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1、议论文:开头、结尾,A persuasive essay may end where it begins,completing a full circle of 360 degrees.议论文的写法是自圆其说,怎么开头,就怎么结尾,绕个360度,完成一圈。The conclusion paragraph is the mirror image of the introduction.In the introduction,we state a thesis while in the conclusion we restate the thesis.结尾这一段是开头的还原投射。在开头申论主题,在

2、结尾重申主题。,The movement in the first paragraph is from the general to the specific.The opposite is true with the last paragraph,moving from the specific to the general.也就是说,第一段是缩题,从宽到细。最后一段刚好相反,从细到宽。,Opening,解释现象:Recently,there is a wide concern/heated discussion/an obvious phenomenon that(on our socie

3、ty in our school class)whetherCurrently/At present/Lately/Nowadays/These years/These days/In the past several decades/Over the last several yearsWith the development of.(Along with/As/Thanks to/At the mercy of)It is commonly believed thatIt is universally acknowledged that,引入相反或不同观点Peoples view onva

4、ry from person to person.Some hold(take)the view thatHowever,others believe(claim/argue)that There is a public(general/heated/impassioned)debate(discussion/controversy)as to(over/on/concerning)the issue of Those who criticize(oppose/object to)contend(argue/believe/claim)that But people who advocate(

5、favor/are for)maintain/assert that,The definition of education may vary from person to person.Some people consider education as going to schools or colleges,or as a means to secure good jobs,while others regard it as a life-long process.I agree with the latter viewpoint for the following reasons,引用名

6、人名言As the proverb says,“No one knows the value of health until he loses it.”(The best way to stay healthy)“Smile at life,life sill smile in return,”a poem says.(The importance of keeping a good mood)“Rome is not built in one day”,so the saying goes.It is similarly true that knowledge cannot be acqui

7、red in one day and has to be acquired(accumulated)little by little.(Diligence),“A man is never too old to learn.”As this saying goes,education does not mean a period of learning such as attending colleges or universities.It should be a lifelong process.(Education)“Rejuvenating our country through sc

8、ience and education”is a call that almost spread every corner of Chinese land.While,the realization of the importance of education is crucial,引用定义Generation gap refers to the distance and contradiction between the old and the young.Its a common phenomenon that exists everywhere in the world and infl

9、uences both the old and the young.(Generation gap)Etiquette is the lubrication that keeps our social interaction harmonious.Though its components may vary from situation to situation,its generally based on respect and consideration.Therefore,in my opinion,开门见山Honesty is one of the best virtues.An ho

10、nest man is always trusted and respected.On the contrary,one who tells lies is regarded as a liar,and is looked upon by honest people.There is a principal reason for agreeing with the statement that parents make the best teachers and it is the fact that children are closer to parents than to any oth

11、er people.,The best way to know whats going on in a society is to study its popular media because social trends,peoples fears and aspirations,the status of various groups and the power of the ruling elites can all be seen in the popular media of this society.,Ending,概括Taking all these factors into c

12、onsideration,we naturally come to the conclusion that Hence(Therefore),wed better come to the conclusion thatThere is no doubt thathas is drawbacks as well as merits.All in all(In a word/In summary/To sum up),we cannot live without But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with t

13、he problems that would arise.,Addressing these issues is not a luxury that can be postpone until a more convenient time.It is a short step from dishonesty in school and college to dishonesty in business.To sum up/to conclude,seen with a positive attitude,an interview can be a win-win situation for b

14、othandFrom the above analysis,we may arrive at a conclusion that,提出建议或倡议It is high time that we put an end to the trend.It is time to take the advice of and to put special emphasis on the improvement of There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of Obviously,if we want to do s

15、omething,it is essential thatOnly in this way can weIt must be realized that,Of course,misuse or too much use ofcould bring a number of problems.However,the above discussion indicate that we should not and could not forbid its use totally.The better course of action is toBased on all the reasons ana

16、lyzed above,we may safely come to the conclusion that the youth should not find a star idol.Instead,they should concentrate on their studies,make a better budget,and get in touch with the real world.,预示结果Obviously,if we dont control the problem,the chances are that,which will lead us into danger.No

17、doubt,unless we take effective measures,it is very likely that It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation.Although other favorable things may still be said about classroom teaching compared with cyber education,the two advantages of traditional classes discussed above are already sufficient for the former to live rather than die out in advance of the latter.,The End,


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