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1、1,space太空,Module 6 Unit 1 It was Damings birthday yesterday.,Earth(地球),4,on the earth在地球上,Who has been to the space in China?,6,刘伯明,景海鹏,翟志 刚,费俊龙,聂海胜,杨利伟,How did they go there and back?,spaceship,8,spaceship宇宙飞船,巧记:space(太空)+ship(船)=spaceship(宇宙飞船),model模型,paper纸,a paper spaceship一个纸质的宇宙飞船,home 家got

2、得到,收到finish 结束,完成decide 决定brought 拿来,带来,New Words新单词,New Words新单词,bring back 带回first第一的national国家的,民族的National Day国庆节seed种子,Read and answer the questions:,1.When was Damings birthday?2.What did Simons mum buy for Daming?3.Does Daming like the present?4.What did Daming ask Simon to do?,Damings birthd

3、ay was yesterday.,She bought Daming a book about space travel.,Yes,he does.,Daming asked Simon to read the book with him.,What spaceships does the book show?2.What did Simon and Daming decide to make together?,The book shows spaceships from China,Russia and the US.,They decided to make a paper space

4、ship together.,Read and answer the questions:,Damings birthday,Simons mum bought a present for him.,西蒙的妈妈给他买了一本书。,Simons mum bought him a book.,I bought this cap for you.,I bought you this cap.,I bought the bike for you.,I bought you the bike.,对比:buy+物品+for+人 buy+人+物品 买给某人,On Damings birthday.Amy bo

5、ught a present for him.It was a blue toy car.,On Damings birthday.Amy bought him a present.It was a blue toy car.,On Amys birthday.Sam bought a present for her.It was a yellow cap.,On Amys birthday.Sam bought her a present.It was a yellow cap.,On Linglings birthday.Sam bought a present for her.It wa

6、s a green kite.,On Linglings birthday.Daming bought her a present.It was a green kite.,interested 感兴趣的,短语:be interested in 对感兴趣,如果后面接动词,要用ing形式。例如:I am interested in watching TV.,interested 感兴趣的,interesting 令人感兴趣的,区别:interested 用来形容人,主语是人 interesting 用来形容物体,主语是物,例如:I am interested in this interestin

7、g book.我对这本令人感兴趣的书感兴趣。,Im very _ in this book.This book is very _for me.Space travel is _ for Yang Liwei.Yang Liwei is _ in space travel.,“interesting”,“interested”,interesting,interesting,interested,interested,showedaskedwaswere,show 把.给.看ask 问am,is 是are 是,动词原形,动词过去式,ask+人(宾格)+to+动词原形叫某人做某事,Daming

8、asked him to read the book with him.,What did they see in the book?,他们在书上看见了什么?,Arm Strong,阿姆斯特朗,From the United States,Arm Strong is the first person who landed on the moon.,Yang Liwei杨利伟,From China,Yang Liwei is the first China astronaut.,Gagarin is the first taikonaut to go into space in the worl

9、d.,From Russia 罗斯人,捷列什科娃,Tereshkova is the first wo-man taiknautnaut in the world.,Tereshkova,What did they see in the book?,They saw many pictures of spaceship from China,Russia and the US.,动词原形do 做see看见,动词过去式didsaw,decide to+动词原形决定做.I decide to study hard.我决定努力学习。Idecide to learn English.我决定学英语。Id

10、ecide to sing loudly.我决定大声唱歌。,buy,make,give,send 的用法:,这些词都可以与人、物连用,buy,make常与for连用,give,send常与to连用,例如:为某人做某物 make sb.sth.=make sth.for sb.把某物给某人 give sb.sth.=give sth.to sb.,finishedgavemadedecidedthankedwaswere,finish完成give 给make 制作decide决定thank谢谢am、is 是are 是,thank.for,动词原形,动词过去式,规则动词的过去式变化如下:1、一般情

11、况下,动词词尾加-ed,如:watch-watched play-played 2、以不发音的-e 结尾动词,动词词尾 加-d,如:live-lived hope-hoped 3、以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,把-y变为-i 再加-ed,如:study-studied carry-carried 4、以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节 动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加-ed,如:stop-stopped,不规则动词需要特殊记忆:1.am,is-was 2.eat-ate 3.ride-rode 4.drink-drank 5.see-saw 6.go-went 7.win-won 8.buy-bought,一般过去时,1.基本结构:主语+动词过去式+其他;2.否定形式:was/were not 缩写形式:wasnt/werentdidnt(did not)+动词原形3.一般疑问句:Did+主语+动词原形+其他?4.特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句?,Task:,学会用英语来赠送和接受礼物。,Who gave it to you?_ gave it to me.,I bought _ for you.I made _ for you.,Finish the Task:,用今天所学的句子完成下列表格:,1、介绍两件你收到过的礼物,说说谁送给你的?,2、说说你曾经送过朋友和家人什么礼物?,


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