1、本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日目 录1 绪论12 绩效管理未达成明显效果几个常见的原因22.1照搬照抄,盲目模仿22.2重绩效考核,轻绩效管理22.3绩效管理只是人力资源管理部门的工作22.4绩效管理的目标不明确32.5绩效管理体系缺乏科学性33 有效绩效管理的根基43.1良好的企业文化氛围43.2明确的战略目标定位43.3合理的组织架构和畅通的业务流程43.4高层领导的正确引导和强力推动54 绩效管理实施过程中应注意的几个问题64.1绩效管理的分工与合作64.2企业绩效与员工绩效的整合64.
2、3绩效管理既要注重结果,也要重视过程74.4业绩考核与素质评估并重74.5要有畅通的绩效反馈和申诉流程8结 论9外文文献原文.101 绪论绩效管理在现代企业人力资源管理中占据核心地位,进行有效的绩效管理是提升企业的管理效能、增强企业核心竞争力的重要手段。但是,绩效管理如何有效实施仍是现阶段我国企业界非常紧迫的问题。绩效管理是企业管理者非常头痛的一个问题,被视之为“鸡肋”。笔者试图结合近几年人力资源管理的工作实践,就如何深化绩效管理、发挥绩效管理的最大效能谈几点浅见,以期抛砖引玉。2 绩效管理未达成明显效果几个常见的原因2.1照搬照抄,盲目模仿每个企业的绩效管理体系都应充分考虑企业自身的特点、企
3、业文化、发展阶段、战略目标、员工的素质等因素,不顾企业自身特点,盲目模仿,沿用西方或国内某些比较成功的大型企业的管理理论和实践,肯定会导致消化不良、水土不服、管理失败。我国工业化时期短,管理理论与经验都比较缺乏,借鉴国外的管理理论和实践经验是非常有必要的。但有些企业急于提高企业绩效又不知如何着手,实行“拿来主义”,生搬硬套西方经验,未对企业本身的发展状况、战略和经营目标、价值观、企业文化等因素进行充分的分析、对症下药,其结果必然是南辕北辙,事与愿违。2.2重绩效考核,轻绩效管理 绩效管理是一个完整的管理系统,它包含了绩效计划、绩效管理实施、绩效评估以及反馈等四个模块。绩效考核仅仅是其中的一环,
4、当然它是一个关键的一环。仅关注绩效考核是管理上观念与定位的错误。这涉及到企业高层管理者与人力资源管理人员对绩效管理认识的深度与广度的问题。我们说绩效管理的目的是为了提升企业的竞争力和员工的工作能力与业绩,就需要了解绩效管理的内涵和流程,要注重整个管理过程的沟通与协调,关注每一个流程的落实。 仅仅关注绩效考核,往往造成员工对绩效管理有效性的质疑,因为它缺少与员工的必要的沟通和人格上的尊重,因而也就达不到发挥员工的工作的积极性、主动性的目的。只注重绩效考核,其结果是仅仅是填一大堆表格,流于形式,而缺乏实质效果,被管理人员和员工视为“浪费时间”。2.3绩效管理只是人力资源管理部门的工作在人力资源管理
7、都不利于员工和组织目标的实现。绩效体系的科学性还体现在绩效沟通、绩效评估结果的运用等。沟通贯穿于整个绩效管理过程。良好的沟通渠道和沟通方法是实现绩效管理的必备条件。缺乏沟通或沟通渠不畅都势必造成管理过程的障碍和无效。而绩效评估结果的落实,包括奖惩和反馈如未能恰当地运用,就必然影响员工对绩效管理工作的积极性和信任度。3 有效绩效管理的根基3.1良好的企业文化氛围企业文化是企业的核心价值取向,它包括了铍业的经营管理理念、价值观、管理模式及企业形象等等。它对企业的人力资源管理的成效有着关键性的影响,是绩效管理的最根本的基础。良好的企业文化环境主要包括:(1)企业重视员工自身的成长以及他们的工作绩效,
11、因为如此,高层管理者就没有理由把这项影响全局、影响到企业核心竞争力,乃至关乎整个企业生死存亡的管理工作,仅仅交给一个部门-人力资源管理部门来完成了。事实上,人力资源管理部门作为一个职能部门对其他部门没有指挥权和命令权,如果得不到高层领导的强力支持,人力资源经理也只能徒唤奈何。4 绩效管理实施过程中应注意的几个问题4.1绩效管理的分工与合作前面提到过,绩效管理失败的一个重要原因是在管理过程中没有分清各自的职责。分清职责是绩效管理的组织保障。具体分工试述如下:(1)人力资源管理部门,在整个绩效管理过程,是支持者和监督者。具体职责有:设计绩效评估体系;为参加绩效评估的评估者提供培训;监督和评价绩效评
13、队绩效和个人绩效。整体绩效的全方位的提升,才能使企业的资源得到最佳的利用,使企业的核心竞争力上一个台阶。笔者认为可以通过以下几个方面来达成:(1)人力资源管理者参与到整个企业战略规划中,人力资源管理者可以从人力资源的角度审视企业的整体战略,同时又从整体角度,把员工的绩效与整体战略相联结。(2)运用平衡记分卡(BSC)原理把企业战略分解为关键绩效指标(KPI)体系,保证企业战略落实到每一位员工。(3)实现PDCA 循环管理,达到计划监控考评改进的整体过程的有效运作。良性的正向绩效循环才是我们所希望的管理运行。4.3绩效管理既要注重结果,也要重视过程 绩效管理注重的是整个过程,它既包含了绩效考核的
14、结果,也包括绩效目标的设定、绩效应用和反馈,这四个模块缺一不可。绩效考核的结果包含了业绩、效率、素养的提升,它当然是企业对员工的要求,是董事会对高层管理者的要求,从大的方面来讲,也是社会对企业的期望。但结果的产生是通过一系列的行为,通过不可少的流程来推动和促成的。在整个绩效管理过程中,在明确整体目标和各自的绩效指标的基础上,对绩效目标进行追踪和衡量,通过持续不断的绩效沟通和绩效面谈确保绩效的可执行性和可达成性。从绩效计划的契约性承诺到绩效评估与改进的确认,都不能渗透着考核与被考核者积极沟通的痕迹,并因此达成能力、素质和业绩的全方位提升。4.4业绩考核与素质评估并重 绩效考评是针对企业中每个员工
15、所承担的工作,应用各种科学的定性和定量的方法,对员工的实际行为、工作效果及其对企业的贡献或价值进行考核和评价,是对员工的德、能、勤、绩的综合评估。我们不仅仅要注重员工业绩的表现,对公司作出的贡献,也要随时把握员工的道德价值取向,他们的工作态度和行为表现。 在现实生活中,我们不难发现某些员工有才无德的现象。在公司未满足某方面的要求或者认为其他企业更有前途而跳槽时,带走大量的客户,甚至是某些公司的核心技术,往往造成公司重大的经济损失。在我国劳动法制目前仍是严重不健全的情况下,此等状况相当普遍。在员工招聘过程中,我们要注意道德品性,但我们不得不承认,在招聘面谈的很短时间内很难发现人的品德如何。所以在
17、成目标的过程,就是持续的、不断强化的沟通与反馈的过程。绩效反馈在时间上是经常性的。在员工短期目标实现的过程中,有什么成绩,能力和工作方法上存在什么缺陷,作为其主管应应随时加以提醒与辅导。使员工能够在工作中随时纠正自己的缺点和努力方向,顺利地达成绩效目标。而申诉流程的没置,有助于人力资源管理部门对绩效管理的监控,有助于解决员工与主管之间的冲突,也有助于提醒主管人员加强自身的素养、能力,在语言和行动上也要自律,在管理过程式中要充分体现公平、公正的原则。结 论绩效管理是一个比较复杂的系统工程,它既需要高层管理者提出明确的战略目标和强力的推动,也需要中层管理者以及全休整员工的共同努力,它既需要员工充分
18、理解,也需要员工的不懈努力,从工作态度、价值观取向,工作努力的方向等等都要要随时加以调整和提升。在企业管理方面,我国仍然没有形成比较完整的适合我国国情的管理理论,笔者更只是一些工作上的体会,仅是一些粗浅的想法,绩效管理作为一项企业管理的基础性但非常重要的工作仍需我们共同探索、总结。1 IntroductionThe performances management occupies the core status in the modern enterprise human resources management, carries on the effective performances m
19、anagement is promotes the enterprise the management potency, the enhancement enterprise core competitive ability important method. But, how did the performances manage effectively implement were still the present stage our country enterprise extremely urgent problem. The performances management is a
20、n enterprise super in ten dent unusual headache question, is regarded it is the weak. The author attempts to unify in recent years the human resources management working practice, how deepens the performances management, the display performances management biggest potency discussed several humble op
21、inions, to the time offer a few ordinary introductory remarks so that others may offer their valuable ideas.2 Common reasons why the performances management has not achieved the tangible affect several 2.1 Imitates copies verbatim, blind imitationEach enterprises performances management system all s
22、hould fully consider enterprise own characteristic, enterprise culture ,development phase, strategic target, staffs factor and so on quality ,does not give a thought to the enterprise own characteristic, the blind imitation, continues to use the west or domestic certain compares the successful major
23、 industry the management theory and the practice, definitely can not good cause the digestion, to be unaccustomed to the climate, the management defeat.Our country industrialization time short, manages the theory and the experience all quite is deficient, profits from the over seas management theory
24、 and the experience extremely has the necessity. But some enterprises eagerly enhance the enterprise performances not to know how begins, the implementation brings the principle, copies mechanically and applies slavishly the western experience, not to enterprise factor and so on itself development c
25、ondition, strategy and management goal, values, enterprise culture carries on the full analysis, acts appropriately to the situation, its result inevitably is defeats the purpose, is contrary to what expects.2.2 Heavy performances inspection, light performances managementThe performances management
26、is a complete management system management system; it has contained the performances plan, the performances management implementation, the performances appraisal as well as the feedback and so on four modules. The performances inspection merely is a link; certainly it is an essential link. Only pays
27、 attention to the performances inspection is manages the idea and the localization mistake . This involves to the enterprise high level super in ten dent sand the human resources administrative personnel to the performances management understanding depth and the breadth question.We said the performa
28、nces management the goal is for promote the enterprise the competitive ability and staffs working ability and the performance, needs to understand the performances management the connotation and the flow, need to pay great attention to the entire management process the communication and the coordina
29、tion, pays attention to each flow the realization. Merely pays attention to the performances inspection, often creates the staff to the performances management valid question, because it lacks with in staffs necessity communication and the personal it respect, thus also could not achieve displays st
30、affs work enthusiasm, the initiative goal. Only pays great attention to the performances inspection, its result is merely fills in a big pile of form, becomes a mere formality, but lacks the substantive effect, regards as by the administrative personnel and the staff wastes the time.2.3Performances
31、management is only the human resources control sections workIn the human resources management department managers post instruction booklet, the performances management is its important responsibility. Therefore has quite many superintendents wrongly to think the performances management is only the h
32、uman resources control sections responsibility, but other departments superintendents regard it are the extra burden. Certainly, the human resources department has the important responsibility to the performances management, but the first responsibility person should be various services unit and the
33、 function departments superintendent. They are shouldering the business goal realization, the entire journey communication, the performance appraisal as well as the performances feedback and so on.In the practical work, the human resources control section withstands the pressure biggest department i
34、n the performances management process. How lets the straight line department managers accept and the coordinate performances management? Could not achieve how the performances management effect does manage? This needs in our thousandth of a Yuan clear performances management process superintendents
35、role, wants the cognition each superintendent, even each staffs all are the indispensable superintendent.2.4 Performances management goal is not clear aboutThe performances management goal is for the entire organization and the staff individual performances improvement. We not only must perform for
36、this goal to the outstanding staffs performance to award, but also must work on insufficiency to the staff to carry on the discussion, the improvement, promotes each staffs growth, simultaneously staffs growth and organizations strategy and management goal close union.We note have many enterprises n
37、ot only merely to locate the performances management in the performances inspection, moreover limits the performances management goal to sending the bonus, in the accent wages. As for them that, the inspection = hits the minute = today out the bonus.2.5 Performances management system lacks the scien
38、tific natureThe performances management system is from the performances plan, the performances management implementation, the performances examination and critique, a closed loop which and so on several modules unceasingly circulates to the performances feedback and the improvement, unceasingly prom
39、otes. The performances management first step is the performances goal hypothesis. The performances goal request satisfies concrete, may weigh, may realize, and the timely request, and is decided the work goal achieves or not key aspect. Cannot hold the key point, or said the goal too is tedious, is
40、all disadvantageous to the staff and the organization goal realization.The performances system scientific nature also manifests in the performances communication, the performances appraisal result utilization and so on. The communication passes through to entire performances management process. The
41、good communication channel and the communication method realize the performances management necessary condition. Will lack the communication or the ditch canal impeded all inevitably creates the management process the barrier and is invalid. But the performances appraisal result realization, like ha
42、s not been able appropriately to utilize including the rewards and punishment and the feedback, the necessity affects the staff to the performances supervisory work enthusiasm and the confidence level.3 Effective performances management foundation3.1 Good enterprise culture atmosphereThe enterprise
43、culture is enterprises core value orientation; it has included acupuncture needle industry management idea, values, and management pattern and enterprise image and so on. It has the crucial to enterprises human resources management result influence, is the performances management most basic foundati
44、on. The good enterprise culture environment mainly includes:1. This enterprise takes the staff own growth as well as their work performances, but is not the big stick -like perhaps guardians -like management way;2. This enterprise has the full authorization and the responsible culture. A department
45、manager must to from already the department takes the complete responsibility, simultaneously also must fully be authorized. Has the control subordinate, promotes the subordinate, the decision wages increase scope, the bonus assignment, subordinate training and so on the right which arrives.3. This
46、enterprise has the open style communication culture. Including the strategic target public, the performances public, the rewards and punishment public, training is public and so on.4. Bring employers into line with the staff the performances management in the main body group. The staff not only is by the inspection, also is the inspection, fully displays the staff to participate in the management the enthusiasm, the initiative.Above the enterprise culture essential