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1、 教育部辦理技專校院發展學校重點特色暨推動技專校院整合專案計畫94年度計畫執行報告(含95年度延續性計畫)致理校園建構計畫(eCampus of Chihlee Project)台技字第(二)字第09400715811C 全 程 計畫:自民國 94 年 1 月 至民國 96 年12 月 止本年度計畫:自民國 94 年 1 月 至民國 94 年12 月 止致理技術學院中華民國94年12月1日(一)目錄1. 目錄P.2 2. 計畫基本資料表P.33. 整體計畫中文摘要 P.4 4. 整體計畫英文摘要P.5 5. 年度計畫執行成果中文摘要P.56. 年度計畫執行成果英文摘要P.9 7. 年度計畫執行

2、內容及成果說明P.148. 經費運用情形一覽表P.259. 年度計畫查核點執行情形 P.2610. 所面臨問題與因應措施P.2711. 九十五年度技專校院申請發展學校重點特色專案補助計畫(延續性計畫-第二年)P.28(二)計畫基本資料表總計畫名稱致理校園建構計畫總計畫編號執行單位致理技術學院計畫總主持人姓名曹祥雲計畫聯絡人姓名林嘉惠電話02-22576167#282電話02-22576167#282、#283傳真02-22559674傳真02-22568409E-maili201mail.chihlee.edu.twE-maili201mail.chihlee.edu.tw全程計畫核定補助經

3、費(仟元)經常門-本 年 度核定補助經 費(仟元)經常門 0資本門-資本門2,500合 計-合 計2,500全程計畫學校配合款(仟元)-本年度學校配合款(仟元) 676計畫序號計畫名稱主持人職稱服務單位總 計 畫0致理校園建構計畫曹祥雲副教授兼任研發合作處處長研發合作處分項計畫1數位學習環境與網路行動資訊中心建置陳文雄副教授資訊網路系分項計畫2貿易暨運籌物流e化教學整合計畫林國榮教授兼國際貿易系主任國際貿易糸分項計畫3RFID在致理校園的實務應用歐陽傑助理教授商業自動化與管理系分項計畫4金融教學資訊化暨專業職能培育計畫沈鵬飛副教授兼任財務金融系主任財務金融系 註:本表資料及相關數據請依據核定後

4、之詳細計畫書填寫。(三)整體計畫中文摘要本計畫乃以下列架構作為推展架構1. 資訊高速網路基礎建設(Information Superhighway Infrastructure):提供資訊實體傳輸及存取之網路系統連線及維護之服務,包括各種校內網路之基礎建設。2. 多媒體內容及網路出版基礎建設(Multimedia Content and Network Publishing Infrastructure):提供資訊內容製作及網路出版之服務,使校內各種文件內容製作更加簡便及具可攜性,而WWW瀏覽器及伺服器則提供一個分散式的環境,使得資源得以充份共享。3. 訊息及資訊分配基礎建設(Messagin

5、g and Information Distribution Infrastructure):利用電子資料交換(Electronic Data Interchange,EDI)、電子郵件(E-mail)、超媒體傳輸協定(Hypertext Transport Protocol,HTTP)等資料交換中介軟體,讓不同檔案格式之資訊得以順利交換並傳遞。4. 一般性商業服務基礎建設(Common Business Services Infrastructure): (1) 支援線上商業交易(買與賣)流程,包含電子型錄(Directories/Catalogs)、網路資源搜尋服務、產品搜尋及協商議價代理

6、人服務之提供,使”商流”與”資訊流”順暢。(2) 支援網路交易安全(Security)技術以及身份驗證(Authentication)技術,包括數位簽章及數位憑證認證服務、電子支付工具服務(電子錢包、電子轉帳、電子信用卡、電子現金、電子支票等)之提供,以確保”金流”之正常運作。5. 應用(Application):在上列基礎建設之上提供各項期望讓本校建立競爭力的應用,包括:(1) 商務(Commerce)以本校商業領域科系為基礎,推動支援各種商務應用。(2) 內容(Content)以本校資訊與多媒體設計科系為基礎,提供創新發展各種內容之環境。(3) 社群(Community)以本校生活應用學群

7、科系為基礎,提供發展各種服務群體,維持顧客忠誠度相關環境。在此架構下於94年度推展下列分項計畫:分項計畫1-數位學習環境與網路行動資訊中心建置分項計畫2-貿易暨運籌物流e化教學整合計畫分項計畫3- RFID在致理校園的實務應用分項計畫4-金融教學資訊化暨專業職能培育計畫(四)整體計畫英文摘要The construct of eCampus of Chihlee project includes following topic:1. Information Superhighway Infrastructure2. Multimedia Content and Network Publishin

8、g Infrastructure3. Messaging and Information Distribution Infrastructure4. Common Business Services Infrastructure 5. Application (1)Commerce (2)Content (3)CommunityIn the context, we implement the following plan:1- The implementation of digital learning environment and mobile information center 2-

9、Facilitation and Digitization of Trade processes-an integration of instruction 3- The implementation of RFID in the eCampus of Chihlee4- Financial instruction informization and Professional technical cultivation plan(五)年度計畫執行成果中文摘要分項計畫1-數位學習環境與網路行動資訊中心建置為配合本校中長期發展規劃,本分項計畫數位學習環境方面初期已經完成非同步遠距教學管理環境平台建


11、年,本(94)年度計畫執行成效臚列如下: 增設貿易運籌e化特色課程:配合軟硬體設備增購,94學年度依計畫書原規劃案,增設關貿實務(上學期)及空運物流實務(下學期)。 增設貿易運籌實習室乙間:配合軟硬體設備增購,及學校相關經費支持,本學年增設貿易運籌實習室乙間,提升貿易運籌實作教學效能。 強化產學合作平台:透過本貿易暨運籌物流e化教學整合計畫,本校陸續與中華民國外銷企業協進會、臺北市報關商業同業公會、臺北市航空貨運承攬商業同業公會、宇柏資訊股份有限公司簽訂產學合作備忘錄,活化實作教學內容。 活絡建教合作交流:透過本計畫經費及學校相關經費支持,本學年陸續引進業界實務專家蒞校進行專題講演,並安排同學

12、進行校外實務參訪,讓同學所學,能夠貼近實務發展動態。 引進專業證照輔導機制:透過本教學整合計畫,結合相關課程,導入專業證照輔導機制,強化同學實作能力,發展實務教學特色。上述執行成效,分別詳細說明如下:A. 增設貿易運籌e化特色課程: 94學年度上學期增設關貿實務(3學分3小時)選修課程,選課人數計60人,同學選修意願強烈。 94學年度下學期預計增設空運物流實務(3學分3小時)選修課程,提供航空貨運物流承攬學習平台。B. 完成貿易運籌實習室乙間建置 建置完成貿易暨運籌物流e化主機(含主機端作業系統60User及SQL 資料庫),該主機將可供全系教學研究使用。 建置完成一間教室的貿易暨運籌物流e化

13、教學軟體-3PL倉儲管理專業系統,該系統可支援多倉儲及多廠商之作業模式,各倉或各廠商之使用人員可同時上網作業並存取各自之資料,滿足整體作業需求;倉儲管理並詳細至同一產品的不同批號及效期在各個倉庫及儲位之進出情形及庫存數量,並可分層次合併計算庫存數量,以符合不同管理層次或業務觀點之需要。此外,由於該系統採用XML Based Web Application架構,因此使用人員將不受地域及時間限制,可隨時上網作業,便於同學e化學習。 由學校經費補助,建置完成貿易暨運籌物流e化實作平台-8台桌上型電腦、1台彩色印表機、1組研討會議桌椅。C. 強化產學合作平台 本年度,本校陸續與中華民國外銷企業協進會、

14、臺北市報關商業同業公會、臺北市航空貨運承攬商業同業公會、宇柏資訊股份有限公司簽訂產學合作備忘錄。 透過產學結盟,本校將陸續與合作之公協會及企業共同推動實務協同教學、規劃相關證照輔考課程、以及落實本位課程規劃。 本年度經由本產學結盟,本校獲第四方(4PL)國際物流的產業現況與發展趨勢委託研究案乙件。未來並將協同開發第四方(4PL)國際物流管理e化軟體。D. 活絡建教合作交流 透過本教學整合計畫,本學年關貿實務課程計安排業界實務專家蒞校進行專題講演6場次。 透過本教學整合計畫,本學年關貿實務課程計安排同學赴神達Mitac公司物流中心、中保國際物流中心、財政部臺北關稅局、華儲物流中心、東立物流中心等

15、業界進行實務參訪。 下年度將增設國際商務綜合實習,協助安排畢業班同學赴貿易運籌相關業界實務實習。E. 種子師資培訓、研習與其它教學活動 擴大舉辦國貿新主張:關務人員專業證照研討會; 辦理通關自動化系統上機4場次; 辦理3PL倉儲管理系統教育訓練1場次。F. 引進貿易便捷化(e化)專業證照輔導機制: 本年度結合臺北市報關商業同業公會,共同推動通關自動化專業證照考試,相關考試內容,並融入關貿實務課程教學講授。 預計12月底輔導選修關貿實務課程同學,參加通關自動化專業證照考試。分項計畫3-RFID在致理校園的實務應用(1)實驗室RFID的應用研究:採購RFID應用的相關設備,可以開始進行教學、研究和

16、實習的工作。已和配合廠商進行相關教學需求的教材編輯。初期RFID的相關應用由合作廠商協助導入。(2)RFID在停車場管理的導入:校園新地下停車場已於95年8月新建完工,規劃將RFID應用於停車場管理。已採購先進之長距離UHF (Ultra High Frequency) 超高頻RFID Reader,與Tag,來達到自動讀取辨識之目的。(3)RFID在圖書館管理的導入:建立資訊快速擷取通路系統(人機介面的編寫)設立綜合式管理平台分項計畫4-金融教學資訊化暨專業職能培育計畫(1) 對學生學習與未來就業之效益1. 互動式教學環境,提高學生學習興趣。2. 透過虛擬學習環境,體驗實務操作之情境。3.

17、培養財金專長,提升就業競爭力。4. 運用虛擬之實務環境,驗證理論之學習效果。5. 整合性的資訊資源,使學生查詢運用方便。6. 互動式的教學環境及方式,增加學生學習興趣。7. 學習活動的輔助工具。8. 透過網路學習方式增加學生學習互動之能力。(2) 對教師教學研究之效益:1. 提供財金相關之資料庫,以利資料取得。2. 提供分析工具、協助資料分析,以利研究創新。3. 提供財金教學環境,以利提升教學品質。(3) 跨系或院整合效益:1. 可強化現行金融教育,運用財務工程與資訊科技之整合技術,提供未來財經、金融等產業儲備人才之教學環境。2. 運用網際網路技術為基礎環境,架構相關系統模組,強調整合性的資料

18、擷取與加值服務,提供老師與學生隨時隨地透過網路即可進行財金分析及實習。3. 透過完整的電子化交易流程,將財務工程理論與交易實務結合,將書本的知識層次提昇至兼具分析、決策輔助的動態教學系統。(4) 其他效益:本專案建置之網際網路服務,除提供平時師生教學研究外,更可配合教育推廣中心,提供財經產業金融知識推廣訓練。做為銀行、證券、投信、保險等各行業之在職教育訓練中心。1. 提供學校對企業服務的環境,包括以此環境代為培育企業所需財金專業人員。2. 幫助學校發展教學特色與研究特色。3. 建立學校管理學院的競爭優勢。4. 協助學校建置網路金融教學平台。(六)年度計畫執行成果英文摘要 分項計畫1-數位學習環

19、境與網路行動資訊中心建置In order to match with in our school the long-term development to program, the duty item plan the digital learning environment to has already synchronously not completed the distance learning the management the environment platform the establishment in the early years, and completed four

20、 digital teaching materials.Through the learning of the network environment, the student can all can make use of the teaching that the network on-line method carries on the curriculum with locations at any one time.Not only can develop the extended education function but also can promote to learn th

21、e result thus.For the constructure of network motion information center, the duty item project has already purchased action the information related software, and completes campus an action information a guide system in the special subject the manufacture the curriculum, so the student can go deep in

22、to understanding mobile communication environment and operate of principle, student to network communication application and program design of the ability can also enhance.Through the cooperation of the industry actual situation environment, theories and the technique make theories and actual situat

23、ion combine together.For the seminar activity, the duty item project has already hold a seminar and a meeting with a study. There are 2005 digital learning and the motion technique seminar, and study meeting of digital teaching material manufacture of environment and network, respectively.分項計畫2-貿易暨運

24、籌物流e化教學整合計畫The Execution period of this sub-schedulewill last three years. Below are the expected results and effects for year 2005: Adding Electronized Trading & Logistics courses: Accompanied with the purchasing on softwares and hardwares, two new courses, “Customs and Trading Practices”and “Freig

25、ht Logistics Practices”will be offered at the 1st and 2nd semester of year 2006. Establishing Trading Logistic simulation Lab: Purchasing relative softwares and hardwares funded by our school, the new Trading Logistics Simulation Lab were established to enhance the effects on instructing the logisti

26、cs practices. Reinforcing the Platform of Cooperation between Industries and Academies: Through the Teaching Integration Project of “the Electronized Trading and Logsitics Practices”, our institute keeps gaining assistance from and have signed cooperation agreements with the R.O.C. Foreinged based E

27、nterprises Association, Taipei Customes Brokers Association, Taipei Freight Loading Commerce Association, Yu-Bo Computer Information Ltd. Co. These achievements make our practice teaching more versatile. Stipulating Cooperation with firms from different industries: Throught the application of the bu

28、dgets under this project and our institutes sponsors, a few practical speeches initiated by practioners working in different industries have been introduced to our department since the begining of year 2005. In addition, students also got arrangements to visit some companies to reinforce the learnin

29、g effects. This action allow our students to check out how they should adjust the gap between wheat they learn and what they could face in the business world. Introducing Professional Certificate Consultant Framework: Through the intergration project, related courses have been intergrated to reinfor

30、ce studentssurviving abilityin the business world. At last, our characteristics of practice teaching is developed and displayed.The below will cover the above execution outcomes will be mentioned in more details:G. Adding Electronized Trading & Logistics courses: Course with 3 credit hours called “C

31、ustomes and Trading Practices” will be offered in an elective base at the first semester of year 2005 academic year. The attendence will be estimated at 60 students. So far, some students show their strong will on taking this class. The course, Freight Logistic Practice, is scheduled to offer at ele

32、ctive base for three credit hours at the second semester of academic year 2005. This class will be used as a learning plateform to learn how frieght logistic companies do business. Establishing Trading Logistic simulation Lab: The main server for running Electronized Trading and Logistics System, wh

33、ich includes operation system runned by 60 users and SQL database, and the server will also be used by any teaching purpose in our department. Established classroom which all the computers were equipped with 3PL Trading and Logistic Software, it is used for the teaching purpose of “electronized trad

34、ing and logistics system.” The system can provide versatile business mode used in muitiple warehourses and factories. Each staff working in warehouses and offices can co-work and retrieve individual data through internet. This system can satisfy any necessay operation needs. Warehouse management sys

35、tem can even display all the stock status in a very detailed information. For instance, effective dates for each patch of the same product. Also, the system can calculate the total stock by summating the different level of stocks to match a variety of needs from different layers of management staff.

36、 In addition, owing to the fact that the systme takes XML Based Web Application framework, all the users will not be limited by time of use and locations. They can work out their tasks to connect with the system through internet. Sponsored by our school funds, oru department set up the Pratice plate

37、form of the Electronized Trading and Logistic System, which includes eight desktop computers, one color printerm and one set of meeting table and chairs. H. Reinforcing the Platform of Cooperation between Industries and Academies: Our institute keeps gaining assistance from and have signed cooperati

38、on agreements with the R.O.C. Foreinged based Enterprises Association, Taipei Customes Brokers Association, Taipei Freight Loading Commerce Association, Yu-Bo Computer Information Ltd. Co. These achievements make our practice teaching more versatile. Through the alliance between industry and academy

39、 institution, our institute is going to promote the “:Practice Integration Teaching”, schedule related certificate consultant classes, and root our core courses in the international trade field with all the public based associations and private owned enterprises I. Stipulating Cooperation with firms

40、 from different industries: Through this Teaching Integration Project, this years course called “Custom Practice” offered 6 speeches made by some experts who got proficient practical expereiences in the target field. Through this Teaching Integration Project, the instructor of this years course call

41、ed “Custom Practice”have taken students to visit the logistic center of the MITAC company, Chung-Bao Global Logistic Center, Taipei Custom Office of the Public Finance Ministry, Hua-Chu Logistic Center, and Don-Li logistic Center to reinforce students learning experiences. Starting from the next aca

42、demy year, one course called “Interns for Integrated International Business”will be offered to the graduates for providing them more intern opportunities in firms. J. Apprenticeship、Off-campus Learning and other Teaching Activities: Held New Certificate Proposal at the International Trade” activity

43、and a seminar of “Professional Certificate for Custome staff.” Held 4 seminars for operating the automatic customs systems, Executing one seminar for “3PL Warehouse Management System;”K. Introducing the Profession Certificate Consultant Framework complied with the introduction of “Electronized Tradi

44、ng System”: In this year(2005), our school work with Taipei Customes Commerce Association to promote the certificate test of “customes automation”. The relative knowledge needed for passing the test have been scheduled covered in the related courses.One test preparation course for the custome automa

45、tion test will be held for the students who takethe Customes and Trading Practice course” in December 2005. 分項計畫3-RFID在致理校園的實務應用(1)The application of RFID in labetory.Have purchased the related equipements of RFID. The works of teaching, researching and some experiments can be carried out already. T

46、he materials for teaching have edited by the coorporated company. In the beginning stage, the application of RFID is provided by the coorporated company. (2)The application of RFID in parking management.The new underground parking field have constructed in August 2005.The management is planned to use RFID. Long distance advanced UHF (Ultra High Frequency) RFID Reader and Tag have purchased and will be used in idendifying automatically.(3)The application of RFID in


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