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1、财产险常用中英文附加条款汇编目 录一般附加条款1030天注销保单通知条款/30 Days Notice of Cancellation Clause1060天不续保通知条款/60 Days Non-Renewal Notice Clause10理赔控制条款/Claims Control Clause10共同被保险人条款/Joint-Insured Clause11司法管辖权条款/Jurisdiction Clause11指定公估人条款/Loss Adjusters Clause11损失通知条款/Loss Notification Clause12不受控制条款/No Control Clause

2、12不可注销保单条款/Non-Cancellation Clause12不使失效条款/Non-invalidation Clause12预付赔款条款A/Payment on Account Clause13预付赔款条款B13分期付费条款A/Premium Installment Clause13分期付费条款B14利益可分性条款/Severability of Interest Clause14放弃代位追偿扩展条款/Waiver of Subrogation Clause14财产险2000年问题除外责任条款/Year 2000 Problem Exclusion Clause15索赔单据条款16

3、财产险附加条款1772小时条款/72 Hours Clause1750/50条款(50/50 Clause)17地面突然下陷下沉扩展条款/ Accidental Subsidence of Ground Extension Clause18定值保险条款/ Agreed Value Insurance Clause18空运费扩展条款/ Air Freight Fee Extension Clause19其他物品扩展条款/ All Other Contents Extension Clause19建筑物变动扩展条款/ Alteration of Building Clause20权益转让条款/As

4、signment Clause20自动承保条款/ Automatic Cover Clause21自动恢复保险金额条款/ Automatic Reinstatement of Sum Insured Clause22分摊豁免条款/ Average Relief Clause (20%)22锅炉、压力容器扩展条款/ Boilers and Pressure Vessels Extension Clause23商标条款/Brand & Trademark Clause23违反条件条款/ Breach of Conditions Clause24玻璃破碎扩展条款/ Breakage of Glass

5、 Extension Clause24玻璃破碎扩展条款 (财产一切险)/ Breakage of Glass Clause (PAR)25玻璃破碎扩展条款(财产险)/ Breakage of Glass Clause (财产险)25盗窃险条款/ Burglary Insurance Clause25水箱、水管爆裂扩展条款/ Bursting of Water Tank or Water Pipe Extension Clause26增加资产扩展条款A/ Capital Additions Extension Clause (A)27增加资产扩展条款B/ Capital Additions Ex

6、tension Clause (B)2785扩展条款/ Co-Insurance Extension Clause (85%)28合同价格扩展条款/ Contract Price Extension Clause28复制费用扩展条款/ Cost of Duplication Extension Clause29清理残骸费用扩展条款/ Debris Removal Expenses Extension Clause29财物种别条款/ Designation of Property Clause29索赔单据条款/ Documents Clause30地震扩展条款/ Earthquake Exten

7、sion Clause30紧急抢险条款/ Emergency Rescue Clause31错误和遗漏条款/ Error and Omissions Clause31自动升值扩展条款/ Escalation Extension Clause32特别费用扩展条款/ Extra Charges Extension Clause32飞行物体及其他空中运行物体坠落扩展条款/ Falling of Flying Objects Extension Clause33灭火费用扩展条款A/ Fire Fighting Cost Extension Clause (A)33灭火费用扩展条款B/ Fire Fig

8、hting Cost Extension Clause (B)33消防队灭火费用扩展条款/ Fire Fighting Brigade Charges Extension Clause34消防保证条款/ Fire Prevention Facilities Warranty Clause34洪水除外条款/ Flood and Inundation Exclusion Clause35洪水扩展条款/ Flood Extension Clause35防洪保证条款/ Flood Prevention Warranty Clause36地基除外条款/ Foundation Exclusion Clau

9、se36冰雹扩展条款/Hailstone Extension Clause37起重、运输机械扩展条款/ Hoisting and Transport Machinery Extension Clause37碰撞扩展条款/ Impact Damage Extension Clause38碰撞除外条款/ Impact damage Exclusion Clause38阻止条款 / Inhibition Clause38内陆运输扩展条款A/ Inland Transit Extension Clause (A)39内陆运输扩展条款B/ Inland Transit Extension Clause

10、(B)39数据损失澄清条款/IT Clarification Clause40地崩及地陷条款/ Landslip & Subsidence Clause40遵守法律规定保证条款/ Legal Requirements Warranty41雷电扩展条款/ Lightning Extension Clause41车辆装载物扩展条款/Loaded Property Extension Clause42铁路机车车辆扩展条款/ Locomotive Extension Clause42赔款接受人条款/ Loss Payee Clause43抵押权条款/ Mortgage Clause43泥石流、崩塌、突

11、发性滑坡扩展条款/ Mud-rock flow, Avalanche and Sudden Landslip Extension Clause44恶意破坏扩展条款/ Malicious Damage Extension Clause44不受控制条款/ No Control Clause45指定公估人条款/ Nomination of Loss Adjusters Clause45不使失效条款/ Non-invalidation Clause45非占用者业主条款/ Non Occupying Landlord Clause46场所外财产条款/ Off Premises Property Clau

12、se46油气管道损坏扩展条款/ Oil or Gas Pipeline Damage Extension Clause47建筑物外部附属设施扩展条款A/ Outside Ancillary Devices of Building Extension Clause (A)47建筑物外部附属设施扩展条款B/ Outside Ancillary Devices of Building Extension Clause (B)48委托加工扩展条款/ Out-sourcing Processing Extension Clause48成对或成套设备条款/ Pair & Set Clause49预付赔款条

13、款A/ Payment on Account Clause (A)49预付赔款条款B/ Payment on Account Clause (B)49雇员个人物品扩展条款/ Personal Effects of Employees Extension Clause50便携式设备扩展条款/ Portable Devices on Premises Extension Clause50专业费用扩展条款/ Professional Fee Extension Clause51分期付费条款A/ Premium Instalment Clause (A)51分期付费条款B/ Premium Insta

14、lment Clause (B)52露天存放及简易建筑内财产扩展条款A/ Property in the Open or Simple Building Extension Clause (A)52露天存放及简易建筑内财产扩展条款B/ Property in the Open or Simple Building Extension Clause (B)53公共当局扩展条款/ Public Authority Extension Clause53冷库扩展条款/ Refrigerating Plants Extension Clause54重置价值条款 (存货除外)/ Reinstatement

15、 Value Clause (not applicable to stock item)55清理残骸条款/ Removal of Debris Clause56沙尘暴除外条款/ Sandstorm Exclusion Clause57沙尘暴扩展条款/ Sandstorm Extension Clause57简易建筑除外条款/ Simple Building Exclusion58烟熏扩展条款/ Smoke Damage Extension Clause58暴雪、冰凌扩展条款/ Snowstorm and Icicle Extension Clause59自燃除外条款/ Spontaneous

16、Combustion Exclusion Clause59自燃扩展条款/ Spontaneous Combustion Extension Clause59自动喷淋系统水损扩展条款/ Sprinkler Leakage Damage Extension Clause60仓储财产申报条款/ Stock Declaration and Adjustment Clause60暴风雨除外条款/ Storm and Tempest Exclusion Clause61暴风雨扩展条款/ Storm and Tempest Extension Clause61存放保证条款/ Storage Warranty

17、62罢工、暴乱及民众骚乱扩展条款/ Strike Riot and/or Civil Commotions Extension Clause62供应中断扩展条款A/ Supply Failure Extension Clause (A)63供应中断扩展条款B/ Supply Suspension Extension Clause (B)63供应中断扩展条款C/ Supply Failure Extension Clause (C)63供应中断扩展条款D/ Supply Failure Extension Clause (D)64临时保护措施扩展条款/ Temporary Protection

18、Extension Clause64厂区间临时移动扩展条款/Temporary Removal between Factories Extension Clause65临时移动扩展条款/ Temporary Removal Extension Clause65恐怖活动扩展条款/ Terrorism Extension Clause66盗窃、抢劫扩展条款/ Theft, Burglary and Robbery Extension Clause66龙卷风除外条款/ Tornado Exclusion Clause67龙卷风扩展条款/ Tornado Extension Clause67运输条款/

19、 Transit Clause68台风、飓风除外条款/ Typhoon and Hurricane Exclusion Clause68台风、飓风扩展条款/ Typhoon and Hurricane Extension Clause69建筑物未受损部分额外费用扩展条款/ Undamaged Building Extra Charges Extension Clause69放弃代位追偿扩展条款/ Waiver of Subrogation Extension Clause70装修工人条款/ Workmen Clause70企财险附加条款1(仓储物扩展条款)70企财险附加条款2(洪水责任水位线条

20、款)71企财险附加条款3(建筑物外部附属设施扩展条款)71企财险附加条款4(防洪保证条款)71企财险附加条款5(简易建筑物扩展条款)71一般附加条款30天注销保单通知条款/30 Days Notice of Cancellation Clause30天注销保单通知条款被保险人可随时书面通知保险人注销本保险单,保险人将依照短期费率计收保险生效期间的保费。保险人亦可提前三十天书面通知被保险人注销本保险单,保险人将退还被保险人从保险单取消之日起未满期限的按日比例计算的保险费。30 Days Notice of Cancellation ClauseThe insurance may at any t

21、ime be terminated at the option of the insurer, giving 30 days notice to that effect being giving to the insured, in which case the Company shall be liable to repay on demand a ratable proportion of the premium for the unexpired terms from the date of the cancellation.The insurance may also at any t

22、ime be terminated at the option of the insured, giving immediate notice to that effect being giving to the Insurer, in which case the insured shall be charged on a short period premium for the expired terms from the date of inception.备注:天数可变动 30/60/9060天不续保通知条款/60 Days Non-Renewal Notice Clause60天不续

23、保通知条款 保险期限终止之前,本公司可提前60天书面通知被保险人本公司不虚报本保险单。通知必须按照本公司得知的被保险人的最新地址,派专人或由合格的邮递部门送至被保险人。60 Days Non-Renewal Notice ClauseThe Company may not renew the policy by sending the Insured 60 days notice in writing prior to the Policy expiration date. Notification is to be delivered personally or posted by cert

24、ified mail to the Insured at his latest known address notified to the Company.备注:天数可变动 30/60理赔控制条款/Claims Control ClauseClaims Control ClauseThe Reinsured thereby undertakes to advise Reinsurers of the occurrence of any accident which may give rise to a claim hereafter as soon as they themselves are

25、 made aware of it, and in such event will cooperate with Reinsurers in the defence or settlement of such claim and in no case shall the Reinsured make any admission of liability under the original policy without the consent in writing of the Reinsurers having the first been obtained.共同被保险人条款/Joint-I

26、nsured Clause共同被保险人条款鉴于组成被保险人之各方当事人为独立的、不同的实体(不管本保单条文中是否有任何相关约定),各方当事人的一切权利也应被视为独立的,如同他们各自持有保障其各自权益的独立保单一样。任何一方未能遵从、履行或遵守本保单的条款或条件,不会导致本保险单其它各方的权利受损。对本保险单项下的任何索赔或保单明细表列明的自负责任之外的索赔,本公司将放弃向被保险人任何一方或其董事、代理、雇员或其他保单追偿的权利。Joint-Insured ClauseAs all the parties comprising the Insured operate as separate an

27、d distinct entities the rights of each of the parties in all respects shall (notwithstanding anything contained or implied herein to the contrary) be treated as though each of the parties had separate policies for their respective rights and interests.Notwithstanding anything in the policy to the co

28、ntrary, it is expressly understood and agreed that the failure of any Insured party to comply with, fulfill or observe the terms and conditions of the policy shall not prejudice the rights of any other Insured party or parties under the policy.The Company hereby agree to waive all rights of subrogat

29、ion or action which they may have or acquire against any of the parties comprising the Insured or their directors agents or employees or their insurance arising out of any occurrence in respect of which any claim is admitted hereunder or which but for the application of any Retained Liability mentio

30、ned in the Schedule of this policy would be made hereunder.司法管辖权条款/Jurisdiction ClauseJurisdiction ClauseThe Company shall not be liable in respect of any judgment that are delivered by or obtained from a court outside the Peoples Republic of China.It is further provided that the Indemnity shall not

31、 apply to a judgment or order obtained in the Peoples Republic of China for the enforcement of a judgment obtained elsewhere.指定公估人条款/Loss Adjusters Clause指定公估人条款 经双方同意,当发生保险责任范围内的损失,估损金额超过本保险合同中载明的相应金额时,可以指定双方认可的有合法执业资格的机构作为公估人,公估费用由保险人承担。 本附加条款与主条款内容相悖之处,以本附加条款为准;未尽之处,以主条款为准。Loss Adjusters Clause I

32、t is hereby declared and agreed that the Companys Claims Handling Representative would appoint qualified international loss adjusters in Hong Kong/PRC to investigate and adjust the loss.损失通知条款/Loss Notification ClauseLoss Notification ClauseNotwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary,

33、it is hereby declared and agreed that this insurance will not be prejudiced by any inadvertent delays, errors, or omission in notifying the insurers of any circumstances or event giving rise or likely to give rise to a claim inside this Policy. Subject otherwise to the Terms, Exceptions and Conditio

34、ns of this Policy.不受控制条款/No Control Clause不受控制条款 经双方同意,被保险人在无法控制或不存在过错的情况下违反本保险合同的条件和保证,本保险合同的保障不受影响。 本附加条款与主条款内容相悖之处,以本附加条款为准;未尽之处,以主条款为准。No Control Clause Any breach of the written warranties in this Policy without the knowledge and consent of the Insured shall not prejudice this insurance, provid

35、ed due diligence be exercised by the Insured to ensure that same are complied with. 不可注销保单条款/Non-Cancellation Clause不可注销保单条款未经双方同意,保险公司和被保险人均不得注销本保险单。但本条款不适用于被保险人未能按照约定支付保险费的情况下。Non-Cancellation Clause不使失效条款/Non-invalidation Clause不使失效条款 经双方同意,在投保人、被保险人完全不知情的情况下,本保险合同不因保险标的所占用场地或价值的变更、保险标的危险程度的增加或其它

36、重要事项的变化而失效。但投保人、被保险人一旦知道该情况,应立即通知保险人,并支付从风险增加之日起至保险期间届满之日止期间可能的额外保险费,否则保险人不承担保险责任。 本附加条款与主条款内容相悖之处,以本附加条款为准;未尽之处,以主条款为准。Non-invalidation ClauseIt is hereby agreed that this Insurance shall not be invalidation by any change of occupancy or increase of risk taking place in the Property Insured without

37、 the Insureds knowledge provided that they shall, immediately on the same coming to their knowledge, advise the Company and pay any additional premium that may be required from the date of such increase of risk. 预付赔款条款A/Payment on Account Clause预付赔款条款A 经双方同意,发生保险责任范围内的损失,经保险人或保险人委托的公估人理算后,损失金额已确定部分的

38、赔款可预付给被保险人,该部分预付赔款应从总赔款金额中扣除。本附加条款与主条款内容相悖之处,以本附加条款为准;未尽之处,以主条款为准。Payment on Account ClauseIt is hereby understood and agreed that in the event of the occurrence of a loss covered under this policy the company may approve an advance payment on account in respect of such loss at the request of the in

39、sured and with the loss adjusters recommendation.预付赔款条款B预付赔款条款B 经双方同意,发生保险责任范围内损失,保险人在收到被保险人的索赔请求及相关单证资料之日起六十天内,未能确定赔偿金额的,根据被保险人的要求及公估人(理算师)的建议,保险人可预先支付部分赔款,金额限于预计赔偿金额的40。 本附加条款与主条款内容相悖之处,以本附加条款为准;未尽之处,以主条款为准。分期付费条款A/Premium Installment Clause分期付费条款A 经双方同意,本保险合同项下保险费可以按照约定的分期支付日期和金额支付。 若投保人未按约定支付保险费

40、,从应付之日起至实际支付之日止的期间内发生保险责任范围内的损失的,保险人不承担赔偿责任。 投保人在付清本保险合同项下全部保险费之前,如保险标的发生损失,保险人应支付的赔偿金额超过投保人未支付的保险费时,保险人有权在赔偿金额中扣除投保人尚未支付的保险费。 本附加条款与主条款内容相悖之处,以本附加条款为准;未尽之处,以主条款为准。Premium Installment Clause It is agreed and understood that the total premium under this Policy shall be paid in installments on the fol

41、lowing conditions:No. of Installment Amount to be paid Date of PaymentIn case the Insured fails to pay a required premium on the above-specified date. The Insurers shall not be liable for any loss of and/or damage to the subject matters insured arising during the period from the date of payment to t

42、he day when such belated premium has been paid. Until the Insured has paid all the premiums on this Policy, the Insurers shall be entitled to make deductions in respect of unpaid premium from the amount of claims paid and to be paid for any recoverable claims where the aggregate amount of claims pai

43、d and to be paid exceeds that unpaid premium.分期付费条款B分期付费条款B 经双方同意,本保险合同项下保险费可以按照约定的分期支付日期和金额支付。 若投保人未按约定支付保险费,从应付之日起至实际支付之日止的期间内发生保险责任范围内的损失的,保险人按损失发生时已交保险费与本保险合同约定的总保险费的比例承担赔偿责任。 投保人在付清本保险合同项下全部保险费之前,如保险标的发生损失,保险人应支付的赔偿金额超过投保人未支付的保险费时,保险人有权在赔偿金额中扣除投保人尚未支付的保险费。 本附加条款与主条款内容相悖之处,以本附加条款为准;未尽之处,以主条款为准。利

44、益可分性条款/Severability of Interest ClauseSeverability of Interest ClauseThe Policy shall protect each Insured in the same manner and to the same extent as though a separate Policy had been issued to each, but nothing herein shall operate to increase the Insurers liability at set forth elsewhere in this

45、 Policy beyond the amount or amounts for which the Insurer would be liable if there had been only one Insured. Any breach of a condition of this Policy by any Insured shall not affect the protection given by this Policy to any other Insured.放弃代位追偿扩展条款/Waiver of Subrogation Clause放弃代位追偿扩展条款 经双方同意,保险人

46、同意放弃对下列各方可能拥有的代位请求赔偿的权利: (一) 被保险人的关联或联营公司; (二) 被保险人的子公司或控股公司; (三) 被保险人的董事、合伙人; (四) 被保险人的雇员。 但上述各方的故意行为造成保险事故的,保险人保留代位请求赔偿的权利。 本附加条款与主条款内容相悖之处,以本附加条款为准;未尽之处,以主条款为准。Waiver of Subrogation ClauseIt is hereby agreed and understood that notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, it is unde

47、rstood and agreed that any claimant under this Policy shall at the request and at the expenses of the Company do and concur in doing and permit to be done all such acts or things as may be necessary or reasonably required by the Company for the purpose of enforcing any rights and remedies or of obtaining relief or ind


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