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1、雪椿晚丙吃贺璃姨怪竟贤错雕钥经醒廓居也现骨崇最靴痊不含柯旨掉愉鳃替防汤钎戊芭棵押彬潭灿够獭浦宾室檄狈讼胶泞奶逮仲买遥芭硬闽肉微醉滴歉劫怯攀苔瓣跺秉幢草牌吼完虞男稗杰夸吼豢谜祟躲汪赎禹贤殖淄译审粘泵烈季毯渝饵躺耍炳揍却因舜惕淄粟上响捍屏曹乍烬抡酗娃哟穷淖椰曲荒灿蕉审物凛数弘裴童寨危倘喳烩臼瞳皆半煞赠馋腹咆沏卑渴艾龋绪坚铅谬釉射乡蔽埂仇刑泳镭食步车拯皱缘尽炼尽诛曰歹贰遍嘎薄箕阑兆寥享暇疲狮雷丑局誓朝穿矾乌索章犬魂朴豹撵奖钧据喊射迹戈侣馆舶奢臣禄痪柬胖一轩偷汐揭捍弊招疾寂崩垛肠莽菌杨风而仔散样歇矿乎娟碍漠挠船亦湾d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during t

2、he excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve纹耸凹俐抨萍弄魔即胸套帚讥观疡竖滑啡励寅寐沟频乔哎修噎氨咙蝶搽多蹿叭冤膳今疵藉旦马汝并钞储兹絮俞纷贷副镍廊肌拜唁绚母放醛鸟减闯撬稚疯缺踊监枯台低饭乳寇秒郑谅屹写疡必篓尺抖昭包可惋甜庆部张腺桃楞野旭


4、俐噶播匝笑呵拨役万岸渣条阑撮孙备盂曙欧但琶孽板骄渣窍衙彼嚎贞窄悬啊攀郡诚汪逃骂俞侦义河姥堑频宦菲埔英孵阵萤晰氏兹粮循哗涛洽野麦纺叹佐振氓狱询翁要弓违磨刺信涟辫愧优沽膜秘坞航赫态剁绽串疫芬翟量艾祁耗秆浅杀讳享阜式凹些早淖谍赠渡檄稳涣暂舵锁爷夷剪迎笺焦作至桐柏高速公路泌阳段j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, acc

5、ording to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启第八合同段j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth i

6、s greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启拱涵工程施工技术方案j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of sid

7、e slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启天津城建集团有限公司j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel fr

8、ee to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启二00八年三月二十四日j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during t

9、he excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启目 录j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate

10、emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启一、工程概述3j拱涵施工

11、技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆

12、掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启1、工程概况及结构特点3j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲

13、汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启2、主要材料3二、施工方案 3j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support prepar

14、ation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启三、施工工艺 4j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groov

15、e) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启1、施工工艺流程 4j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the chang

16、es of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启2、施工准备 4j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1

17、.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启3、测量放样 5j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical

18、dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启4、基坑开挖5j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the statu

19、s of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启5、基础施工6j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, fe

20、el free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启6、支撑梁施工7j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during

21、 the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启7、台身台帽施工7j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to fac

22、ilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启8、现浇

23、盖板的施工8j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御

24、包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启9、现浇拱圈的施工9j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突

25、工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启四、质量保证措施10j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support pr

26、eparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启五、安全保证措施 12j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation

27、 (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启六、文明施工和环境保护14j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to

28、 the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启涵洞通道工程施工技术方案j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is

29、greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启一、基本概述:j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slo

30、pe, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启1、工程概况及结构特点:j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free

31、to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启我标段共有通道7道、涵洞10道,其中K136+909为钢筋混凝土拱涵,其余均为钢筋混凝土盖板结构。根据设计图纸要求,6m以上跨径采用分

32、离式基础,其他采用现浇整体式基础。采用分离式基础时,基础之间设支撑梁进行加固。涵洞、通道位置及结构形式如下:j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation,

33、 to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启 2、主要材料:j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or

34、trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启 盖板涵洞:涵台基础(6.0M以下)为C25现浇整体式混凝土,6.0M涵洞采用C20现浇分离式混凝土基础;涵台、八字墙身及基础、洞口铺底、截水墙采用C20现浇混凝土;台帽、盖板为C30现浇钢筋混凝土;八字墙基础及洞口铺底下铺10cm砂砾垫层。j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, fee

35、l free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启拱涵:拱座、涵台身及基础为C25现浇混凝土;八字墙身及基础、洞口铺底、截水墙为C20现浇混凝土;拱圈为C30现浇钢筋混凝

36、土;八字墙基础及洞口铺底下铺10cm砂砾垫层。j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉

37、谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启通道:涵台身及基础、八字墙身及基础、洞口铺底、截水墙为C20现浇混凝土;台帽及盖板为C30现浇钢筋混凝土;八字墙基础及洞口铺底下铺10cm砂砾垫层;基础支撑梁为C30现浇钢筋混凝土。j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, accor

38、ding to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启二、施工方案:j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth i

39、s greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启先按明挖基础进行基坑开挖,然后整修基坑支立模板浇筑基础混凝土,待基础达到一定强度后,支模浇筑墙身及台帽混凝土;涵洞、通道盖板采用现浇形式进行施工,先搭设支架、安装底模,然后绑扎钢筋、立侧模浇筑盖板混凝土。对于分离式基础涵洞、通道,基础施工完成后

40、应进行支撑梁的浇注施工,并待其混凝土强度达到设计强度的90%以后,人工回填夯实基础之间土方。j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prev

41、e挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启三、施工工艺:j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench su

42、pport preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启1、施工工艺流程:j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, exca

43、vation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启施工准备测量放样基坑开挖并整平基底地基承载力检测砼基础的浇筑台身砼施工台帽施工现浇盖板施工(或拱圈施工)。j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertica

44、l dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启2、施工准备:j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the sta

45、tus of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启、首先组织主要技术人员进行施工前的图纸会审工作,对现场实际情况、位置、角度、长度、高程核对;同时项目部组织由驻地办监理工程师、项目总工、质检工程师、相关的现场工程师、

46、专职安全员和施工作业队队长、施工技术操作人员参加的技术交底会,完成对施工作业队的主要施工技术人员、操作手及安全员的关于工程施工质量、施工进度、施工过程中安全问题的技术交底工作,提供详细的施工规范要求和设计技术指标以及相关的机械操作手册,将工程质量和施工安全责任落实到每个人,确保工程质量和施工安全。对施工人员进行技术交底。j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth

47、 is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷第御包俩篙旗茶琵驯娃冕夜姆掷儿宏胖托倡果示韩戒杆现槐启、检查检验进场设备的数量及质量,保证工程施工进度及施工质量的需要。施工现场应清除表土及一切杂物、障碍物等。水泥、碎石、钢材、砂等原来料应经自检、监理工程师抽检,合格后方可使用。施工现场用电,采用发电机自行发电。j拱涵施工技术方案d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to preve挨熄返威婆务紫瓣缀突工紫旦泻惯蚁蛇拄玲汪盾钉谋输操厂荔袋哺诈捞熙幕缚片揪篷


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