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1、Mcdull,McDull(traditional Chinese:麥兜)is a cartoon pig character that was created in Hong Kong by Alice Mak and Brian Tse,McDull is a male pig who can be distinguished by a birthmark on his right eye.He has a heart of gold,but he isnt very smart and ordinary in every way.麦兜是一只右眼上有个胎记的小猪。他有一颗金子般的心,但他不

2、是很聪明,什么方面都平平无奇,Nevertheless,he has many dreams.However,every time he tries,he fails;he is disappointed,but tries again,exploring other dreams.尽管如此,他也有自己的梦想。每一次他尝试着达成自己的理想,他都会失败;他会感到失望,但依旧进取,追逐着自己其它的梦。,The name McDull actually has a story itself.When Mrs Mak was going to give birth to McDull,she saw

3、a magical plastic basin(pronounced roughly as dull in Cantonese)flying over her head.Believing it a sign from the gods,she named her son as Dull。,麦兜名字的由来有一个故事。麦太临盆去医院准备生麦兜的时候,她看到了一只神奇的塑料盆(粤语中叫做“胶兜”)从她头顶飞过。由此她向塑料盆许了一系列的愿望,希望将来的儿子能很聪明、读书好,长得帅,像梁朝伟或者周润发,还有运气要好,最后塑料盆终于落地。麦太认为这是老天爷传递的异象,而麦胶这个名字不好听,于是决定取名

4、麦兜。,Mcdull first law:If you dont respect me,I will respect you.If you dont respect me again,I will also respect you.If you dont respect me again and again.I will destroy you.麦兜定律1:你不尊重我,我尊重你,你还不尊重我,我依旧尊重你。你再不尊重我,我就废了你。Mcdull second law;Just cry whenever you want cry,smile whenever you want smile,Do

5、not become false because of the falsehood of the world.麦兜定律2:想哭就哭,想笑就笑,不要因为世界虚伪,你也变的虚伪了。Mcdull third law;Catch some ZZZZS when you fell sad.It is better to harm the heart than the stomach麦兜定律3:不开心睡一觉,就让它过去吧。伤心还好,伤胃就不好了。,There are many funny dialogues which Mcdull talk with other people,lets enjoy it

6、!,How are you?I am fine.You like bun?I like bun!All of us Hong Kong people here love bun.Dear friend,it is important to snatch buns.It is a game,no joke,which needs energy,In my stupid opinion.Snatching bun is an Olympic game.Let athletes all over the world snatch!And there will be peace.,你好吗?我很好。你吃

7、包子吗?我吃包子!我们香港人,很爱吃包子.我认为,抢那些包子,十分重要,也算是一项运动,真的,要大力气。按照我愚蠢的见解,抢那些包子也应该是奥运会比赛项目。让全世界的运动员抢,世界便和平了。,McDul l:Fishball noodle,please.sales clerk:No noodle left.McDull:Fishball rice noodle then.sales clerkNo fishball left.McDull:Chicken wing noodle then.sales clerk:No noodle left.McDull:How about fishball

8、congee?sales clerk:No fishball left.McDull:Nothing left today?How about beef noodle?sales clerk:No noodle left.McDull:Again?Fried chicken wing with fishball.sales clerk:No fishball left.Darby:Hey,fishball and noodle are both gone.You cant combine them with other things.McDull:Cant combine them?A bow

9、l of fishball then.sales clerk:No fishball left.McDull:A bowl of noodle?sales clerk:No noodle left.,麦兜:麻烦你,粗面!鱼蛋老板:没有粗面了。麦兜:这样啊来一碗鱼蛋河粉吧。老板:没有鱼蛋。麦兜:这样啊金钱肚粗面好了。老板:没有粗面。麦兜:那么要鱼蛋油面吧。老板:没有鱼蛋。麦兜:怎么样样都没了?那要个墨鱼丸粗面吧。老板:没有粗面。麦兜:又没啊?那麻烦来碗鱼蛋金钱肚吧。老板:没有鱼蛋。得巴:麦兜啊,鱼蛋和粗面都卖光了,也就是所有的鱼蛋或者粗面的搭配都没有了。麦兜:哦没有那些搭配啊?那麻烦要净鱼蛋吧。

10、老板:没有鱼蛋。麦兜:那么净粗面呢?老板:没有粗面,名言一:感谢黑夜的来临,我知道今天不论有多失败,全新的明天仍然等待我来证明自己名言二:感谢我的身材,即使臃肿,我也能到世界各地去旅游。名言三:感谢那些曾让我伤心难过的日子,我知道快乐已经离我不远了。名言四:感谢我的鼻子,即使塌,也让我可以呼吸新鲜空气。名言五:感谢太阳又升起,继续点燃我的梦想。名言六:感谢不离不弃的你,让我知道仍有人爱我。名言七:感谢我的双眼,再小,再眯,我也能看见,日出,日落,花开,花谢。名言八:感谢老天爷所降下的雨水,为伤心淤积的心灵给刷洗洁净。名言九:感谢你的支持,不论今天有多挫折,我仍会勇敢地活下去。,Thank you!,


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