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1、课 时 计 划 刘福文教学内容Module4 Unit 1 Everyone will study at home课的类型listening and speaking教学目标:(1)To understand conversations about future schools(2)To process information of future life in the listening material(3)Help students know the schools in the future.教学重点与难点:new words and expressions and will +do教

2、学准备:Multi-Media (Tape recorder, video, ppt)教学设计:教学内容及师生互动设计意图时间Step1 Warming up and lead in:1. Ask the students what words they can use to describe our classroom: cable TV, blackboard, national flag, clock, light, desk, picture, chair.2. Read through the words in the box and make sure that the stude

3、nts understand them all. (Activity 1)3. Ask the students to describe the classroom they are in, using the words in the box and any others which are appropriate.4. Ask the students to do the task individually, then check with a partner.Step2 Presentation:1. Provide the question first : What do you us

4、e to study English?2. Divide the students into several groups and discuss what they use to study English and collect a few pairs dialogues in a whole-class setting.3. Introduce “everyone, no one” by using a few examples that are true. 4. Remind the students that “everyone” and “no one” take a third

5、person singular verb.5. Ask the students to make sentences by using everyone and no one. e.g. Everyone uses a pen. (肯定) Everyone doesnt use a pen. = Not everyone uses a pen. (部分否定) No one uses a pen. (完全否定)Step3 Listening:1. Read through the sentences in the chart and make sure that they understand

6、the sentences.2. Ask the students to listen to the dialogue and finish the exercises in Activity 4.3. Collect the answers from the class.4. Ask the students to listen to the dialogue again and finish the exercises in Activity 5.5. Ask the students to do the exercises individually, then check with a

7、partner.6. Collect the answers from the class, having one student ask and another student answer each question.Step4 Text explanation:1.I think that everyone will study at home and will use computer.Think 引导宾语从句,否定必须前置e.g. I dont think that everyone will study at home and will use computer. I think

8、you are right to do so. I dont think you are right to do so. (不用I think you arent right to do so.)2.with (使用有形的工具或器官)e.g. We work with our hands (器官) This pair of shoes is made by hand. (手工)Step5 Pronunciation:1.Ask the students to say the four words and decide how many syllables there are in each o

9、ne.2.Collect their answers and write the words on the board to show where the breaks are.3.Practice saying the words with the class.Dic/tion/ar/y cal/cu/la/tor com/pu/ter sat/el/liteStep6 Activity 8:1. Ask the students to think about this for a while individuallyto organize their ideas about their s

10、chool in the future.2. Pair them to discuss their ideas.3. Pre-teach them “ What do you think?” to help keep the conversation going.Homework: 1.Read the sentences in the dialogue.2.Try to write some sentences to describe what your school will be like in the futu通过图片观察未来,逐步引入主题,并导入部分新单词和词组。通过设计话题谈论,让

11、学生有所感悟,也为下面的听力作好铺垫。在常规听力练习中进一步提高学生听的能力。通过对课文重点的讲解和分析,使学生更好的了解对话,掌握重点。通过对语音的训练,使学生更好的掌握单词的重音。通过小组内对话,让学生练习一般将来时,让学生产生有意义的输出,并使语言的运用最终落实于篇章之中。课堂小结:today we have learnt :chalk, ruler, question, carry, life, level, change, everything, future, in the future, need, will, maybe,ask, by, able, be able to St

12、ructure: will +do板书设计: Unit 1 Everyone will study at homechalk, ruler, question, carry, life, level, change, everything, future, in the future, need, will, maybe, ask, by, able, be able to 教学反思:The students need more time to practise speaking.Only a few students can say something about the life in t

13、he future. 学 案 设 计知识梳理知识准备Be going to +do and some words about the life in the future本课时知识点New words and expressions:chalk, ruler, question, carry, life, level, change, everything, future, in the future, need, will, maybe, ask, by, able, be able toStucture: will +do课内训练 根据首字母和汉语提示完成单词。 1.What will y

14、ou do in the f_. 2.This maths problem is very difficult.You can use a _ (计算器)to work it out. 3.The teachers wont write on a blackboard with c_ . 4.Everyone in my family has a cell p_ . 5.There will be a _(有线电视)in every classroom. Do you have a r_? I want to draw a lineTalk about what your school wil

15、lbe like in the future . Students w_ use computers to study. Everyone will have a c_ on their desk.They will read books or use the I_. The teacher w_ write on the blackboard with c_.And no one will use p_ or pens.A:用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。I _(send) my homework to my teacher by email tomorrow.I will live the

16、re all my _(life).No one _(use)a calculator in our class.Can you give me some _ of paper?There _(be) no one in the classroom.B:根据汉语提示,完成句子。学生们将通过电脑和老师们谈话.The students _ _ _ their teachers on the computers.今天晚上我要给我父母寄封电子邮件.I _ _ an email _my parents this evening. 明年我们每个课桌上都将有一台电脑. _ _ _ a computer on

17、 every desk next year.老师们将不用粉笔在黑板上书写了.The teachers _ _ on the blackboard _ _.课后训练基础训练根据汉语补全句子。1.The teacher is telling me something that will happen _ _ _(将来).2._ _ (没有人) will help you.3.Students _ _ (将不使用) pencils and paper.4._ _ _ (将会有) more flowers in your garden?5.The teacher wont write on the b

18、lackboard _ _ (用粉笔). 综合训练6._ an English party in our school this evening. A. There is going to have B. There will be C .There will have D. There are going to be7.Im sorry I was late this morning. It _ happen again. A. is B. going C. will D. wont8.-Will you please bring me some oranges, Lucy? -_. A.

19、Thats right B. All right C. Thats all right D .No matter9.Everyone _ (know) the earth is round.10._ any red flowers on the table tomorrow? A. Will they be B. Will there be C. Will ther拓展提升11. They are going to see a film_. A. last week B. next week C. every week12. I dont like doing housework, and robots _ (do) it in the future.13. -Are you ready yet? - Not yet(还没有). . I _ (be) ready in 10 minutes.14. There will be computers in the future .(改为一般疑问句并做否定回答) _.15. There will be some books on the desk.(改为否定句) There_ _ _ books on the desk.- 6 -


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