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1、大一英语翻译大一英语翻译 Unit1 ) I visited with Mr. Burns twice a week, always on the same days and at the same time. Whenever I came, he was seated in his chair, his walking stick propped up against the wall. Mr. Burns owned a small black-and-white television set, but he evidently preferred the books and phono

2、graph records for entertainment. He always seemed especially glad to see me. Although I told myself I was delighted to be useful, I was happier still to have met someone to whom I could reveal these thoughts and feelings that, until then, Id hardly acknowledged to myself. 我一星期拜访伯恩斯先生两次,总是在固定的日子、固定的时

3、间。每次去时,他总是坐在椅子上,拐杖靠在墙上。伯恩斯先生有一台小的黑白电视机,但是他显然更喜欢在闲暇时读书和听唱片。看见我,他总是显得特别高兴。虽然我对自己说能助他人一臂之力我很高兴,但是让我更加欣慰的是遇见了一个能够让我向之倾吐内心模糊不清的思想和感觉的人。 2) While fixing the tea, I told Mr. Burns how terribly guilty I felt about not having been on speaking terms with my father the two weeks prior to his death. Id never ha

4、d the chance to ask my fathers forgiveness. And he had never had the chance to ask for mine. 准备晚饭时,我告诉伯恩斯先生自己心里觉得万分内疚。在父亲去世前的两个星期里我因为和他闹别扭没跟他说话。我再也没有1 机会请求父亲的原谅,而他也没有机会请求我的原谅了。 Unit 2 3) You have a choice to make: Do you stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone and feel uncomfortable or do you stay

5、 comfortable but stuck? Do you take risks and grow or settle for less? Do you opt for the secure paycheck or do you venture out towards your authentic career calling? 你要学会选择:是尽力摆脱舒适环境同时感到不舒服,还是待在舒服的环境里无所事事?是冒险发展,还是贪图安逸?是选择安稳的支票,还是朝着真正的职业召唤冒险前进? 4) Be brave. Dare to believe in work that sustains your

6、 soul. It is possible to hear your song played with all 88 keys of the piano. Nurture the vision of what you want, and then strive to live passionately, authentically, and courageously. Push beyond your limiting thoughts and just take your step. The bridge will be there, waiting for you. 要勇敢。只要某种工作能

7、振奋自己的灵魂。就要敢于相信这种工作是可行的。敲动钢琴上的88个琴键,就可能演奏出你的乐曲。培养你对未来的远见,然后带着激情,真实勇敢地努力生活吧!摆脱束缚你的思想,迈出步伐。成功之路就在你眼前。 2 Unit 3 5) My grandparents believed you were either honest or you werent. There was no in-between. They had a simple motto hanging on their living-room wall: “Life is like a field of newly fallen snow

8、; where I choose to walk every step will show.” They didnt have to talk about it they demonstrated the motto by the way they lived. 我的爷爷奶奶相信,一个人要么是诚实的,要么就是不诚实的,不存在两者之间的情况。他们起居室墙上挂着一句简朴的格言:“人生就像一片刚下过雪的田野,我选择走的每一步都会留下印迹。”他们不需多说他们以自己的生活方式践行这条格言。 6) They understood instinctively that integrity means hav

9、ing a personal standard of morality and ethics that does not sell out1 to expediency and that is not relative to the situation at hand2. Integrity is an inner standard for judging your behavior. Unfortunately, integrity is in short supply3 today and getting scarcer. But it is the real bottom line4 i

10、n every area of society. And it is something we must demand of ourselves. A good test for this value is to look at what I call the Integrity Triad, which consists of three key principles: 他们本能地知道,正直就是具有自己的道德和伦理准则,这个准则不会屈服于自己的眼前利益,也不会随当下的情形而发生变化。正直是判断自己行为的心灵准则。遗憾的是,正直在今天可是个稀缺物,而且越来越稀罕。但它是社会每个领域真正的底线,

11、是我们3 必须对自己要求的东西。对这种美德很有效的考验就是我所称的“正直三元素”,它由三个主要原则组成: Unit5 7) People can also be distracted by their own petty prejudices. For instance, a person may use some expression that you dont like. Or perhaps you are irritated by a certain accent. I know Southerners who cant stand a New York accent, and Ive

12、 met New Yorkers who feel the same way about a Southern drawl. Consequently, they allow something this insignificant to distract from the value of another persons thoughts. 人们还会因为自己的小偏见而走神。比如,有人可能用一个你不喜欢的表达方式。或者你可能对某种口音感到不舒服。我认识一些南方人,他们不能忍受纽约人的口音;也遇见过对南方的拖音有同样感觉的纽约人。结果,他们允许如此无关紧要的事情来贬低他人思想的价值。 8) Of

13、ten people feel uneasy whenever theres a pause in the conversation. They feel compelled to rush in and start talking. Perhaps if they would remain quiet, the other person might clarify or provide additional information. Sometimes its good for both parties to keep quiet for a few moments to think. A

14、conversation interrupted by silence can be a welcome relief. In fact, nonstop conversation may be an indication that something is seriously wrong. 4 对话出现停顿时,人们经常会感到不舒服。他们感到非得匆忙介入、张口说话。如果他们保持沉默的话,也许对方会澄清或提供更多的信息。有时候,安静片刻思考一下对双方都有好处。一个穿插着沉默的对话可能是一种很好的调剂。事实上,无休止的对话也许暗示着有严重的问题存在。 Unit 6 9) In the future

15、, then, hospitals will be places where one goes primarily for diagnosis. Every human being will “see a hospital” once or twice a year and undergo a rapid and painless analysis of his body structure. The result of the analysis can be compared to4 those from a year earlier to see what changes have tak

16、en place. 在未来,医院将变成主要为人们提供诊断的场所。每年,每个人将去医院做一到两次快速的、无痛的身体结构分析。分析结果将和去年的分析结果进行比对,看 看身体是否发生了什么变化。 10) Nor will doctors have to rely on memory or comparison of written records. It is likely that computers will keep track of a patient and make diagnosis almost as quickly as the body analysis is carried through. 医生们也无需依靠记忆或书面记录进行对比分析。很可能将由计算机跟踪病人,并且几乎和身体分析同样快地作出诊断结果。 5


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