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1、课 时 计 划课 题Unit 1 This is my day第1课时教学内容A. Lets learn Lets play Lets chant C. Good to know 教 学目 标1. Ss are able to listen, say, read and write the phrases: eat dinner, do morning exercises, have English class, eat breakfast.2. Ss can listen and understand the sentences: When do you I usually 3. Ss ca

2、n say the chant and understand “Good to know”.教 学重 点Five four-skilled phrases in this lesson: eat dinner, do morning exercises, have English class, eat breakfast教 学难 点The pronunciation of “exercises” and “usually”教学准备Tape, recorder, clock, timetable, word cards预 习提 纲Ss think about their daily routin

3、e.时 间教 学 过 程7303Step 1 Warm-up(1) Free talk: Two pairs present their dialogue.(2) Game: What time is it? Teacher holds a clock and turn different time. T: Tick tock, tick tock, says the clock. What time is it? Ss: 7:00. / 8:50/ Ss review the time through the game.Step 2 Presentation and practice(1)

4、Teacher turns the clock at 6:00. T: What time is it? Ss: Its 6:00. T: I usually get up at 6:00. When do you get up? Then let the students express “I usuallyat ”(2) Teacher turns the clock at 7:35. T: When do you eat breakfast? Ss: At 7:35. Present: eat breakfast(3) Teacher turns the clock at 8:45. T

5、: When do you have English class? Ss: At 8:45. Present: do morning exercises. (4) Teacher asks a student to turn the clock. T: When do you have English class? The student turns the clock and answer. Present: have English class. Practice: haveclass.(5) Use the same way to present “play sports” and “e

6、at dinner”.Practice:(1) Clap hands and stamp feet to read the words.(2) Students use the new words to talk about their timetable.(3) Ask the time: When do you I usuallyStep3 Summary and assignment(1)Ss introduce their own timetable. “ I get up at 6:00. I eat breakfast at 7:50.”(2) Add words game. 布置

7、作业1. Copy the new words.2. Practice reading the new words.3. Design a timetable.板书设计Unit 1 A. Lets learn.7:35a.m. eat morning exercises9:10a.m.have English sports7:00 p.m. eat dinner教学后记课 时 计 划课 题Unit 1 This is my day第2课时教学内容A. Lets try Lets talk Lets find out C

8、. Task time 教 学目 标1. Ss can understand and say the sentences: When do you get up/ eat breakfast/ ? I usually at apply the sentences.2.Ss can use the sentences in this lesson when communicating.3.Ss can listen to Lets try and finish the exercises.教 学重 点Sentences: When do you ? I usually.教 学难 点The sam

9、e as above.教学准备Tape, recorder, timetable预 习提 纲时 间教 学 过 程45292Step 1 Warm-up(1)Free talk: What can you do?(2)Review the words: spelling game. Teacher checks some of the students.Step 2 Preview(1)Students try to read “Lets talk”(2)Listen to the tape “Lets try”. Check the answer. Answer the questions:A

10、. When does Mike get up?B. When does Mike do morning exercises?C. When does Mike play sports?Step3 Presentation(1) Question: When do you go to school/ get up/ Ss: I usually (write on the blackboard)(2) Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.(3) Practice reading and make dialogue.(4) Students look

11、at the pictures on the right. Make dialogues according to the pictures. SA: When do you eat breakfast? SB: At 7:35. SA: When do you have music class? SB: At What about you? SA: At(5) Do a survey and finish the timetable. Ss go around the classroom and ask their classmates.(6) Students take out their

12、 own timetable and talk about their days.Step4 Brief summary and homeworkFree talk: Two Ss make dialogue, the other Ss listen and answer question about the dialogue.布置作业1. Copy the dialogue.2. Practice reading.3. Make up dialogues.板书设计Unit 1 A. Lets talkWhen do you ?I usually atAt 7:00/ 6:30/ 教学后记课

13、时 计 划课 题Unit 1 This is my day第3课时教学内容A. Read and write Make a survey C. Pronunciation 教 学目 标1. Ss are able to listen, say, read and write the sentences: When do you eat dinner? I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening. When do you get up? I usually get up at 12:00.2.Ss can understand and say the pronunci

14、ation: ai, ay, gr, gl.教 学重 点The four skilled sentences.教 学难 点The same as above.教学准备Tape, recorder, timetable exercises book预 习提 纲时 间教 学 过 程44228Step 1 Warm-up(1)Free talk: two pairs talk about “My day”(2)Say and do action. One student say sentences. Another student do action. Eg: do morning exercise

15、s, play sports, eat dinnerStep 2 PreviewTeacher shows a timetable . Ss ask questions: When do you get up? T: At 6:30. S2: When do you go to school?Step3 Presentation Read and write(1) Game: Whats the truth?Teacher writes some sentences on the board: I get up at 6:00. I go to school at 7:00. I eat di

16、nner at 5:00 Students point out the wrong sentences.(2) T: Youre so clever. But some people have a different timetable. Lets go and see.(3) Teacher shows some pictures: go to work, go to bed, eat dinner, play sports. Students say the phrases. Then read the dialogue.(4) Students finish the timetable.

17、 Check the answers.(5) Play the tape. Students read the dialogue.(6) Students practice and act the dialogue.(7) Role play.(8) Practice writing the four-skilled sentences.Step4 Pronunciation (1)Find out the rules of pronunciation. (2)Practice reading.Read and answer:(1) Who is the man?(2)When does he

18、 go to work?(3) When does he eat breakfast?(4) When does he go home?(5) Does he go to bed at 9:00 p.m.?(6) What does he do at 3:00 p.m.?布置作业1. Practice writing the four-skilled sentences.2. Practice reading.板书设计Unit 1 A. Read and writeWhen do you eat dinner?I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening. When

19、do you get up?I usually get up at 12:00 at noon.教学后记课 时 计 划课 题Unit 1 This is my day第4课时教学内容B. Lets learn Lets chant C. Lets sing 教 学目 标1. Ss can listen, say, read and write the phrases: climb mountains, go shopping, play the piano, visit grandparents.2.Ss can say the chant.3.Ss learn the song “weeke

20、nd”.教 学重 点Four-skilled phrases: climb mountains, go shopping, play the piano, visit grandparents.教 学难 点The pronunciation and the spelling of the words: mountain, grandparents.教学准备Tape, recorder, word cards, pictures.预 习提 纲时 间教 学 过 程34285Step 1 Warm-up(1)Free talk: two pairs have a talk about weeks.(

21、2)Asking questions. When do you eat dinner/ get up/ go to school/ go home/?Step 2 PreviewTeacher shows calendar, which is Saturday and Sunday. Present “weekend”. Then teacher puts up some pictures on the blackboard. T: I often go shopping on Saturday. I often visit my grandparents on Sundays.Step3 P

22、resentation(1) After teachers introduction about the weekend, teacher continues: How about you, boys and girls? What do you do on the weekend?(2) Let some students come to the blackboard and choose the pictures. Teacher helps them say: I often climb mountains/ go shopping/ go hiking.(3) Students lea

23、rn the phrases. Do action and practice the phrases.(4) Practice:A. Say phrases: T: Climb mountains. S: Mountains. T: Hiking. Ss: Go hiking.B. Add one: I often climb mountains on the weekend. /I often climb mountains and go shopping on the weekend.(5) Practice the sentences.Step4 Lets chant (1)Listen

24、 to the tape. (2)Clap hands and chant.Review the old phrases: read books, watch TV, cook the meals, clean the bedroom布置作业1.Copy the new words.2.Practice reading 板书设计Unit 1 B. Lets learnSaturday + Sunday =weekendclimb mountains go shoppingplay the piano visit grandparentsgo hiking教学后记课 时 计 划课 题Unit 1

25、 This is my day第5课时教学内容A. Lets try Lets talk Lets find out C. Story time 教 学目 标1. Ss can understand and say the sentences: What do you do on the weekend? I usually / often play football/2. Ss can use the sentences in Lets find out.3. Ss can listen to Lets try and finish the exercises.教 学重 点Students

26、can use the sentences skillfully教 学难 点The difference between “sometimes, usually, often”教学准备Tape, recorder, pictures, activity plan.预 习提 纲时 间教 学 过 程45292Step 1 Warm-up(1)Ss read and spell the words.(2)Blank-filling: T: Climb Ss: Climb mountains. T: Hiking. Ss: Go hiking. T: Shopping. Ss: Go shopping

27、.Step 2 Preview(1)Question: What do you do on the weekend?Let some of the students talk about their weekends.(2)Listen to the tape “Lets try”. Students listen to Lets try and finish the exercises. Check the answers. Step3 Presentation(1)When teacher asks the question “What do you do on the weekend?”

28、 Mark a star on the pictures. Then present “sometimes, usually, often”.(2)Practice the words: sometimes: clap hands once; usually: clap hands twice; often: clap hands three times.(3)T: Do you want to know what does Miss Tang do on the weekends? Ss: Yes. T: So ask me. Ss: What do you do on the weeken

29、d? T: I often Sometimes I Usually I .(4)Teacher asks some questions about students.(5)Play the tape. Students follow the tape. (6)Students practice the dialogue and act the dialogue.Step4 Story time Play the tape and enjoy the story.Review the old phrases: What do you do on the weekend? I often do h

30、omework and water the flowers.布置作业1. Copy the dialogue.2. Practice reading.3.Do the exercise book.板书设计Unit 1B. Lets talk What do you do on the weekend? I often Sometimes I Usually I 教学后记课 时 计 划课 题Unit 1 This is my day第6课时教学内容A. Read and write Lets play C. Lets check 教 学目 标1. Ss are able to listen, s

31、ay, read and write the sentences: What do you do on the weekend? Usually I2. Ss can listen say and read the dialogue.3. Ss can play the game in Lets play and finish Lets check.教 学重 点The four skilled sentences.教 学难 点The same as above.教学准备Tape, recorder预 习提 纲时 间教 学 过 程44248Step 1 Warm-up(1)Free talk:

32、My weekend. Two students have a talk. (2)Play the train game: T: What do you do on the weekend? S1: I often go hiking. S2: Sometimes I go shopping. S3: Usually I visit grandparents. (use the words often, sometimes and usually)Step 2 PreviewT: Zip and Zoom do different things on the weekend. Lets go

33、and see.Step3 Presentation(1)Ss read the dialogue on their own. Find out the difficult words.(2)Ss write down Zip and Zooms weekend activities.(3)Listen and read after the tape.(4)Ss practice reading the dialogue. Then act the dialogue.(5)Write the four-skilled sentences on the blackboard. Ss practi

34、ce writing.(6)Rewrite the story. Write the dialogue as a passage. Teacher writes the passage and students do the blank-filling.Step4 Lets check (1)Play the tape and students do the exercises. (2)Check the answer.Read and answer the questions: (1)What does Zoom do on the weekend?(2)What does Zip do o

35、n the weekend?布置作业1. Practice writing the four-skilled sentences.2. Practice reading.板书设计Unit 1 B. Read and writeWhat do you do on the weekend?Usually I watch TV and go shopping.Sometimes I visit my grandparents.教学后记 本单元学习有关作息安排的知识,涉及有旧知识点时间的表述,询问别人周末安排的句型;也有相关内容的新知识点。在教学中,我能以旧带新,以旧知识引入新知识,以旧句型操练新句型

36、。学生能较好地理解句型,并能熟练运用,达到较好的教学效果。 本单元学习的单词都是动词短语,比较长,而且读音也难记。我便允许学生用拼音记下单词的发音,以便回家后自己能加强操练。对于记单词, 我还是沿用以往的方式,不讲求数量,讲求效果,反复听。通过强化记忆,学生基本能把全部单词记下来。课 时 计 划课 题Unit 2 My favourite season第1课时教学内容A. Lets start Lets chant A. Lets learn C. Lets find out教 学目 标1. Ss are able to listen, say, read and write the phra

37、ses: season, season, spring, summer, fall, winter 2. Ss can use the sentences “Whats your favourite season?” and its answers. 3. Ss can say “Lets chant”.教 学重 点Five four-skilled phrases in this lesson: season, spring, summer, fall, winter 教 学难 点Five four-skilled phrases in this lesson: season, spring

38、, summer, fall, winter 教学准备Tape, recorder, word cards, Chinese map预 习提 纲Ss think about what they do on the weekend.时 间教 学 过 程35275Step 1 Warm-up(1) Lets chant: Whats the weather like today? Cool, cold, hot and warm.(2) Practice the sentences: Whats your favorite day? I like Monday/ TuesdayStep 2 Pre

39、view(1) Whats the weather like? Teacher asks this question. Ss : Its cool/ cold/ hot/(2) Ss make dialogues in pairs.Step 3 Presentation and practice(1)Ss look at the teachers action and say the weather. E.g. T: Whats the weather like? Ss: Its cold. T: Yes. Its very cold. Because its winter.(2)Teache

40、r does other action, like warm, hot, cool, cold. Then present spring, summer, fall.(3)Ss practice spelling as presenting.(4)Teacher draws a line on the blackboard. spring summer fall winter season(5)Practice: A. Say the season in order: spring summer, fall, winter B. Do action and say the seasons.C.

41、 Say the next season: T: Spring. S: Summer. T: Fall. S: Winter.(6) Say sentences.Step 4 Lets find outSs draw trees to show seasons.布置作业1.Copy the new words.2.Practice reading 3. Do the exercise book.板书设计Unit 2 A. Lets learnThe four seasonspring summer fall winter 教学后记课 时 计 划课 题Unit 2 My favourite se

42、ason第2课时教学内容A. Lets try Lets talk Make a survey C. Lets sing教 学目 标1. Ss can understand and say the sentences: Which season do you like best? Apply the sentences in situation.2. Ss can listen to Lets try and finish the exercises.3. Finish “Make a survey”4. Ss can understand and sing “Whats your favourite season?”教 学重 点Sentences: Which season do you like best? And the answer.教 学难 点Ss can ask and answer their favourite season properly. 教学准备Tape, recorder, word cards, pictures预 习提 纲时 间教 学 过 程781852Step 1 Warm-up(1)Lets chant: Spring is green, green, green, green.


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