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1、起来啊 快起来 Get up!获得完胜的冠军是The winner, by total annihilation.阿山哥Yama!还有谁要来Who is next?谁还有胆量来挑战我阿山哥Who has the guts to step into the ring with Little Yama?阿山哥Yama!-我能试一试吗 -嗯?-Can I try? - Hmm.我有个机器人 是我自己做的I have a robot. I built it myself.闪开 小鬼Beat it, kid.不知道规矩么 先付钱才能参加House rules. You gotta pay to play

2、.哦 对 这些够了吗Oh, uh, is this enough?你叫什么 小鬼头Whats your name, little boy?滨田宏 叫我小宏Hiro. Hiro Hamada.来吧 小狗Prepare your bot, Zero.机器人对决Two bots enter,谁将获得胜利one bot leaves.准备Fighters ready?开战Fight!刚刚只是热身 我能再试一次吗That was my first fight. I. Can I try again?还嫌不够疼么 小鬼No one likes a sore loser, little boy.回家喊妈妈吧

3、Go home.我还有钱Ive got more money.准备Fighters ready?开战Fight!超级机器人 摧毁它Mega-bot, destroy.嗯?Huh?什么What? Huh?-阿山哥已经落山了 -什么 这- No more Little Yama. - But, wha.这怎么可能This is not possible!其实我和你一样感到惊讶Hey, Im as surprised as you are.也许是侥幸Beginners luck.你想再来一次吗 阿山哥Do you want to go again, Yama?-没人赢得了我 -喂 等等- No on

4、e hustles Yama! - Whoa. Hey.给他点教训Teach him a lesson.你们好啊 有话好好说嘛Hey, fellas. Lets talk about this.-小宏 快上车 -阿正- Hiro! Get on! - Tadashi!来得正好Oh, good timing!啊哈A-ha!额滴神啊Oh, mama!-你没事吧 -嗯- Are you okay? - Yeah.-没受伤吧 -没有- Are you hurt? - No.那你脑子被门夹了吗 笨蛋Then what were you thinking, knucklehead?啊Ow! Ow!你十三岁

5、就高中毕业了You graduated high school when you were 13,就为了干这个吗and this is what youre doing?找到他们了There they are!嘿Hey!抓紧我Hold on!哇偶 棒Whoo-hoo! Yes!给我回来Get back here.机器人对决是违法的Bot fighting is illegal.你想被关进监狱里吗Youre going to get yourself arrested.机器人对决并不违法Bot fighting is not illegal.靠机器人对决赌博 这才是违法的Betting on b

6、ot fighting, thats. thats illegal.不过这太好赚钱了But so lucrative!现在我可是好运连连 大哥 没有什么能够阻止我Im on a roll, big brother! And there is no stopping me!哦不Oh, no.嗨 卡斯阿姨Hi, Aunt Cass.你们俩没事吧 快告诉我你们没事Are you guys okay? Tell me youre okay.-我们很好 -没事- Were fine. - Were okay.太好了Oh, good.那你们两个傻子脑袋被门夹了吧Then what were you two

7、 knuckleheads thinking?十年了For 10 years,我一把屎一把尿把你们拉扯大I have done the best I could to raise you.我是个好家长吗 不是Have I been perfect? No.我有照顾孩子的经验吗 没有Do I know anything about children? No.我是不是该看本书学学如何管教孩子Should I have picked up a book on parenting?我看是Probably!我在说些什么啊 完全没说到重点Where was I going with this? I had

8、 a point.-对不起 -我们爱你 卡斯阿姨- Sorry. - We love you, Aunt Cass.我也很爱你们Well, I love you, too!就是你们被关进去 害得我提早打烊I had to close up early because of you two felons.今晚准备读垮掉派诗歌的On beat poetry night.都怪你们 害我不停吃东西来缓解压力Stress eating. Because of you.过来 麻球Come on, Mochi.真是美味This is really good!你必须好好弥补一下卡斯阿姨You better m

9、ake this up to Aunt Cass不然她会把咖啡厅吃个精光before she eats everything in the cafe.好的For sure.希望你能吸取教训 你个笨蛋And I hope you learned your lesson, bonehead.当然了Absolutely.你还想参加机器人对决Youre going bot fighting, arent you?城里刚好有个决斗比赛Theres a fight across town.我参加了肯定能赢If I book, I can still make it.你什么时候才能When are you

10、gonna start doing something用你的大脑去做事with that big brain of yours?你是说 像你一样去上大学What? Go to college like you?然后听别人跟我讲 我已经知道的东西么So people can tell me stuff I already know?难以置信Unbelievable.要是爸妈看到了会怎么说Oh, what would Mom and Dad say?我哪知道I dont know.他们已经去世了Theyre gone.我三岁的时候就走了 不记得了么They died when I was thre

11、e, remember?喂Hey!-我带你去 -真的吗- Ill take you. - Really?虽然我阻止不了你去参加I cant stop you from going,但我也不能让你一个人去but Im not going to let you go on your own.太好了Sweet.来你们傻瓜学校干嘛What are we doing at your nerd school?机器人对决往那边走Bot-fights that way!拿些东西Gotta grab something.这要多久Is this gonna take long?别着急 孩子 就待一会儿Relax,

12、 you big baby. Well be in and out.话说 你还没来过我的实验室Anyway, youve never seen my lab.哦太棒了 我可以参观你的傻瓜实验室了Oh, great, I get to see your nerd lab!-小心 -哇-Heads up! - Whoa!哇Whoa.电磁悬浮Electro-mag suspension?喂Hey!-你哪位 -额 我- Who are you? - Uh, Im.神行 这是我弟 小宏Go Go, this is my brother Hiro.傻瓜实验室欢迎你Welcome to the nerd l

13、ab.嘿嘿Yeah.我从没见过电磁悬浮自行车Ive never seen electro-mag suspension on a bike before.零阻力 骑起来更快Zero resistance, faster bike.不过 速度还是But, not fast enough.不够yet.哦 喔喔喔Oh! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.别往前走 站到线后面去Do not move. Behind the line, please.嗨 芥末 这是我弟 小宏Hey, Wasabi. This is my brother Hiro.嗨 小宏 准备好见证奇迹Hello, Hir

14、o. Prepare to be amazed.接着Catch.哇Wow.-激光感应等离子体 -是的- Laser-induced plasma? - Oh, yeah.还带有超精密的With a little magnetic confinement磁约束for, uh, ultra-precision.哇塞 你是怎么用这些做到的Wow. How do you find anything in this mess?万物都有一个系统Oh! I have a system.容纳百川 各在其位Theres a place for everything, and everything in its

15、place.-借一下 -你不能这么做- Need this! - You cant do that!一切都混乱了 世界不能没有秩序This is anarchy! Society has rules!让一下Excuse me!过来了Coming through!阿正Tadashi!哦 我的天 你一定是小宏Oh, my gosh. You must be Hiro!我早对你有所耳闻Ive heard so much about you!来得正是时候 正是时候Perfect timing. Perfect timing.好大的硬质合金Thats a whole lot of tungsten ca

16、rbide.有四百磅400 pounds of it!过来 过来Come here, come here, come here.你一定会喜欢的Youre going to love this.少量的高氯酸 加上一点点钴A dash of perchloric acid, a smidge of cobalt,少许过氧化氢a hint of hydrogen peroxide,加热到500开super-heated to 500 Kelvin, and.当当 是不是很棒Ta-da! Its pretty great, huh?好粉啊Its so pink.下面才是最精彩的Heres the be

17、st part.哇Whoa.很棒 对吧I know, right?液体金属脆化Chemical metal embrittlement.不赖嘛 柠蜜Not bad, Honey Lemon.柠蜜 神行 芥末Honey Lemon? Go Go? Wasabi?我只把芥末弄到身上过一次 各位I spill wasabi on my shirt one time, people.就一次One time!弗雷德给他们起的这些外号Fred is the one who comes up with the nicknames.弗雷德是谁Uh, whos Fred?是我 这边This guy, right

18、 here!等等 别被吓到了 只是道具服而已Ah-ah. Dont be alarmed. It is just a suit.服装里面才是真正的我This is not my real face and body.我叫弗雷德The names Fred.白天我是学校的吉祥物 但到了夜晚School mascot by day, but by night.我还是学校的吉祥物I am also a school mascot.那你是学什么的So, whats your major?不 不 我不是这里的学生No, no, no, Im not a student.但我是个科学狂热者But I am

19、 a major science enthusiast.我一直想让柠蜜发明个公式Ive been trying to get Honey to develop a formula,可以让我随意变成喷火蜥蜴that can turn me into a fire-breathing lizard at will.但她说这不是科学But she says thats Not science.这真的不是Its really not.好吧 那估计我让芥末帮忙做的Yeah, and I guess the shrink ray收缩放射线也不是科学了I asked Wasabi for isnt Scie

20、nce Either.-是的吗 -不是- Is it? - Nope.好吧 那隐形三明治怎么样Well, then, what about Invisible sandwich?-小宏 -想象一下你吃着三明治-Hiro. - Imagine eating a sandwich,但是所有人都以为你有病but everybody just thinks youre crazy.你够了Just stop.-激光眼 -那是什么- Laser eyes? - What?-疼痛手指 -不可能- Tingly fingers? - Never gonna happen.那培养血清怎么样Hey, what a

21、bout a growth serum, huh?那 你又一直在研究什么So, uh, what have you been working on?马上让你见识Ill show you.胶带Duct tape?很不幸的告诉你 老兄I hate to break it to you, bro.已经有人发明过了Already been invented.喂Hey!啊 喂Oh! Dude!啊Ow!这就是我一直在研究的东西This is what Ive been working on.你好 我叫大白Hello. I am Baymax.你的私人健康伴侣Your personal healthcare

22、 companion.我会随时对你进行医疗处理I was alerted to the need当你每次喊道 啊 的时候for medical attention when you said, Ow.机器护士么A robotic nurse.请从1到10选择你的疼痛程度On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?生理疼痛还是心理疼痛Physical or emotional?现在我将进行扫描I will scan you now.扫描完毕Scan complete.你的前臂有一处轻微的表皮擦伤You have a slight epi

23、dermal abrasion on your forearm.建议立刻喷上抗菌药物I suggest an anti-bacterial spray.等等Whoa, whoa, whoa.告诉我喷雾里都有些什么Whats in the spray, specifically?主要成分是杆菌肽The primary ingredient is bacitracin.很不巧Thats a bummer.我对这过敏Im actually allergic to that.你并不对杆菌肽过敏You are not allergic to bacitracin.你只对一样东西过敏You do have

24、 a mild allergy to花生peanuts.嗯 不错嘛Hmm. Not bad.你对它进行了严格编码 是吧Youve done some serious coding on this thing, huh?当然 给它装上了超过一万道医疗程序Uh-huh. Programed him with over 10,000 medical procedures.大白就是靠这芯片运作的This chip is what makes Baymax, Baymax.乙烯基Vinyl?对啊 为了让它看起来不那么可怕 没事还可以抱抱Yeah, going for a non-threatening,

25、 huggable kind of thing.看起来像个会走路的棉花糖Looks like a walking marshmallow.-别介意 -我是个机器人- No offense. - I am a robot.不会生气I cannot be offended.-高光谱相机 -是的- Hyperspectral cameras? - Yep.-骨架是用钛做的么 -是碳化纤维- Titanium skeleton? - Carbon fiber.也是 这样更轻Right. Even lighter.好棒的驱动器 你从哪儿得到的Killer actuators. Where did you

26、 get those?用机器制造的 就在这房间里Oh, machined them right here, in-house.-真的吗 -没错- Really? - Yup.他可以提起一千磅的重物He can lift 1,000 pounds.酷毙了Shut up.你表现的很好 奖你一个棒棒糖You have been a good boy. Have a lollipop.真好Nice.不需要我的话I cannot deactivate until你只用说声 我很满意我的身体状况you say you are satisfied with your care.我很满意我的身体状况Well

27、then, Im satisfied with my care.他以后能帮助很多人Hes going to help a lot of people.他用什么电池充电Hey, what kind of battery does it use?锂离子Lithium ion.告诉你 用超级电容器的话充电速度更快You know, supercapacitors would charge way faster.是么Huh.还在熬夜赶制的吗 滨田先生Burning the midnight oil, Mr. Hamada?嗨 教授Oh, hey, Professor.事实上 我刚做完Actually,

28、 I was just finishing up.你一定是小宏了You must be Hiro.机器人决斗者 是吧Bot-fighter, right?我女儿小时候也喜欢干这个When my daughter was younger, thats all she wanted to do.可以给我看看吗May I?可以Uh, sure.嗯Hmm.用的是磁力轴承伺服系统Magnetic-bearing servos.很屌吧Pretty sick, huh?想看看我是怎么把他们拼在一起的吗Wanna see how I put em together?嘿 小天才Hey, genius!那是他发明

29、出来的He invented them.你就是罗伯特卡拉汉Youre Robert Callaghan?就是那个Like, as in,卡拉汉光滑样条和the Callaghan-Catmull spline,卡拉汉机器人学定律里的卡拉汉?and Callaghans Laws of Robotics?没错Thats right.想来申请这所大学吗Ever think about applying here?你的年龄肯定不是问题Your age wouldnt be an issue.谁知道呢Oh, I dont know.他在机器人对决这条道路上似乎很坚定Hes pretty serious

30、 about his career in bot-fighting.其实 也不太坚定Well, kind of serious.这也情有可原I can see why.靠你的机器人 想要赢肯定不是什么难事With your bot, winning must come easy.嗯 大概吧Yeah, I guess.既然你喜欢容易的东西 那我的项目也许不太适合你Well, if you like things easy, then my program isnt for you.在这里我们开发机器人技术的无限潜能We push the boundaries of robotics here.我

31、的学生们将会改变未来My students go on to shape the future.很高兴认识你 小宏Nice to meet you, Hiro.祝你的机器人对决好运Good luck with the bot-fights.要赶上比赛必须得快点儿了We gotta hurry if you want to catch that bot-fight.我应该来这里I have to go here.如果我不来这个傻瓜学校If I dont go to this nerd school,我的大脑会生锈的Im gonna lose my mind.怎样才能进这所学校How do I g

32、et in?每年 学校都会举办学生作品展示Every year, the school has a student showcase.只要你能够发明让卡拉汉眼前一亮的东西 你就能入学You come up with something that blows Callaghan away, youre in.但你的发明必须够厉害But, its gotta be great.相信我Trust me.一定会的It will be.毫无头绪Nothing!没有想法 我的脑子太没用了No ideas! Useless, empty brain!看来你十四岁就彻底到头了Wow. Washed up at

33、 14.真可怜So sad.根本毫无头绪 我完了 上不了大学了I got nothing! Im done. Im never getting in.喂 我可没有放弃你Hey, Im not giving up on you.你在干嘛What are you doing?把好想法给抖出来Shake things up.用你的大脑袋好好想想Use that big brain of yours to think your way out.-啥 -换个角度来思考- What? - Look for a new angle.哇 今天有好多亮眼的科技展示Wow, a lot of sweet tech

34、 here today.你感觉咋样How are you feeling?我好歹以前也是个机器人决斗者Youre talking to an ex-bot fighter.见过大场面的我怎么可能被这给吓到Takes a lot more than this to rattle me.-没错 他紧张了 -噢- Yep, hes nervous. - Oh.没什么好怕的 小家伙Oh, you have nothing to fear, little fellow.-他好紧张 -我才没有- Hes so tense. - No, Im not.放轻松 小宏Relax, Hiro.你的发明很棒 快告诉

35、他 神行Your tech is amazing. Tell him, Go Go.-少嘀咕 拿出点气势来 -我很好- Stop whining. Woman up. - Im fine!你还需要啥不 小弟 除臭剂 口气清新糖What do you need, little man? Deodorant? Breath mint?还是新内裤Fresh pair of underpants?内裤 你需要去医院治疗一下Underpants? You need serious help.我可是有备而来Hey, I come prepared.我六个月没洗衣服了I havent done laundr

36、y in six months.我的内裤穿了四天One pair lasts me four days.正面反穿 反面正穿 里面外穿I go front, I go back, I go inside-out.然后再正面反穿Then I go front and back.哇 真恶心 不过屌爆了Wow. That is both disgusting and awesome.别鼓励他这么做Dont encourage him.这叫 循环利用Its called Recycling.下一位展示者 滨田宏Next presenter, Hiro Hamada.哦 到了Oh, yeah. This

37、is it.我要上去了I guess Im up.来来 自拍一张 大家一起喊 小宏Okay, photo, photo! Everybody say, Hiro.-小宏 -耶Hiro! - Yeah!我们爱你 小宏 祝你好运We love you, Hiro. Good luck!-别搞砸了 -好运 小弟- Dont mess it up. - Break a leg, little man.科学万岁 耶Science, yeah!好吧 老弟 来击个掌All right, bro. This is it.来嘛 别让我一个人傻站着Come on. Dont leave me hanging.怎么

38、了Whats going on?我真的很想到这来上学I really want to go here.嘿Hey.你会成功的You got this.额 嗨Uh. Hi.我叫小宏My name is Hiro.抱歉Sorry.我的名字是滨田宏My name is Hiro Hamada,我最近研究出了一种东西and Ive been working on something我觉得它很厉害that I think is pretty cool.希望你们能喜欢I hope you like it.这是一个微型机器人This is a microbot.深呼吸Breathe.可能看起来没啥作用It d

39、oesnt look like much,不过一旦和其他的连接起来but when it links up with the rest of its pals.喔Oh.哇Whoa!就会出现意想不到的效果Things get a little more interesting.微型机器人是靠这个神经感应器来控制的The microbots are controlled with this neural transmitter.哇Whoa!我在脑海里想出指令I think what I want them to do.他们就会照做They do it.这项技术有无数种运用方式The applica

40、tions for this tech are limitless.比如建筑Construction.以前需要许多工人花几个月甚至几年What used to take teams of people working by hand来完成的事情for months or years,现在只需要一人就能完成can now be accomplished by one person.这还只是开始And thats just the beginning.在交通方面呢How about transportation?微型机器人能够带你到任何地方Microbots can move anything a

41、nywhere,毫不费劲with ease.只有你想不到的 没有它做不到的If you can think it, the microbots can do it.唯一的限制只会是你的想象力The only limit is your imagination.这就是微型机器人Microbots!那是我的侄子Thats my nephew!-太棒了 -哇偶- Yes! - Whoo-hoo!我的家人 我爱我的家人My family! I love my family!精彩Nailed it!-你做到了 -不错嘛- You did it! - Not bad!简直闪瞎我的眼 兄弟Yeah! You

42、 just blew my mind, dude!大家都很喜欢 太棒了They loved you. That was amazing!没错Yes.再稍经改造一下With some development,这将会成为一项革命性的技术your tech could be revolutionary.阿利斯格利Alistair Krei!我可以看看吗May I?嗯 无与伦比Hmm. Extraordinary.格利科技公司想买下这个微型机器人I want your microbots at Krei Tech.不是吧Shut up.格利先生说得对Mr. Krei is right.你的微型机器人是

43、一项很有前途的技术Your microbots are an inspired piece of tech.你可以继续进行改造You can continue to develop them,或者把它们卖给一个or you can sell them to a man只为自身利益考虑的男人whos only guided by his own self-interest.罗伯特 我知道你对我有偏见Robert, I know how you feel about me,但这不应该影响but it shouldnt affect.你自己决定 小宏This is your decision, Hi

44、ro.但你应该知道But you should know.格利先生是通过偷工减料 而不是关心科技Mr. Krei has cut corners and ignored sound science才得到现在的成就的to get where he is.不是这样的Thats just not true.我相信格利科技公司对你的微型机器人没有任何帮助I wouldnt trust Krei Tech with your microbots,其他技术也一样or anything else.小宏 我给你的价格将会是Hiro, Im offering you more money任何十四岁的少年都无法企

45、及的than any 14-year-old could imagine.谢谢你出价购买 格利先生I appreciate the offer, Mr. Krei,但是我不想卖出去but theyre not for sale.我还以为你会做出一个聪明的选择I thought you were smarter than that.罗伯特Robert.格利先生Mr. Krei.那是我弟的东西Thats my brothers.哦 对Oh. Thats right.我很期待你来上课I look forward to seeing you in class.-难以置信 -啊哈- Unbelievab

46、le! - A-ha!我就说吧Thats what Im talking about.好了 天才们 我们来补充一下能量All right, geniuses, lets feed those hungry brains.现在回咖啡厅Back to the cafe!-晚饭我请 -喔- Dinner is on me! - Whoo!没有比免费晚餐更棒的东西了Yes! Nothing is better than free food!-卡斯阿姨 -除非是发霉的食物- Aunt Cass? - Unless its moldy.我们 我们等会再去 好吗Well, uh. Well catch up, okay?当然 我真为你感到骄傲Sure. Im so proud of you.你们俩都是Both of you.谢谢 卡斯阿姨Thanks, Aunt Cass.我知道你要说什么I know what youre going to say.我真该为自己感到骄傲I should be proud of myself,因为我终于把我的天赋Because Im finally using my gift用在对的地方了For something i


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