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1、Look and match.Then think about what kind of items you cant live without.,1,Wi-Fi computer expresssmartphone online shop food delivery,computer,smartphone,food delivery,online shop,express,Wi-Fi,Watch the video again and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.,2,What am I supposed to do righ

2、t now?I feel bored,I dont know what to do.I feel bored,what do I do when I dont have the _?Do none of us talk to each other anymore?Where is the Wi-Fi?I dont No one is _.I dont understand.Im never gonna see a _ cat on the Internet again.Wait,maybe this isnt so bad.Maybe Ill have more time to do the

3、things Ive been meaning to do.Ill be so free!Theres _,theres _,theres things to be seen!Maybe life will be better without(Wi-Fi is back on.)Oh thank god!Oh,phew(哎呀)!Now back to what I was doing.,Internet,connected,funny,nature,beauty,connected Internet funny beauty nature,Lead in视频链U21.Lead-in.mp4,M

4、atch the words to form phrases about new lifestyles and then make a sentence with each phrase.,3,online sharing(共享)_mobile lifestyle _bike payment _low-carbon(低碳的)pooling(共用)_car shopping _electric delivery _express(快捷的)car _,online shopping,low-carbon(低碳的)lifestyle,mobile payment,bike sharing,car p

5、ooling,electric car,express delivery,Listen to the dialogues and fill in the blanks.,Words and Expressions convenient/knvinint/adj.方便的 open an account/kant/开户 online bank 网上银行 amazing/mez/adj.神奇的 virtual supermarket/vtul supmkt/虚拟超市 simulate/smjulet/v.模仿 revolution/revlun/n.改革;革命 rush hours/r a(r)z/

6、交通高峰期 traffic jam/trfk dm/交通拥堵 get off work 下班 Thats amazing.太不可思议了!Bike-riding will help us do some exercises.骑自行车有助于我们锻炼身体。,Listening 视频链接U22 Listening.mp4,Dialogue 1,S:Aunt Cindy,do you shop _ often?C:Yes.Its very convenient and the price is even _.S:Last week,I tried to buy some books online,but

7、 I didnt know how to pay for them.C:You should open an account at the online bank first.S:Are there many things online?C:Sure.You can fi nd things all over the _.Lets check it out online!S:Thats amazing.Oh,an online virtual supermarket?C:Lets _ to check it out.S:Oh,I got it.It simulates the real sup

8、ermarket,which makes it feel so real.Mom will love it.She loves shopping in supermarkets.C:No doubt about it.Shopping online will get more and more _.Its a real revolution about peoples consuming habits.,online,lower,world,click,popular,Dialogue 2,A:Here we are on the subway.M:Yes,we are travelling

9、in rush hours.It could be very crowded in the _ and after 6 oclock in the afternoon.A:I heard that many people _.M:Yes,many families have their own cars.A:Why dont they drive?Isnt a car more convenient than the subway?M:Well,it is _ to find a parking place in the city.Besides,parking is expensive in

10、 the downtown.A:I see.I saw many public bicycles _ the subway station.I think we can go back home by bike _.M:OK.Bike riding will help us do some exercise.And we wont have to worry about traffic jam after getting off work.,morning,have cars,hard,near,tomorrow,Listen to the dialogues again and check

11、your answers,and then make a dialogue according to the situation given below.The following sentence patterns are for your reference.,Situation:You are going to ride a bicycle with your friend to go out of campus.You find that all the bikes around you are broken or unavailable.So you decide to go fur

12、ther and find the good ones.On the way you start talking about bike sharing.,Speaking 视频链接U23.Speaking.mp4,Listen to the song Amazing Life and fill in the blanks.,歌曲视频链接U24.Song.mp4,Amazing Life is a song by American musician Britt Nicole.People can feel the happiness and love for the beautiful life

13、 in this song.Ready to embrace your life?,Its a beau-,beau-,beautiful world weve been _From the top of the sky to the oceanIll never understand it all(understand it all)It must be supernatural(超自然的)Its a ma-,ma-,magical thing,a starry nightFeel,feel so small under a billion lightsNever understand it

14、 all(never understand it all)It must be supernaturalAmazing life,amazing life_ higher than Ive ever dreamedFrom the top of the world I could screamAmazing life,amazing life,given,Flying,Its a colorful,colorful world painted so _Gonna walk on air,gonna take flightIll never understand it all(never und

15、erstand it all)It must be supernaturalI wanna drink,drink,drink every drop of sunshineGot a smile on my face,I wont apologizeIll never understand it all(never understand it all)It must be supernatural,Youre the burning in my heart that never dies,never diesWithout you here my world is black and whit

16、e,black and whiteLike a show without a _Like a storm without the rainYoure the one I cant _Need you by my sideNeed you by my side,bright,stage,replace,Text A Intensive Reading,Text A 视频链接U25 Text A(1).mp4,拓展视频链接U26.Text A(2).mp4,Pre-Reading Questions:1Have you ever heard of“minimalism”?2What is your

17、 understanding of“minimalism”?,Minimalism:Can Living with Less Make You Happier?,New Words,1 minimalism/mnmlzm/n.简约主义,极简主义2 single/sgl/adj.单身的;单一的3 editor/edt(r)/n.编辑,编者4 publishing/pbl/n.出版;发行5 loser/luz(r)/n.失败者6 adult/dlt/n.成年人7 honestly/nstl/adv.诚实地8 perfectly/pfktl/adv.非常,十分9 rid/rd/v.使摆脱,解除10

18、material/mtril/adj.物质的11 possession/pzen/n.财产,所有物12 lifestyle/lafstal/n.生活方式;工作方式13 reduce/rdjus/v.减少,缩小,14 essential/senl/n.必不可少的东西;必需品15 superficial/supfl/adj.表面的;粗略的,肤浅的16 benefit/benft/n.益处,好处17 pleasure/ple(r)/n.愉快;令人高兴的事18 ease/iz/n.舒适,自在19 fundamental/fndmentl/adj.十分重大的,根本的20 shift/ft/n.改变,变化

19、21 spirit/sprt/n.情绪;心境22 content/kntent/adj.满意的,满足的23 minimalist/mnmlst/n.简约主义者24 self-worth/selfw/n.自我价值感25 miserable/mzrbl/adj.痛苦的,非常难受的26 focus/fks/v.集中(注意力、精力)27 stack/stk/v.堆成堆,一堆28 thumb/m/v.用拇指摸29 grandiose/grndis/adj.华而不实的,浮夸的,1 care about 关心 e.g.He really cares about the students in his cla

20、ss.2 get rid of 丢弃;扔掉;摆脱 e.g.We got rid of all the old furniture.3 used to 过去时常 e.g.I used to write during my free periods at school.4 compare with.和比较 e.g.Write down a list and compare with your partner.5 focus on.致力于;使聚焦于 e.g.Today were going to focus on the question of air pollution.6 thumb throu

21、gh 浏览;快速翻阅 e.g.Thumb through any dictionary,and you will see pages of words followed by definitions.7 be filled with 充满 e.g.My heart is filled with joy.8 take up 学着做,开始做;占用(时间);占据(空间);开始从事 e.g.Theyve taken up golf.9 get tired of 对厌烦 e.g.You never get tired of hearing this story.,1 Living with only t

22、he bare essentials has not only provided superficial benefits such as the pleasure of a tidy room or the simple ease of cleaning,but it has also led to a more fundamental shift.(Para.3)Living with only the bare essentials 是动名词短语作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。not only.but also 是固定用法,意思是“不仅而且”。,2 At the same time,thou

23、gh,I was always comparing myself with other people who had more or better things,which often made me miserable.(Para.5)though 是连词,意思是“虽然,尽管”,表示转折的关系。who had more or better things 是定语从句,修饰限定先行词other people。which 引导的是非限定性定语从句,修饰前面的一整句话。,3 On a usual day,there were books stacked everywhere in my apartm

24、ent because there wasnt enough room on my bookshelves.(Para.6)on a usual day 意思是“在一个平常的日子里”。“there were books”是there be 句型,表示某处存在有某物。because there wasnt enough room on my bookshelves 是由because 引导的原因状语从句。,4 After what Ive been through,I think saying goodbye to your things is more than an exercise in

25、tidying up.(Para.9)what Ive been through 是what 引导的名词性从句,作介词after 的宾语。be through 意思是“完成,做完”。saying goodbye to your things is more than an exercise in tidying up 作think 的宾语,省略了关系词that,saying goodbye to your things 是动名词短语作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。More than 在此句中的意思是“不仅仅是,不只是”。,Read Text A and then complete the foll

26、owing passage.,buy,compare,not,fewer,happier,happiness,Answer the following questions and then discuss with your partners.,1 How did the author feel when he had a lot of things around?2 How did the author feel when he had fewer things?3 Why did the author change so much?,Fill in the blanks with the

27、words given below.Change the form where necessary.,I only had time to pack the bare _.The conference may help to _ our attention on the economy.We should spend the money on something that will _everyone.They ended by making themselves _.The ring is one of her most treasured _.Every room must have be

28、en stuffed with _ things.The plan is designed to _ some of the companys mountainous debt.These days,work plays an important part in a _ womans life.,essential,focus,benefit,miserable,possession,material,reduce,single,single material possession reduceessential benefit miserable focus,Add-ist,-ness or

29、-ive to the following words to form new words and give thecorresponding Chinese meanings of the new words.,idealist,理想主义者,scientist,科学家,physicist,物理学家,kindness,善意,usefulness,有用,loneliness,effective,creative,progressive,孤独,有效的,有创造力的,进步的,There are two sentences chosen from the text.Choose the best Chi

30、nese translation for each sentence.,1 Minimalism is a lifestyle in which you reduce your possessions to the least possible.A.极简主义是将自己的财产减到最少的一种生活方式。B.极简主义是将自己的财产尽可能减少的一种生活方式。C.极简主义是一种生活方式,在这里,你将你的财产减到最少的可能。2 I used to buy a lot of things,believing that all those possessions would increase my self-wo

31、rth and lead to a happier life.A.我习惯买很多东西,并坚信所有的这些财产能增加我的自尊并导致更幸福的生活。B.我习惯买很多东西,并坚信所有的这些财产能增加我的自我价值并导致更幸福的生活。C.我过去时常买很多东西,我相信所有的这些财产能够增加我的自尊并会使我过上更幸 福的生活。,A,C,Complete the following sentences with the given sentence structures.,It has given sb.a chance.to do 有机会做e.g.It has given me a chance to trave

32、l alone.这给我一个独自旅行的机会。1 _(这给了她一个向同学学习的 机会)2 _(这给他了一个继续深造的机会)be filled with.装满了e.g.The bottle is filled with water.瓶里装满了水。1 His room_(装满了书).2 The office _(充满了奇怪的味道).,It has given her a chance to learn from her classmates.,It has given him a chance to study further.,is filled with books.,is filled with

33、 strange smell.,Text B Extensive Reading,Text B 视频链接U27 Text B(1).mp4,拓展视频链接U28.Text B(2).mp4,How to Get by in Beijing Without a Wallet,New Words,1 tough/tf/adj.艰苦的,艰难的2 spot/spt/n.地点,场所3 necessity/nsesti/n.生活必需品4 credit/kredt/n.信誉,信用;赊购;赊欠5 mobile/mbal/adj.可移动的6 commerce/kms/n.贸易,商业,商务7 estimate/es

34、tmet/v.估价;估算,估计8 dwarf/dwf/v.使显得矮小,使相形见绌9 skeptical/skeptkl/adj.怀疑的10 convenient/knvinint/adj.方便的,便利的11 crepe/krep/n.薄煎饼12 purchase/pts/n.购买的东西13 password/pswd/n.密码,口令14 transaction/trnzkn/n.交易,业务15 barista/brist/n.咖啡馆准备咖啡的员工,16 sip/sp/v.小口喝,抿17 household/hashld/adj.家庭的18 transfer/trnsf(r)/v.转移,搬迁19

35、 takeout/tekat/n.外卖食品20 delivery/dlvri/n.传递,递送hail/hel/v.招手(请出租车或者公共 汽车停下)22 payment/pemnt/n.付款,支付23 multiple/mltpl/adj.数量多的,多种多样的24 split/splt/v.分担,分摊25 fare/fe(r)/n.车费26 destination/destnen/n.目的地,终点27 trendy/trendi/adj.时髦的,赶时髦的28 vendor/vend(r)/n.小贩,摊贩29 resource/rss/n.资源;资料30 carbon/kbn/n.碳,1 pay

36、 for 为付款2 set out 动身,出发3 be skeptical about 对表示怀疑4 be able to do sth.有能力做某事5 allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事,1 In many places,if you leave the house without your wallet,youll usually have a _ time.A.good B.wonderful C.difficult D.greatWhen the author lived in the United States,how did he usually pay?A.Cr

37、edit cards.B.Debit cards.C.Checks.D.All of the above.3 In Beijing,we can pay by phone for _.A.movie ticket B.takeout food C.goods for delivery D.all of the above.,C,D,D,4 Which one of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?A.All kinds of phones can be used to pay for bills.B.Mobi

38、le commerce industry is developing fast in China.C.The author found that the mobile payment is very easy and convenient.D.The mobile payment is friendly to our environment.5 What is the authors attitude towards the mobile payments?A.Negative.B.Positive.C.Dont care.D.Neutral.,A,B,英语中的时态(二):一般过去时,1 一般

39、过去时的基本句式,1)肯定句:主语 be 动词的过去式(was/were)其他 主语行为动词的过去式其他 e.g.He was at home last night.他昨天晚上在家。We had classes last week.上周我们上课了。,2)否定句:主语 be 动词的过去式(was/were)not 其他 主语 didnt 动词原形其他 e.g.He wasnt at home last night.他昨天晚上不在家。We didnt have classes last week.上周我们没有上课。,3)一般疑问句:be 动词的过去式(Was/Were)主语其他 Did 主语动词原

40、形其他e.g.Was he at home last night?他昨天晚上在家吗?Did you have classes last week?你们上周有课吗?肯定回答:Yes,主语(常用代词)be动词的过去式(was/were)/did.e.g.Yes,he was.是的,他在。Yes,we did.是的,我们上课了。否定回答:No,主语(常用代词)be动词的过去式(was/were)/didnot.e.g.No,he wasnt.他昨天晚上没在家。No,we didnt.我们上周没有上课,4)特殊疑问句:疑问词 be 动词的过去式(was/were)主语其他,或疑问词 did 主语动词原

41、形其他e.g.Where was he last night?他昨天晚上在哪里?What did you do last week?你们上周做什么了?,2 动词过去式的变化规则,3 一般过去时的用法,1)表示在过去某个特定时间发生的动作或存在的状态 常与表示过去的时间状语或从句连用,如:yesterday,last week,last year,in 1993,at that time,once,a few days ago 等等。,e.g.I had a word with Julia this morning.今天早晨,我跟朱莉娅说了几句话。He went to Hong Kong las

42、t week.他上周去了香港。,2)表示在此之前一段时间内经常或反复的动作 常与 always,often 等词连用,表示过去经常性的动作。e.g.Mrs.Peter always carried an umbrella.彼得太太过去老是带着一把伞。We often went hiking when we were in America.在美国的时候我们经常去徒步旅行。,3)表示出生或死亡的情况多用过去时e.g.He died in the accident last year.他在去年的那场事故中去世了。The girl was born in 2008.这个女孩生于 2008 年。4)表示

43、说话时已经发生的动作或存在的状态 有些句子,虽然没有表示过去确定时间的状语,但实际上是指过去发生的动作或存在的状态,也要用过去时。e.g.I didnt know you were in Paris.我不知道你在巴黎。I thought you were ill.我以为你病了。,1,Write down the past forms of the verbs.(写出下列动词的过去式形式。),touch _ 2 stay _ 3 cry _4 go _ 5 have _ 6 come _,touched,stayed,cried,went,had,came,1,2,Fill in the bla

44、nks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.(用括号中动词的适当形式填空。),1 Mary _(come)to China last month.2 There _(be)a telephone call for you just now.3 I listened but _(hear)nothing.4 Mike _(not go)to bed until 12 oclock last night.,came,was,heard,didnt go,3,Change the sentence patterns according to

45、 the directions.(按要求转换句型。),1 Lucy did her homework at home.(变否定句)_2 He found some meat in the fridge.(变一般疑问句)_3 She stayed there for a week.(对划线部分提问)_4 There was some oranges in the bag.(变一般疑问句)_,Lucy didnt do her homework at home.,Did he find any meat in the fridge?,How long did she stay there?,Are

46、 there any oranges in the bag?,Now watch the movie clip.Read the words closely after the speaker so as to improveyour short-term memory,pronunciation,stress and intonation by imitating what you hear.,Setting:Tadashi brings Hiro to his lab and his friends show Hiro their experimental achievements.Hir

47、o wants to know what Tadashi is working on.,电影视频链接U29.Movie.mp4,Work in pairs.Perform the business dinner situations with the correct and polite table manners.The teacher and students in other teams can give a score for the performance.The following score sheet is for your reference.,Situation:In th

48、is video,Brain did something wrong or impolite.Please pick them out and perform the situation in the polite manners.,Performing视频链接U210.Performing.mp4,Read the lines from the movie Guardians of the Galaxy 2(银河护卫队2)and try to recite them.,Whatever nightmares the future holds,are dreams compared to wh

49、ats behind me.无论未来有多凄惨,跟我的过去相比都不 算什么。2 Sometimes,the thing youve been looking for your whole life is right there beside you all along.有时候你穷极一生寻找的一直都在你的身边从 未离开过。3 When youre ugly and someone loves you,it means they love you for who you are.当你丑时依然有人爱你,意味着他们爱的是你 这个人而非外表。,Letter of Thanks,Useful Expressions,I am writing to express my thanks for Im so grateful that you I wish to express my sincere appreciation for It was so thoughtful and kind of you to Please accept my warm thanks for,


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