly?,Script,阅读理解,随 笔,Questions 4 to 6 are based on the passage you are going to hear.,A)Because it takes too long to process all the applications.B)Because its resources are limited.C)Because it is a library for special pu

44、rposes.D)Because there is a shortage of staff.,4.,Why cant the library issue library cards to everyone who applies?,Script,阅读理解,随 笔,A)Discard his application form.B)Forbid him to borrow any items.C)Cancel his video card.D)Ask him to apply again.,5.,What will the library do if a reader fails to renew

45、 the video when it is due?,Script,阅读理解,随 笔,A)One month.B)One week.C)Two weeks.D)Two months.,6.,For how long can a reader keep the book before he renews it?,Script,阅读理解,随 笔,A)Chemicals.B)Vapor.C)Water.D)Gas.,7.,What is dry ice made of?,Questions 7 to 10 are based on the passage you are going to hear.

46、,Script,阅读理解,随 笔,A)By passing steam over dry ice.B)By turning ordinary ice into steam.C)By melting dry ice.D)By mixing dry ice with ordinary ice.,8.,How is an artificial fog made in the movies?,Script,阅读理解,随 笔,A)It takes a longer time to melt.B)It is lighter to carry.C)It is cleaner to use than ordi

47、nary ice.D)It is not so cold as ordinary ice.,9.,What is the advantage of dry ice over ordinary ice?,Script,阅读理解,随 笔,A)In the 1920s.B)In the 1930s.C)In the 1940s.D)In the 1950s.,10.,When was dry ice first made?,Script,阅读理解,随 笔,If women are mercilessly exploited(剥削)year after year,they have only them

48、selves to blame.Because they tremble at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion,they are always taken 1 _ of by the designers and the big stores.,advantage,听力理解,随 笔,Clothes which have been worn only a few times have to be put aside because of the change of fashion.When

49、 you come to think of it,only a woman is 2 _ of standing in front of a wardrobe(衣柜)packed full of clothes and 3 _ sadly that she has nothing to wear.,capable,announcing,听力理解,随 笔,Changing fashions are nothing more than the intentional 4 _ of waste.Many women spend vast sums of money each year to 5 _

50、clothes that have hardly been worn.,creation,replace,听力理解,随 笔,Women who cannot afford to throw away clothing in this way,waste hours of their time altering the dresses they have.Skirts are 6 _ or shortened;neck-lines are lowered or raised,and so on.,lengthened,听力理解,随 笔,No one can claim that the fash


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