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1、,English Rhetoric,英语修辞学,第一章 喻类修辞格,1.Simile 1.1 Definition Simile is a figure of speech in which one thing is likened to another,in such a way as to clarify and enhance an image.It is explicit comparison(as opposed to the metaphor where comparison is implicit)recognizable by the use of words“like”or“

2、as”.1.2常用的比喻词有as,like,seem,as if,as though,such as 等。1.3其基本格式是“A is like B”或“A is as as B”。1.4其他的格式或句型还有:虚拟句型 最常见的是用 as if 或as though作比喻词,另外还有其他一些形式。,1.4.2 what 型 A is to B what C is to D.what C is to D,(that)A is to B.A does for B What C does for D.1.4.3 than型1.4.4 and型 这是一种特殊的明喻句,常见于英语谚语。其中and 的作用

3、相当于like,不可把它理解为“和”、“与”等义。1.4.5 动词型Compare,treat as,regardas,consider.as,be likened,suggest,resemble,be similar to,serveas,honouras,respectas.,2.Metaphor,2.1 Definition Metaphor is a figure of speech containing an implied comparison,in which a word or phrase ordinarily and primarily used of one thing

4、 is applied to another.2.2 Comparison between“simile”and“metaphor”2.2.1 The Similarities隐喻与明喻在下列两点上是完全相同的:比喻要在两种不同的事物之间相比;两种不同的事物相比时只在一点上相似,不在多点上相似。2.2.2 The Differences in Forms隐喻与明喻不同的地方从表现形式上来说也是两点:,明喻常用“似”、“像”之类的比喻词,而隐喻则绝对不用这一类比喻词。明喻中的主体与喻体一定同时出现在句子中,而隐喻中的主体与喻体在句中却会有三种情况:或同时出现在句子中;或句子中只出现喻体,主体隐去

5、了;或句子中只有主体,喻体隐去了。后两种情况,范家材先生(1992:83)称之为“折射结构”。2.2.3 The Differences in Essence明喻是“相类”的关系,隐喻是“相合”的关系。明喻的相类,只是一种客观的比较,是人的一种认识。而隐喻的相合,则是一种主观上带有内涵意义的融合,是人的审美力与艺术想象力的体现。Eg.“女人似花”,女人是女人,花是花,各有所指。这一句话只是表达了说话者对女人与花之间关系的一种认识。若说“女人是花”,就不一样了,女人与花不再分指,而是在“美丽”这一内涵上融合为一了。,2.3 Metaphor 的结构 用to be连接本体(the tenor)和喻

6、体(the vehicle),喻体一般体现在句子的表语部分。这是最基本的结构形式。用of 连接喻体和本体,这是另一结构,其中的介词of表示同位关系。用动词或形容词表示比喻。2.4 Metaphor 的设喻方法 以一种形象具体的事物去比喻另一形象具体的事物。用形象具体的事物,比喻抽象的事物或概念。以一种抽象概念去比喻另一种抽象概念。,2.5 英汉对比比拟和比喻不同,比喻要求两个本质不同的事物有相似之处,比拟主要是两事物进行类比,不一定要有相似关系或相关关系。Metaphor不单是汉语的隐喻,也包含借喻和拟物两种辞格。,3.Personification,3.1 DefinitionPersoni

7、fication is a figure of speech in which a thing,quality,or idea is represented as a person.3.2 The Forms把物体、无形的自然现象等当作人来描写。把动物、植物当作人来描写。把抽象概念当作人来描写。,4.Transferred Epithet,4.1 DefinitionTransferred Epithet is a figure of speech in which the epithet is transferred from the appropriate noun to modify a

8、nother to which it does not really belong.4.2 The Structures在形式上修饰甲名词的修饰语,在语义上转移修饰乙名词。在形式上是某一名词的修饰语,在语义上却是另一动词(非谓语动词)的修饰语。其作用相当于一个状语。句中形式上修饰事物的修饰语,在语义上修饰人物,表示人的特征或状态等。有时修饰转移的来龙去脉不明显,这时要借助上下文对文章进行理解,进行联想和引申。,4.3 The Forms修饰语(形容词或分词)名词 4.3.2 名词of 名词,第二章 代类修辞格,5.Synecdoche 5.1 Definition Synecdoche is

9、a figure of speech by which a part is put for the whole,the whole for the fan,species for genus,the genus for the species or the name of the material for the thing made.,5.2 Familiar Examples,A.The part for the wholehand:a)member of a ships crew All hands are on deck.b)worker,laborer,helper-They wer

10、e short of hands at harvest time.2.head:person-He paid the workers$5 per head.3.heart:brave fellow-Yet there were some stout hearts who attempted resistance.(C.S.Forester),4.legs:(coll.)persons on foot;the infantry-The legs could hardly keep up with the tanks.5.bread:food,esp.staple food-Give us thi

11、s day our daily bread.(Prayer)They say theres bread and work for all,And the sun shines always there:But Ill not forget old Ireland,Were it fifty times as fair.(Helen S.Blackwood),B.The whole for the part 1.Name of country for group of people of that country-Australia beat Canada at cricket.(=the Au

12、stralian team beat the Canadian team)2.Vehicle for engine,machine for mechanism of machine itself,etc.-The car conked out.The planes flamed out!The radio(TV)is out of order.3.Person for part of his body-Then he cut me open and took out the appendix and stitched me up again(=cut his abdomen open),C.T

13、he species for the genus,or the genus for the species 1.Alas,that Spring should vanish with the Rose!(Edward Fitzgerald)(rose=flowers in general;species for the genus)2.What a despicable creature he is.(creature=man;the genus for the species)D.Name of material for the thing made 1.He walked the boar

14、ds for a living.(the boards=the stage)2.She was dressed in silk and satins.(silks and satins=dresses made of silk and satin)3.Cotton suits you.(cotton=garments made of cotton)4.Better be jocund with the fruitful Grape Than sadden after none,or bitter,fruit.(E.Fitzgerald),5.3 The Comparison of Synecd

15、oche and metonymy 5.3.1 Replace B with A;Substitute A for B 5.3.2 The Differences Only metonymy involves substitution of the name of one thing for that of another closely associated with it,whereas synecdoche involves the substitution of the part for the whole,or the whole for the part.For instance,

16、in the sentencesmetonymy:Lets drink a cup or two.The kettle is boiling.The pen is mightier than the sword.The gray hair should be respected.,6.Understatement,6.1 Definition Understatement is a figure of speech contains an understatement of emphasis,and therefore the opposite of hyperbole,often used

17、in everyday speech and usually with laconic or ironic intentions.6.2 The Differences between Understatement and Hyperbole“低调陈述(understatement)是与夸张相反的辞格。夸张是夸大其词,而言之;低调是轻描淡写,含蓄内敛。夸张是deliberately maximize the importance,低调是deliberately minimize the importance;夸张是play up。低调是play down;夸张是high profile,低调是

18、low profile。”(范家材:英语修辞赏析),6.3 Structures,用词汇手段来体现。用语法手段来体现。6.4 The Basic Expressions正话反说正话反说就是用no,not,none,never以及否定词缀等否定词与否定表达法来表述肯定的内容,这种表达方式在修辞学中有一个专门术语叫曲言法(litotes)。Eg1.As lean was his horse as is a rake,And he was not right fatI undertake,弱说代替强说用弱说代替强说,常用a bit,a1most,hardly,kind of,rather,prett

19、y,scarcely,quite,something of,sort of等低调词(downtoners)来减缩事物的重要性。这种形式也叫“弱陈法”(meiosis)。Eg.1.Mr.Li is something of a philosopher.2.Her pronunciation is rather good.,回避正面直说或不作正面的回答 这种表达方法是回避正面直说或不作正面的同答,其中含意让听话人自己去琢磨,在这样用时,以“情态动词+不定式(不定式完成式)”为多:Eg.1.Why should you be so late today?2.-Do you think all the

20、 programs are good?-Some of the programs are interesting.But others could be better.3.I wish I could write better.,7.Euphemism,7.1 Definition Euphemism is a figure of speech in which something of an unpleasant,distressing,or indelicate nature is described in less offensive terms,as in the expression

21、s“under the weather”for“ill”or“passed away”for“died”.7.2 Main approaches 7.2.1 用语模糊 Eg.Youve lost your license.=Your fly is open./Your suit is untimely.7.2.2 用语委婉 Eg.When we came back we found him in an armchair,peacefully gone to sleep-but for ever.,7.3 The Categories,7.3.1 Traditional Euphemism 7.

22、3.2 Stylistic Euphemism 7.4 英汉语的构造手段不同 英语可以用语音手段、语法手段、词汇手段来构成委婉语而汉语则侧重于用词汇手段。英语用语音手段来构成委婉语,如laboratory原来的重音在第一个音节上,但这样读与lavatory相似,于是现在就把重音落在第二个音节上,而这样的手段,汉语是不存在的。又如语法上的委婉语,英语的过去时可以表示委婉,用would,should表示委婉,汉语就不太侧重在这些方面。,8.Hyperbole,8.1 DefinitionHyperbole is a figure of speech which gently exaggerates

23、 the truth.8.2 The Effects增强感染力,强化感情。刻画人物,生动形象,活灵活现。描景状物,渲染气氛,给人以深刻印象。幽默风趣,令人发笑,讽刺嘲弄,入木三分。,9.Allusion,9.1 Definition Allusion is usually an implicit reference,perhaps to another work of literature or art,to a person or an event.9.2 Origins 9.2.1 来自圣经Eg.1.The dog returns to the vomit.狗回头吃它自己所吐的东西。But

24、 it is happened into them according to the time proverbs,the dog is turned to his own vomit against;and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.,9.3 New Allusion,出自政治Eg.1.Water gate Affairs水门事件(政治性丑闻)gate 丑闻的后缀标志 2.He did a Jorden.(快捷、准确的好身手,多用于篮球)9.3.2 出自文学作品 Eg.1.Catch-22(处于无法摆脱的困境,进退

25、维谷的局面)源于美国小说家约瑟夫赫勒出版于1961年的同名小说。2.Godzilla(独霸一方、不可战胜)日本东宝制片公司1954年创造出来的银幕怪兽形象,在此后40多年的岁月中长映不衰,成为该公司的看家戏。美国索尼娱乐影片公司后来从东宝手下买下版权,于1998年推出了巨片怪兽戈兹拉。,第三章 对照并列类修辞格,10.Antithesis 10.1 Definition Fundamentally,antithesis reveals contrasting ideas sharpened by the use of opposite or noticeably different meani

26、ngs.10.2 Four Forms 10.2.1 Words Eg.back and forth;in and out;up and down;fire and water;joys and sorrows;body and soul;by hook or(by)crook;hot and strong English puts emphasis on“hypotaxis”(形合),while Chinese attaches importance to“parataxis”(意合),11.Parallelism,11.1 Introduction In parallel construc

27、tion it is necessary to balance word for word(noun with noun,verb with verb.adjective with adjective,etc.),phrase with phrase,clause with clause,sentence with sentence.E.g.(1)Not parallel:The child was pretty and had brains.Parallel:The child was pretty and intelligent.(2)Not parallel:He sat down an

28、d was beginning to work.Parallel:He sat down and began to work.To make the parallelism clear,it is essential to repeat,as the ease demands,the marker of the parallelism,such as an article,a preposition,the“to”of an infinitive,or the introductory word of a main or subordinate clause.,11.2 The Forms,1

29、1.2.1Parallelism in WordsEg.Women were running out to the line of march,crying and laughing and kissing the men good-bye.Bob is a hard hitter,a sure fielder and swift runner.11.2.2 Parallelism in PhrasesEg.It was not anger,nor surprise nor disapproval nor horror nor any of the emotions that she had

30、been prepared for.11.2.3 Parallelism in ClausesEg.This is the man who has stirred three hundred million people to revolt who has shaken the foundations of the British Empire and who has introduced into human politics the strongest religious impetus of the last two thousand years.,12.Paradox,12.1 Def

31、inition A Dictionary of Literary Terms:A paradox is a figure of speech consisting of a statement or proposition which on the face of it seems self-contradictory,absurd or contrary to established fact or practice,but which on further thinking and study,may prove to be true,well-founded,and even to co

32、ntain a succinct point.12.2 英语的某些警句、格言、谚语中常使用paradox 这一辞格,使其说明的哲学道理更生动活泼,言简意赅,给人留下深刻印象。Eg.The child is father of the man.A little learning is a dangerous thing.A lover of peace emerged as a magnificent leader of war.,13.Oxymoron,13.1 IntroductionAn Oxymoron is a compressed paradox,formed by the conj

33、oining of two contrasting,contradictory or incongruous terms,as in-bitter-sweet memories-proud humility:this refers to the quality of being humble,but not servile-orderly chaos:chaos(confusion,disarray)exists,but there is some method or order in the way the things are thrown around.An oxymoron can b

34、e formed in various ways,the most common being the following:,13.2 The Effects,13.2.1 revealing strong feelingsEg.No light,but only darkness visible.13.2.2 showing striking contrastsEg.The mother is undergoing the joyful pain,and the painful joy of childbirth.13.2.3 having humorous and ironic effect

35、sEg.I like a smuggler.He is the only honest thief 13.2.4 playing concise and comprehensive rolesEg.Dudly Field Malone called my conviction a victorious defeat.,14.Anticlimax,14.1 DefinitionA Dictionary of Literary Terms:It is a sentence in which the last part expresses something lower than the first

36、.In fact,a bathetic declension from a noble tone to one less exalted.The effect can be comic and is often intended to be so.eg.It lifts his spirit above material concerns and inspires in him noble thoughts.It also makes him hungry.What shall I do?I have lost my beau and lipstick too.,14.2 Effects,14

37、.2.1 Humorous Effects eg.I am told several pickpockets are here.Let them remember that the eye of God on them,and also that there are a number of policemen in the house.14.2.2 Satirical Effects eg.To a gentleman whose servant was putting on his shoes for him,Diogenes said,You wont be really happy until he wipes your nose for you:that will come after you lose the use of your hands.,END谢谢,


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