Business Etiquette of India 印度的商务礼仪.ppt

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《Business Etiquette of India 印度的商务礼仪.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Business Etiquette of India 印度的商务礼仪.ppt(50页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Business Etiquette of India,Group 5,Content,Brief Introduction of India Main body ConclusionBibliography,Brief Introduction of India,politics,India is officially called Republic of India,is One of the Four Ancient Civilization,is located in southern Asia and is a member of the Commonwealth of Nation

2、s(英联邦).,Economy,India is officially One of the BRICs“金砖四国”.The current leadership of India is implementing sweeping changes to encourage international business in India,from privatization to the liberalization of trade.,Language,There are more than fourteen major and three hundred minor languages sp

3、oken in India.The official languages are English and Hindi.English is widely used in business,politics and education.,India is officially called Republic of India,is One of the Four Ancient Civilizations is located in southern Asia and is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations(英联邦).To its north lie

4、s Afghanistan,China,Nepal,and Bhutan;to its east is Bangladesh,ba:glde,Myanmar mjnm:,and the Bay of Bengal(孟加拉湾);and on the west is the Arabian Sea and Pakistan.,Geographic Location,Religion,India is predominantly Hindu,with 81%of the population practicing that religion.Next is Muslim at 12%,Christi

5、an at 2%,and all others within the last 5%of the society.,Well-known Cultural SymbolsTaj Mahal,The Taj Mahal changes with season and time.At dawn,it presents a pink,and it is like blossom.At noon,the Taj Mahal turns white,shining;In the evening,the Taj Mahal presents the color of hoar,which looks li

6、ke pearls.,Dawn,Grey and White,Dusk,Social Problems,Religious Contention Ethnic ConflictsRich-Poor Gap,1,2,3,Main body,Social Etiquette and FeaturesDressing EtiquetteTable EtiquetteGift-giving EtiquetteBusiness NegotiationCustom taboo,Greeting Etiquette,Greeting can be influenced by religion,educati

7、on,and social class.India has a very hierarchical culture,so the eldest or most senior member of a group should be greeted first.Shaking hands is common,especially in large cities where many people deal with Westerners or Western customs.,Greeting Etiquette,However,men and women can only shake the h

8、ands of their own gender.When leaving a group,each member of the group must be bid farewell individually rather than as a whole in India.,Colors,Unlucky Numbers,Dressing Etiquette,Men are generally expected to wear a suit and tie for business,although the jacket may be removed in the summer.When dre

9、ssing casual,short-sleeved shirts and long pants are preferred for men;shorts are acceptable only when exercising.,商务装 男女,Dressing Etiquette,Women should wear conservative dresses or pantsuits(裤套装).Women must keep their upper arms,chest,back,and legs covered at all times.Women should wear long pants

10、 when exercising.,The use of leather products including belts or handbags may be considered offensive,especially in temples.Hindus revere cows and do not use leather products.,We are HOLLY CATTLE.,Table Etiquette,Most Indians consider it more proper to eat with their hands.Western visitors may be ta

11、ken aback by this,but so long as the hands are cleaned beforehand,it is perfectly safe and sanitary.However,eating with the left hand is always considered impolite and offensive,and no one shares utensils(餐具),glasses,or food,even if they have yet to be used or consumed.Leaving some food on the plate

12、 is also an indication of having a satisfied appetite.,Food,Dos and Donts of Meals,India professionals prefer a business lunch to dinner.As most Indians are Hindu or Muslim,we should keep in mind that Muslims do not eat pork and Hindus do not eat beef.Do not offer these foods during a meal.At the en

13、d of a meal that is provided by an Indian host,it is impolite to say“thank you”.Thanking someone is interpreted as a form of payment in India,and an insult to the host.,Gift-giving Etiquette,Acceptable gifts are flowers,chocolate,perfume and small electronic goods in India.Gifts are not opened in th

14、e presence of the giver.If you receive a wrapped gift,set it aside until the giver leaves.,Gift-giving Etiquette,Cash is appropriate for events celebrating or mourning birth,marriage,and death.White flowers are highly inappropriate,as they are used during funerals.Yellow,green,and red considered luc

15、ky colors and are often used in the wrapping and preparation of a gift.If a household has children,small toys for them are also appreciated.,Business Negotiation,Business Negotiation,Business Cards,图片,Custom and Business Taboo 1,The head is considered the seat of the soul.Never touch someone elses h

16、ead,not even to pat the hair of a child.Beckoning(召唤)someone with the palm up and wagging(摇摆)one finger can be construed as in insult.Titles are very important in India.Always use professional titles when call someone.,2,Whistling is impolite and winking may be interpreted as either an insult or a s

17、exual proposition.Never point your feet at a person.Feet are considered unclean.If your shoes or feet touch another person,you should apologize for it.,3,Business lunches are preferred to dinners.Hindus do not eat beef and Muslims do not eat pork.Putting your hands on your hips will be interpreted a

18、s an angry and aggressive posture.,4,The word“no”has harsh implications in India.Evasive(推辞的)refusals are more common,and are considered more polite.Never directly refuse an invitation,a vague Ill try is an acceptable refusal.Do not thank your hosts at the end of a meal.“Thanks”is considered a form

19、of payment and therefore insulting.,5,Conclusion,Business etiquette plays an important role in business activities,especially,as the economic globalization develops and deepens fast,and Indias economy expands rapidly,there are opportunities for India professionals to work with international clients who outsource to them.When doing business in India,it is best to be aware of the countrys business etiquette,which does a favor to better business activities and helps maintain a satisfactory professional relationship.,Bibliography,福斯特.印度之行M.著天津科技翻译出版公司,2008.http:/india.htmlhttp:/,


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