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1、专四便条写作,What is note?,Note is a kind of simple letter.Its form is quite similar to that of a letter.It is made up of date,salutation(heading),body,ending and signature.The content is usually concise.The writer only needs to express clearly the reason,motivation and the requirement for writing.,Types

2、of note,1.to form an invitation 2.A note of accepting of invitation 3.A note of declining of invitation4.A note of canceling an appointment or arrangement5.A note of condolence6.A note accompanying a present7.A note of regretting not seeing someone,8.A note of returning sth.borrowed 9.A note of aski

3、ng after ones health Notice10.Inquiry11.Complaint,Note评分标准(10),格式(2分)日期与称呼共1分;结尾为1分(不论大小错误都扣1分)正确称呼:位置在日期下一行左侧,如:Dear Michael,(:)/Michael,(:)正确结尾:如:Yours sincerely,/Sincerely yours,/Truly yours,/Yours,etc.(若在一行,名字没写或人名XX 等扣1分格式需前后一致,如全左或全右,若不符合,则扣1分。凡不符合上述正确格式或要求均扣1分,内容3分:organizing+interest+two det

4、ails(少一点扣1分,最多扣3分,two details 需要有所展开,若只是提到when and where扣1分)语言4分:严重错误1分,一个句子或同类错误扣1分,拼写等小错误两个扣1分,最多扣4分。语言得体性1分:总分在8分以上可考虑加此分。,评分总体要求:语言没有错误,格式对,内容完整,语言得体,字数符合要求便条总字数(包括3部分格式)要求在50-60字,少于50或多余80扣1分该部分总分为10分,6分为及格线。,Sample analysis,April 24th Dear Mike,Im thrilled to tell you that I havegot two ticket

5、s to the concert ofLingdian,a famous group pop bandin China.I once heard that theywere your favorite band.Therefore,would you like to join me?The duedate will be on next Saturday,i.e.April30th.Do let me know if you areinterested.Yours,Tongtong,【1】格式是否完整正确(日期,称呼,署名各占1分。)【2】内容与语言:是否完整:事情;邀请原因;简单介绍;表达心

6、情;告知相关细节(4分)首句是否照抄?(1分)有无语法错误?(酌情扣1-2分)【3】语言是否得体?应根据与收条人的关系确定措辞,分为正式与非正式。(1分),常见问题,缺少日期;署名和结束语写在同一行;结束语后用冒号或不加逗号;署名用xxx 或中文;署名后加句号;字数太多或太少;内容不完整;语言文体不得当语法错误 切记细心、细节。,Tips,写之前认真读题思考便条涉及的内容,写便条者与收便条者的关系确定语言的正式程度,选择称呼,结束语。行文:注意语法写之后检查格式是否正确,内容完整性检查字数 检查是否有语言错误,Components of note,1.Salutation2.Date3.Bod

7、y4.Complimentary close,1.Salutation,A.Sir;Gentleman;Dear President;Dear MadameB.Dear Mr.WallashC.Dear Mama;My dear Tom,2.Date,日期应写在右上角,差不多与收条人的称呼平齐,或高一行e.g.1.)May 6,2005,May 6th,2005 2.)6May,20053)Jan.1,2003 Feb.1 March 9 April 9May 9June 9July 9Aug.9 Oct.9Nov.9Dec.9,3.Body,便条的正文是便条的主体.,4.Compliment

8、ary Close,结束语应写在便条正文之后两三行,位置中偏右,应该有致敬的结束语和谦称.谦称.有尊卑亲疏之分,应该与收条人的称谓相配.在谦称敬语的后面应该加上逗号.e.g Sincerely yours,KateYours truly,KateYours very truly,Kate,结束语措辞依情况而定,写给单位,团体或不认识的人:Yours truly,Faithfully yours,Sincerely yours,等 写给长辈或上级:Yours respectfully,Yours gratefully,等 写给熟人或朋友:Yours,Yours ever,等 写给亲人或密友:Yo

9、urs,Lovingly,Lovingly yours,Love,Your loving son,Your devoted friend,Devotedly,等,April 22,2007 Dear Michael,Im told youre organizing a weekend excursion for the class.Is that true?Where are you going and for how long?Im wondering if I could join you.As you know,Im an outdoor person,and it would be g

10、reat to spend a couple of days outdoors after weve taken the mid-tem exams.Looking forward to your early reply.Thanks.(60 words)Yours,Mary,April 22,2007 Dear Michael,Im told youre organizing a weekend excursion for the class.Is that true?Where are you going and for how long?Im wondering if I could j

11、oin you.As you know,Im an outdoor person,and it would be great to spend a couple of days outdoors after weve taken the mid-tem exams.Looking forward to your early reply.Thanks.(60 words)Yours,Mary,Note-writing:Invitation&Reply,1 InvitationNote of Invitation is used to invite someone to attend weddin

12、g,go on tours,give lectures and participate in academic meetings abroad,to dinner,tea,film or visiting.Please provide details on the purpose,time and place.,Three Points to a letter of invitation,a.Make the invitation;b.Provide details on the purpose,time and place of the invitation;c.Wish the invit

13、ation to be accepted;,Three points to accepting or declining an invitation,a.Thanks for the invitation whether you accept it or not;b.If you accept the invitation,please confirm the time and place;c.If you decline the invitation,please give a reason and apologize for your absence.,Module,DateDear _,

14、We will 活动的内容/事由.Would it be possible for you to meet us 地点和时间?We would be very happy if you could be with us 期待对方接受邀请.Yours faithfully,Signature,Useful Expressions&Sentence Patterns:,1.I am pleased to invite you to我很高兴地邀请你 2.I would like to invite you to我想邀请你 3.Is there any chance of your coming?你能

15、来吗?4.I was wondering if you could come 不知你是否能来?5.I would be very happy if you could come如果你能来,我将感到十分荣幸。,6.hope youre not too busy to come.我期待你在百忙中光临。7.We sincerely/faithfully hope you can attend.我们期待你的光临。8.Please accept my invitation.请接受我的邀请。9.Please confirm your participation at your earliest conve

16、nience.是否参加,请早日告知。,Sample:TEM-4 Writing(2005年真题),SECTION B NOTE-WRITING 10 MINWrite on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:You have got two tickets to a concert given by a famous pop band/orchestra.Write a note to your friend,Hilda/Mike,describing briefly wh

17、at it is and inviting her/him to come with you.Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness.,May 15,2005Dear Mike,I have got two tickets to a concert given by a famous pop band.Would it be possible for you to meet me at our University Hall at 7 oclock?Pop music is your

18、favorite,and I believe you will enjoy it.I would be very happy if you could take the concert with me.Please call me as soon as possible.Yours sincerely,Li Ping,Practice,Write a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:You are planning to ask your friend,Li Ming,to join an outing.Wr

19、ite a note,inviting him to the outing and telling him when and where you will go out and some other details about what you are going to do.Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness,Nov.15,2009Dear Li Ming,As the weather is splendid recently,we will go out to the coun

20、tryside by bike and we may take food for picnic,which we will have at the hillside.Would it be possible for you to meet us at the bus stop at 8 a.m.tomorrow morning?We would be very happy if you could be with us.Do come and join us.Yours,Jack,Accepting an Invitation,Module DateDear _,Thank you for i

21、nviting me to/Thank you for your kind invitation to/Its very kind of you to invite me to 活动的内容、地点和时间.We shall be very happy indeed to come,and look forward to seeing you then.良好的祝愿.Yours faithfully,Signature,Sentence patterns:,Sentence patterns:A.We are delighted to acceptB.It is with great pleasure

22、C.We are sincerely happy to join you,practice,You will accept Jessies invitation to her home dinner.Write her a note to show your thanks.,May 6,2005Dear Jessie,Please accept our hearty thanks for your kind invitation to your home dinner on Wednesday.Thank you for including us among the limited numbe

23、r of your guests.You may be sure we will join you on that day and we are looking forward to the pleasure of being with you.Yours sincerely,Tom,Nov.20,2009Dear Henry,Thank you for your kind invitation to dinner to celebrate Sallys wedding at our University Hall at 12 oclock next Sunday.We shall be ve

24、ry happy indeed to come,and look forward to seeing you then.Best wishes.Yours faithfully,Bill&Alice,3.A note of declining an invitation,A note of declining an invitation a.appreciation for being invited b.reason for not being able to attendc.regret for missing such an occasiond.extending congratulat

25、ions,etc.,DateDear _,Thank you for inviting me to/Thank you for your kind invitation to/Its very kind of you to invite me to 活动的内容、地点和时间.But Im afraid I couldnt go there,because/I am sorry to tell you that 不能参加的理由.感受和祝愿.Yours faithfully,Signature,Declining an invitation,Sentence patterns:I shall hav

26、e to say no to your kind invitationVery regretfully,Unfortunately,it will be impossibleBecause of,we find we cannot,Style:in the formal wayContent:a.express thanks and your desire for the summer school b.reasons for not accepting it c.wishes and expectations,June 15,2012 Dear Linda,I am truly honore

27、d and appreciative to be your choice for the volunteers of our summer school.Due to the schedule conflict between the internship we are required to participate in and your program,it is really a pity that I have to turn your offer down.I heartily hope you can hold a successful event and we can work

28、together someday.Yours,Lily,Style:in the informal wayContent:a.express thanks for the invitation to the English corner b.reasons for not accepting it c.wishes and expectations,June 15,2012 Dear Linda,Thank you for invitation to the English corner with you this Thursday night.But I am sorry I can go

29、with you.This Friday is the deadline to my literature paper and I havent finished the last chapter of it yet.You re very kind to invite me and I hope you can forgive me.I would expect your invitation some time later.l Yours,Lily,Sample:TEM-4 Writing(2003年真题),SECTION B NOTE-WRITING 10 MIN.Write on AN

30、SWER SHEET ONE a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:Your friend Clare has invited you to her house-warming party this weekend.However,you will be away then.Write her a note politely declining her invitation and expressing your best wishes to her.Marks will be awarded for cont

31、ent,organization,grammar and appropriateness.,Oct.18,2003Dear Clare,Thank you for inviting me to your house-warming party this weekend.But Im afraid I couldnt go there,because I have an important business appointment on that day.I saw some pictures of your new house,which is so cozy and comfortable.

32、I sincerely hope that you have a good day.Yours,Gou Ming,DateDear _,Im very sorry to hear that 点明要慰问的事情.鼓励、安慰的话.良好的祝愿.Yours faithfully,Signature,Consolation,DateDear,Im very sorry to hear that,so Im writing to express my deepest sympathy/concern to you.I just want you not to be so depressed.You know

33、 everything will be all right.Therefore,I do hope you canpull yourself together as soon as possible.I hope I have made you feel a little better.Again,sorry for your(sufferings)/May you a quick recovery.Sincerely yours,Signature,Useful Expressions&Sentence Patterns:,1.How grieved Im to hear of you 听说

34、你,我很难过。2.Im writing to express my deepest consolation.我写信表达我最深切的慰问。3.I cant tell you how sad I was.我无法表达我是多么的伤心。4.Im crossing my fingers for you now in hopes that you are all safe and sound.我在为你们祈祷,希望你们都平安健康。,5.We wish you a speedy recovery.愿你早日康复。6.Please let me know what I can do for you.请告诉我能帮你做点

35、什么。7.Please accept my sympathy and best wishes.请接收我的慰问和最美好的祝愿。8.Take care of yourself.保重自己。,TEM-4 Writing(2004年真题),SECTION B NOTE-WRITING 10 MIN.Write on ANSWER SHEET ONE a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:Your friend,Jane,has failed in the final exam,and is feeling very un

36、happy about it.Write a note to comfort her and give her some encouragement.Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness.,May 15,2004Dear Jane,Im very sorry to hear that youve failed in the final exam and you are falling into a deep depression.I wish you could step out o

37、f it soon.Lets look forward,and the important thing now is to make good preparation for the next exam.I believe you will succeed.Yours faithfully,Li Ping,Write a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:Your friend,Suzan,has been infected with the H7N9 flu virus,and is feeling desp

38、erate.Write a note to comfort her and give her some encouragement.,October 11,2009Dear Jane,Im very sorry to hear that youve been infected with the H7N9 flu virus.Id like to knowhow you are getting on now.Dont be fearful ornegative too often.Medical science is developingrapidly,and I am sure you wil

39、l be cured soon.Asthe weather is changeable these days,pleasetake care of yourself.I wish you a speedy recovery.Yours faithfully,Li Ying,问候,Date Dear,I am really sorry to hear that I understand it is due toDont worry and take it easy.I hope you Do feel free to tell me if I can offer any help.Yours s

40、incerely,便条常用句型(问候),How grieved I am to hear of yourI am truly sorry to hear of yourI can not tell you how sad I felt when I was informed of yourI am anxious to know how you progress.Take care.With heartfelt prayers for your I trust if I can be of any service,that you will call upon me freely.,祝贺,da

41、te Dear,I am writing to express my sincerecongratulations on your Its reallygreat news that Yours sincerely,便条常用句型(祝贺),Allow me to congratulate you onCongratulations on your No one has worked harder than you over the past several years and I am delighted to see your efforts rewarded.All the best wis

42、hes to you in your new job.Let me offer my hearty good wishes for your success.,投诉,Date Dear,I am afraid I have to complain about Itwas caused by the I cant imagine that such afamous like yours provides such kind ofbad To solve the problem,I suggest Iwould appreciate it if you could Sincerely yours,

43、便条常用句型(投诉),I am writing to complain aboutI am writing to express my concern about/dissatisfaction with/disappointment atI can harly put up with/bear/tolerateI would like to draw your attention toTo remedy/improve the matter,I suggestI hope appropriate remedial measures are taken to solve the problem

44、.I would like to see a prompt settlement of this issue.,询问,Date Dear,I am,a from Would you be so kind as to let me know?Its of vital importance for me to Im looking forward to your early reply.Your answer will be gratefully received.Sincerely yours,便条常用句型(询问),I am writing to see if it is possible fo

45、r you to provide me with information regardingWould you be so kind as to let me know?Would you mind sending meI am writing in the hope that you could inform me ofI am eagerly waiting for your reply to this matter.I would appreciate your advice.Sorry to bother you,but your kind help would be greatly

46、appreciated.,约会,date Dear,I am thrilled to tell you that Ive got two tickets for Would you like to go with me if you are free?will be held inand will begin at Shall we meet at,then go there by.?Sincerely yours,便条常用句型(约会),There will be tomorrow evening at It must be marvelous.Shall we go there?If it

47、is possible I would like to ask you toat 4 tomorrow afternoon.If there is any change,please tell me.Please ring me up.Lets meet at,邀请,date Dear,We have decided to have a party on(date and time).Do you like to join us?Please do come.We look forward to your arrival.Yours,接受邀请,date Dear,Thank you very

48、much for your kind invitation to on We are sincerely happy to join you on that day and we are looking forward to the pleasure of being with you.Yours truly,便条常用句型(邀请),I am pleased to invite you toIt is my pleasure to invite you to attendI am writing to ask whether you would be willing toWe were wond

49、ering if you could attendWe sincerely hope you can be present.I am longing to see you soon.Please do come.We look forward to seeing you.,婉拒,date Dear,We are very appreciative of your inviting us to Unfortunately,we shall be unable to come due toI hope you will enjoy yourselves at the party.Yours sin

50、cerely,请求,date Dear,I am writing to seek assistance in I wonder if it is possible for you to I am eagerly waiting for your reply to this matter.Yours faithfully,便条常用句型(请求),I am now writing to seek for your help inI would appreciate it if you would provide me withI am sorry that I have to ask a favor


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