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1、Unit 6,How to Mark a Book怎样在书上做记号,I.Word Study and Word Building,1.possession n.拥有;所有权,e.g.The house has been in the familys possession for nearly 90 years.Jim was arrested for possession of drugs.Note:possessions(pl.)财产possess vt.,2.loosen v.(使)松开,-en:suffixe.g.Returning to his own office,Bob loose

2、ned his tie and opened his shirt.When Mark was drunk,his tongue was loosened.Note:loose a.,3.continual a.不断的;频繁的,e.g.He still smokes and drinks,despite the continual warnings of his doctor.Weve had continual rain in the past three weeks.,Note:,continue v.continual a.going on all the time without sto

3、pping,or with only short breaks 连续不断的(或仅有短暂之间歇的);不停的continuous a.going on without a break 连续不断的;不停歇的,考题:,Our journey was slow because the train stopped _ at different villages.a.continually b.continuously c.gradually d.unceasinglyAnswer:a.,4.original a.最初的;原著的;原创作者的,独创的,e.g.This is not the original

4、painting,but just a copy of it.Van Gogh is one of the most original painters of the 19th century.Note:origin n.originality n.创新;独特;新颖 originate v.发源;创作,5.conscious a.有意识的;神志清醒的,e.g.When he became conscious again,he found himself lying in bed in a hospital.Lili was conscious of someone watching her.N

5、ote:be conscious of/that:知道.consciousness n.意识,知觉 conscience n.良心 conscientious a.有责任心的,6.invariably ad.总是,不便地,始终如一地,e.g.The absent-minded professor will invariably leave something behind.Note:vary v.variable a.variably adv.variation n.变异various a.variety n.,7.emphasize vt.强调,e.g.In the article the

6、author emphasizes the disastrous consequences of drug taking.Note:emphasis n.emphatic a.强调的习惯用法:put/lay emphasis on;give emphasis to,8.Loan words:caviar(e)n.(French)鱼子酱,Ex.11 P 137,II.Language points and text analysis, between the lines:(fig.)体会/领会字里行间的言外之意,e.g.My son wrote that he liked his c

7、ollege life very much,but I could read between the lines that he was homesick.If you read between the lines,this letter is really a request for money.,2.persuade vt.说服,劝服,persuasive a.有说服力的 persuasion n.劝说;说服力;确信,信念e.g.The doctors tried to persuade him to give up smoking,but he just wouldnt listen t

8、o them.Note:persuade sb.(not)to do sth.,Note:,persuade sb.into doing sth.:劝某人做某事persuade sb.out of doing sth.:劝某人不做某事cf.persuade sb.of sth.:convince sb.of sth.使某人相信 persuade sb.that:convince sb.that 使某人相信,3.decide vt.判断,判决;考虑后作出决定,e.g.The judge decided the case.After the interview,the manager decide

9、d that the young man was the right person for the job.Note:decide on sth.:decide to do sth.decide against sth.:decide no to do sth., n.财产,e.g.Much of his property was destroyed by the fire.The police found some stolen property in the thiefs house.,5.prelude n.序幕;前奏曲,e.g.The discussion were

10、 a prelude to the treaty.Many people believe that the fighting I the streets is a prelude to more serious trouble.Note:a prelude to,6.transfer vt.转移;调动,e.g.That world-famous soccer star has been transferred from a Spanish club to an Italian one.The dying man decided to transfer the ownership of his

11、house to his youngest son.Note:transfer sb./sth.(from)to,7.absorb vt.take in 吸收,e.g.White surfaces do not absorb much heat or light.Instead,they reflect rays of heat and light which strike them.Note:be absorbed in:专心于,全神贯注于e.g.I was absorbed in a detective story and didnt hear you call.,考题:,She was

12、so absorbed in her job that she didnt hear anybody knocking the door.A.attracted B.absorbedC.drawn D.concentratedAnswer:B.,帮助(某人);对(某人)有益,e.g.Eat more fruit and vegetable;it will do you good.Note:do(sb.)harme.g.His ex-wifes presence at the wedding will do more harm than good.,9.dip int

13、o:browse 浏览;稍加探究,e.g.He usually dips into a book before deciding whether to read it or not.Some books are to be read seriously,others to be dipped into.,10.restrain vt.hold back;control 抑制;控制;阻止;约束,e.g.The little boy couldnt restrain his curiosity to see what was in the box.Note:restrain from,cf.ref

14、rain from:,keep oneself from;avoid 忍住;抑制,制止;戒除e.g.You must refrain from eating too much.He could hardly refrain from laughing on hearing my joke.,11.preserve vt.保护;维护,维持;保存,保藏;防腐,e.g.preserve forests preserve ones eyesight preserve order:维护秩序 preserve the style of hard struggle:保持艰苦奋斗的作风 Ancient Egy

15、ptians knew of means to preserve dead bodies from decay.,cf.,preserve:强调使之完好无损或质量不变;conserve:保持,保存,强调“珍惜”、“节用”,后面一般连用energy(力量)、health(健康)、strength(力气)、resources(资源)等,不能连用“钱财”。reserve:指保留(意见、权利、款项等)、预定(房间、座位等), to speak/say:可以说;容许我打个譬喻,e.g.The young man often makes good suggestions to the manag

16、er and is,so to speak,the brains of the plant.Very much spoiled by his parents,the 7-year-old boy is,so to speak,a little emperor of the family.,13.manufacture vt.制造;(大量)生产,e.g.Many of the shoes and toys sold in the United States are manufactured in China.Pauls uncle owns a big factory that manufact

17、ures farm machinery.,14.indispensable(to):必不可少的,e.g.Oxygen is indispensable to life.A good dictionary is indispensable to the study of a foreign language.Note:be indispensable to,15.develop vt.(逐步)展开(情节、音乐主题、方程式等),e.g.Id like to develop this idea a little more fully before I go on to my next point.T

18、his point is developed further at the end of this chapter.,16.not and:if,(then)not,e.g.You cant eat your cake and have it.You cant sell the cow and drink the milk.,17.(Lets)say:for example例如,e.g.Id like to advise you to learn a second foreign language,say,German.Could I come to see you sometime next

19、 week,say,Wednesday?,18.resume vt.(中断后)重新开始,e.g.They resumed their discussions after a short rest.After lunch he resumed reading where he had left off.Note:resume+v-ing,19.pick up:中断后重新开始,e.g.Its difficult to pick up a conversation when it has been interrupted.They met after five years,and picked up

20、 their friendship as if there had been no interruption.,20.leave off:stop 停止,e.g.We will start at the point where we left off last time.She was so ill she had to leave off work., supposed to:被期望,应该,e.g.Youre supposed to return the books in two weeks.He is supposed to arrive at 5 in the afternoo

21、 are not supposed to smoke in here.(=are not allowed to)用于否定句,表示“获准”。,22.consist in:lie in 存在于;在于,e.g.Happiness consists in struggle.The beauty of Venice consists largely in the style of its ancient of:be made up of;be composed of 由组成, relevant to:be connected with

22、与有关,e.g.The judge ruled that the evidence was not relevant(irrelevant)to the case.His nationality isnt relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.Note:relate v.,24.tie up:connect,relate 系紧;捆牢;与有密切联系,e.g.Tie up the two problems and you will understand them clearly.The police are trying to tie up his esc

23、ape from prison with the murder.Note:tie up with,25.sequence n.顺序;连续;一连串,e.g.Everything happened so fast after the train crash that each of the passengers has a different account of the sequence of events.The names are arranged in alphabetical sequence.,III.Group Discussion,1.Tell about the usefulness of marking books.2.Tell how much you benefit from the authors advice.,


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