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1、Ferdinand de Saussure,关于索绪尔下列选项哪一项是正确的:,A.索绪尔是“美国结构主义”的鼻祖B.索绪尔首次提出符号的任意性C.索绪尔被誉为“语言学中的牛顿”D.索绪尔是符号学的创始人之一,Sorry,答错了!索绪尔可系瑞士银哦,Sorry,答错了!并不是首次哦!,Sorry,答错了!被誉为“语言学中的牛顿”的是乔姆斯基,Bingo!,哇!答对咯有两下子,Biography,Ferdinand de Saussure(1857-1913)was a Swiss linguist who occupies an important place in the history o
2、f linguistics.He was the pivotal(重要的)figure in the transition from the 19th to 20th century,and is generally considered the founder of modern linguistics.,He was born in Geneva,in 1857,Switzerland.By age 15,he had learned Greek,French,German,English,and Latin.At the age of 21,Saussure studied for a
3、year in Berlin,where he wrote his only full-length work.He returned to Leipzig and was awarded his doctorate in 1880.Afterwards he relocated to Paris,where he would lecture on ancient and modern languages for eleven years.In 1891.living in Geneva,teaching Sanskrit and historical linguistics,he marri
4、ed there and had two sons.,It was not until 1906 that Saussure began teaching Course in General Linguistics that would consume the greater part of his attention until his death in 1913.,F.D.Saussure,F.D.Saussure,J.Culler says:“Ferdinand de Saussure is the father of modern linguistics,the man who reo
5、rganized the systematic study of language and languages in such a way as to make possible the achievements of the 20th century linguistics.”,Course in General Linguistics,Saussure is known for his Course in General Linguistics.Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye collected lecture notes and put them t
6、ogether to produce the Course in 1916.,Course in General Linguistics,Course in General Linguistics 普通语言学教程It was posthumously(死后)published in 1916.It is considered as Saussures most influential work.His ideas in this book leave a monumental impact.A linguistic system is a series of differences of so
7、und combined with a series of differences of ideas.-Ferdinand de Saussure,Sources of Saussures Ideas,(1)Linguistics.Neogrammarians(新语法学派):sound changes&analogy William Dwight Whitney(1827-1894)language is in fact an institution.He insists on arbitrariness of sign.,(2)Sociology.French sociologist Emi
8、le Durkheim(1858-1917):language is a social fact.,(3)Psychology.Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud(1855-1939):“the concept of the unconscious”.,(4)Economics.(5)Philosophy.,Contributions to Linguistics,Contributions to LinguisticsSemiotics(记号语言学)Language is a subject based on symbol and meaning.Lang
9、ue and parole(语言和言语)Linguistics only can study language by learning it,excluding any interferences of the non-language factors.Synchronic and diachronic linguistics(静态和动态语言学)Syntagmatic(连锁)relations and associative(联想)relations They are the nucleus(核心)of Sussurean theory.Saussures another major cont
10、ribution to linguisticsthe main object of study should be spoken language,not written language.,Signifier(能指)and signified(所指)One of Saussures important findings is that text and general pragmatic(实用主义的)syntax(句法,语法)are different.Laryngeal(喉音)theory While a student,Saussure published an important wo
11、rk in Indo-European philology(印欧语系)that proposed the existence of a class of sounds in Proto-Indo-European(原始印欧语系)called laryngeals,outlining what is now known as the Laryngeal theory.,Influences of Saussure s Linguistic Theories,(1)He provided a general orientation.(2)He influenced modern linguistics in the specific concepts.(3)Major schools of modern linguistics initiated by Saussure.,Thank for your attention!,