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1、Charts,Winners Podiums,www.,Charts,Winners Podiums,搜集整理,The 9 Essential Parts of a Solid Business Plan,9 Spheres,BusinessPlan,Company values and mission statement,Research for the business,FinancialPlan,Marketing Plan,Revenue and Profitability Targets,SWOT Analysis,Staffing/Outsourcing,Plan for Grow

2、th,Plan for Uncertainty,From:The 9 Essential Parts of a Solid Business Plan,Developing an E-Learning Strategy 8 Elements to Consider,8 Spheres,E-Learning Strategy,Participation,Technical Issues,Content creation and acquisition,Feedback systems,Costs,Limitations,Types of learner,Business Improvement,

3、From:Developing an E-Learning Strategy 8 Elements to Consider,7 Elements of a Successful Social Media Campaign,7 Spheres,Social Media Campaign,Targeted,Focused,Measurable,Great Content,Simple,Medium and Message,Memorable,From:7 Elements of a Successful Social Media Campaign,www.51pptmoba 搜集整理,The Mc

4、Kinsey 7S Model,6 Spheres,Shared Values,Structure,Systems,Style,Staff,Skills,Strategy,From:The McKinsey 7S Framework,Mintzbergs 5 Ps of Strategy,5 Spheres,5 Ps of Strategy,Plan,Ploy,Perspective,Position,Pattern,From:Mintzbergs 5 Ps of Strategy,The Ansoff Matrix,4 Spheres,The Ansoff Matrix,Market Dev

5、elopment,Diversification,Market Penetration,Product Development,From:The Ansoff Matrix,Set Of Editable Shapes,www.搜集整理,Continent Outlines,World Map,Outlines With Flags,World Map,Continent Outlines,World Map,NORTHAMERICA,SOUTHAMERICA,AFRICA,EUROPE,ASIA,AUSTRALIA,Continent Outlines,World Map,Continent

6、 Outlines Focus on North America,World Map,NORTHAMERICA,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes here,North America,www.51pptmoban.co m 搜集整理,Continent Outlines F

7、ocus on South America,World Map,SOUTHAMERICA,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes here,South America,Continent Outlines Focus on Europe,World Map,EUROPE,Your

8、 own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes here,Europe,Continent Outlines Focus on Asia,World Map,ASIA,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes

9、 hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes here,Asia,Continent Outlines Focus on Australia,World Map,AUSTRALIA,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereY

10、our own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes here,Australia,Multi Colored,World Map,www.51ppt 搜集整理,Airline Routes,World Map,10 principal agglomerations of the world,World Map,Speedometer with 8 slices,31%,Wouldnt buy it,Each slice equals 12,5,Speedometer with 10 slices,Each slice

11、equals 10,3 Speedometers with box,Box 1,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes here,Box 2,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes here,Box 3,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes here,www.51pptmo 搜集整理,3 Speedometers with box,Box 1,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes here,Box 2,Your ow

12、n text goes hereYour own text goes here,Box 3,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes here,How to use it,Select the speedometer and ungroup itSelect the slice(s)Customize with your own color(“Format AutoShape”dialogue box)Thats it!,2.,Select the slice(s),1.,Select the speedometer and ungroup it,Sp

13、eedometer(1),Box 1,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes here,Speedometer(3),Box 2,Box 3,Box 1,Speedometer(3),27%,72%,48%,Speedometer(4),Criterion 1,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes here,Criterion 2,Criterion 3,Criterion 4,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes here,Your own text goe

14、s hereYour own text goes here,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes here,32%,61%,8%,72%,How to use it,Select the speedometer and ungroup itSelect the slice(s)Customize with your own color(“Format AutoShape”dialogue box)Thats it!,2.,Select the slice(s),Ww 搜集整理,2-level results speedometer,Box 2,Bo

15、x 1,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes here,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes here,How to use it,Choose one of the 2 shapeUngroup itSelect the slice(s)Customize with your own color(“Format AutoShape”dialogue box)Align it relatively to the speedometer(it is formatted to be behind the s

16、peedometer)Thats it!,Each slide=2-units,Each slice=10-units,Diagrams,Thermometer,Circle Infographic With 3 Parts,1,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit.Proin at aliquet sapien.,Example 1,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit.Proin at aliquet sapien.,Example 3,3,2,L

17、orem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit.Proin at aliquet sapien.,Example 2,Circle Infographic With 3 Parts,1,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit.Proin at aliquet sapien.,Example 1,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit.Proin at aliquet sapien.,Example

18、 3,3,2,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit.Proin at aliquet sapien.,Example 2,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,sed te porro putant dolorem,vis novum nostro et.Detracto senserit assueverit eam ad,primis comprehensam sed te,eu per nemore democritum assueverit.Cu nam atqui lucilius,at pri

19、fastidii invenire ullamcorper,harum utroque has ne.Et impedit fuisset vix,animal accusam in his,id ludus dolor nec.,1,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,sed te porro putant dolorem,vis novum nostro et.Detracto senserit assueverit eam ad,primis comprehensam sed te,eu per nemore democritum assueverit.Cu nam a

20、tqui lucilius,at pri fastidii invenire ullamcorper,harum utroque has ne.Et impedit fuisset vix,animal accusam in his,id ludus dolor nec.,2,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,sed te porro putant dolorem,vis novum nostro et.Detracto senserit assueverit eam ad,primis comprehensam sed te,eu per nemore democritu

21、m assueverit.Cu nam atqui lucilius,at pri fastidii invenire ullamcorper,harum utroque has ne.Et impedit fuisset vix,animal accusam in his,id ludus dolor nec.,3,Example 1,Abstract 3D Paper Infographics,4,2,1,3,1,2,3,4,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text

22、goes hereYour own text goes here,Your own text goes here,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes here,Your own text goes here,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own te

23、xt goes here,Your own text goes here,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes here,Your own text goes here,搜集 整理,Example 2,Abstract 3D Paper Infographics,3,1,2,4,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes her

24、eYour own text goes hereYour own text goes here,Your own text goes here,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes here,Your own text goes here,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes

25、hereYour own text goes here,Your own text goes here,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes here,Your own text goes here,Example 3,Abstract 3D Paper Infographics,1,2,3,4,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text

26、 goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes here,Your own text goes here,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes here,Your own text goes here,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own t

27、ext goes hereYour own text goes here,Your own text goes here,Your own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes hereYour own text goes here,Your own text goes here,Spring 2011,Class Schedule,2011,Spring 2011,Class Schedule,2011,www.51ppt 搜集整理,Class Schedule,Class

28、 Schedule,2011,Class Schedule,Class Schedule,2011,A,C,D,C,B,A,C,D,E,A,B,D,C,BA100 Introduction to Business,BA422 Strategic Business Planning,BA523 Prices and Markets,BA102 Statistics,BA537 Management Information Systems,SWOT Analysis,INTERNAL FACTORS,EXTERNAL FACTORS,STRENGTHS,WEAKNESSES,OPPORTUNITI

29、ES,THREATS,S,W,O,T,Your text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes here,Your text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes here,Your text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goe

30、s hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes here,Your text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes here,HARMFULTo achieving the objectives,HELPFULTo achieving the objectives,搜集 整理,SWOT Analysis,HARMFULTo achieving the objecti

31、ves,HELPFULTo achieving the objectives,INTERNAL FACTORS,EXTERNAL FACTORS,SWOTAnalysis,Negative,SWOT Analysis,STRENGTHS,WEAKNESSES,OPPORTUNITIES,THREATS,S,W,O,T,Internal factors,Externalfactors,Positive,Your text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYou

32、r text goes here,Your text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes here,Your text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes here,Your text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes

33、hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes here,SWOT Analysis,www.51pptmoban.co m 搜集整理,SWOTAnalysis,SWOT Analysis,STRENGTHS,WEAKNESSES,OPPORTUNITIES,THREATS,S,W,O,T,Negative,Internal factors,Externalfactors,Positive,SWOT Analysis,O,PPORTUNITIES,Your text goes hereYour text goes hereYou

34、r text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes here,Your text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes here,Your text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes h

35、ere,Your text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes here,Negative,Internal factors,Externalfactors,Positive,SWOT Analysis,S,W,O,T,Strengths,Your text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes here,Your text goes hereYour text goes hereYo

36、ur text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes here,Your text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes here,搜集整 理,SWOT Analysis,S,W,O,T,Weaknesses,Your text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes here,Your text goe

37、s hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes here,Your text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes here,SWOT Analysis,S,W,O,T,Opportunities,Your text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text

38、 goes here,Your text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes here,Your text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes here,SWOT Analysis,S,W,O,T,Threats,Your text goes hereYour text

39、goes hereYour text goes here,Your text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes here,Your text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes hereYour text goes here,McCarthy,1960,4 Ps Marketing Mix,McCarthy

40、,1960,4 Ps Marketing Mix,Judd,1987,5 Ps Marketing Mix,Judd,1987,5 Ps Marketing Mix,Kotler,1984,6 Ps Marketing Mix,Booms&Bitner,1981,7 Ps Marketing Mix,Booms&Bitner,1981,7 Ps Marketing Mix,Single Editable*Shape,Circle Star Infographics,*Select the shape Right-click Group Ungroup,Example With Numbers

41、And Text Areas,Circle Star Infographics,2,1,3,4,5,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,ne impetus labitur admodum duo,ei tantas pertinacia moderatius pro.,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,ne impetus labitur admodum duo,ei tantas pertinacia moderatius pro.,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,ne impetus labitur admodum duo,ei

42、 tantas pertinacia moderatius pro.,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,ne impetus labitur admodum duo,ei tantas pertinacia moderatius pro.,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,ne impetus labitur admodum duo,ei tantas pertinacia moderatius pro.,Example With Icons And Text Areas,Circle Star Infographics,Lorem ipsum dolo

43、r sit amet,ne impetus labitur admodum duo,ei tantas pertinacia moderatius pro.,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,ne impetus labitur admodum duo,ei tantas pertinacia moderatius pro.,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,ne impetus labitur admodum duo,ei tantas pertinacia moderatius pro.,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,ne i

44、mpetus labitur admodum duo,ei tantas pertinacia moderatius pro.,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,ne impetus labitur admodum duo,ei tantas pertinacia moderatius pro.,Example With Text Placeholders For Each Part,Circle Star Infographics,2,1,3,4,5,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vim te etiam.Lorem ipsum dolor sit

45、 amet,vim te etiam.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vim te etiam.,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vim te etiam.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vim te etiam.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vim te etiam.,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vim te etiam.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vim te etiam.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vim te etiam

46、.,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vim te etiam.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vim te etiam.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vim te etiam.,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vim te etiam.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vim te etiam.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vim te etiam.,Example With Main Parts Text Areas,Circle Star Infograph

47、ics,Example With Focus On Part 1,Circle Star Infographics,Lorem ipsum dolor sit,1,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vix ne dicant meliore dissentias.Modo mazim libris ad mei.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vix ne dicant meliore dissentias.Modo mazim libris ad mei.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vix ne dicant meliore

48、 dissentias.Modo mazim libris ad mei.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vix ne dicant meliore dissentias.Modo mazim libris ad mei.,2,1,3,4,5,Example With Focus On Part 2,Circle Star Infographics,Lorem ipsum dolor sit,2,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vix ne dicant meliore dissentias.Modo mazim libris ad mei.Lore

49、m ipsum dolor sit amet,vix ne dicant meliore dissentias.Modo mazim libris ad mei.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vix ne dicant meliore dissentias.Modo mazim libris ad mei.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vix ne dicant meliore dissentias.Modo mazim libris ad mei.,Example With Focus On Part 3,Circle Star Infogra

50、phics,Lorem ipsum dolor sit,3,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vix ne dicant meliore dissentias.Modo mazim libris ad mei.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vix ne dicant meliore dissentias.Modo mazim libris ad mei.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,vix ne dicant meliore dissentias.Modo mazim libris ad mei.Lorem ipsum dol


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