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1、Unit 8 Why dont you learn to sing English songs?,1 Fill in the blanks with the words given.,expensive boring cheap special interesting,1.Today is Jims birthday.His mother is going to make a meal for him.2.My shoes were really.They only cost$5.3.My aunt took us out to dinner at an restaurant,but the

2、food was not good at all.4.The movie was.I fell asleep half way through it.5.Its important to choose subjects that you find.,special,cheap,expensive,boring,interesting,adj.睡着的,入睡,v.选择,Later,the same gift may be given away to someone else.后来,同样的礼物可能分发给别人。(1)give away 意为“赠送;分发”。如:He has given away all

3、 his money to the beggars.他把所有的钱都分给了乞丐。(2)else 意为“别的;其他的”,常用在anything,nothing,someone,anybody,nobody 等不定代词之后。如:Anything else I can do for you?还有别的事我能帮你做吗?,rather than 意为“而不是”,用来连接两个并列的名词、代词、形容词、V-ing 形式和不带to的动词不定式。如:These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty.这些鞋不好看,但穿起来很舒服。Id like to go in summe

4、r rather than in winter.我想夏天去,不想冬天去。,Free talk,How many English songs can you think of?Which are your farvorites?My heart will go on,How can singing English songs help our English?Make a list.,1.We can learn some new words.,2.We can become more interested in English.,3.We can improve the ability of

5、listening and speaking.,Can you guess what the main idea of this text is?,What is the passage mainly about?,Some good ways of improving English,especially singing English songs.,Task 1 Read and match,Para.1,B.Many people want to improve their English in different ways.,A.Peoples opinion about the co

6、ntest,Para.2,Para.3,Para.4,C.Many other fun ways to learn English,D.Some information about the two winners,快读(默读),1.How many singers entered the contest?2.How did these singers sing?,Task 2 Read the first paragraph and answer,Twenty-four singers from across China.,Nearly all the singers sang very cl

7、early.,Task 3 Learn in detail,1 Today many Chinese people want to improve their English in different ways.For example,twenty-four young singers from across China entered a contest by singing popular English songs.Nearly all the singers sang very clearly,and looked comfortable on stage.Some of these

8、singers were able to sing English songs just as well as native speakers.,asas 与一样,像,across=all over,3.Where were the two winners of the competitions from?4.Why did Jiang Mei win?,Task 2 Read the second paragraph and answer,精读(大声),The man winner was from Xi an.The woman winner was from Dalian.,Studyi

9、ng English made her win the prize.,2 The singers really came from all age groups and from all over China.The winner of the mens competition was a 40-year-old man from Xian,and the winner of the womens competition was a 19-year-old girl from Dalian.Both winners were very modest,and said that they did

10、nt think they were better than the other singers.,all age group 不同年龄层,The winner was a man of 40 years old.,the other+名词复数 其他的人/物(某一定范围内)Mike did better than all _ players in the game.,the other,Jiang Mei,the winner of the womens competition,said studying English helped her win the prize.Six months

11、earlier,she felt her English was not good enough,so she had to study hard.She also said that singing English songs made her more interested in learning English.,enough 1.形容词,足够的;修饰名词置于名词之前 2.副词;修饰adj/adv置于其后,make sb adj.使某人 2.make sb do sth 使某人做某事eg:The bad news made me _(exciting).The little dog ma

12、de us _(laugh).,excited,laugh,5.What is the advantage of entering English Song Singing Competition?,Task 2 Read the third paragraph and answer,That kind of contest encourages people to speak English well.,3 This kind of contest encourages people in China to speak English.Many people agree that they

13、make progress by singing English songs and that it is a good idea to have fun with English.,make progress 取得进步,It is a good idea to do sth.做某事是个好主意。have fun with sth.在某事中获得乐趣have fun doing sth.做某事有乐趣,encourage sb to do sth.,6.What does Beijing Speaks English suggest?7.How many fun ways to learn Engl

14、ish are there in the text?What are they?,Task 2 Read the fourth paragraph and answer,Singing English songs,watching English movies,reading English books and making friends with a native speaker.,It suggests ways for Beijingers to take an interest in learning English.,4 Have you ever heard of the Bei

15、jing Speaks English program?If not,why dont you find out about it?It suggests ways for Beijingers to take an interest in learning English.Besides singing English songs,there are many other fun ways to learn English.What about watching English movies,or reading English books?Maybe you could even make

16、 friends with a native speaker of English.If you look hard enough,youll find a good way to learn English better.,hear of=hear about 听说 hear from sb.收到某人的来信,take an interest in=be interested in对感兴趣,1.suggest sth.to do 2.suggest doing sth3.suggest that 从句,besides:除外,着重于“另外还有”except:从整体中减去一部分,着重于“排除在外”

17、,1.enter a contest2.nearly all the singers3.sing very clearly4.encourage people to speak5.make progress6.besides singing English songs7.the winner of8.on stage.9.make her interested in.10.hear of.11.make friends with.,1.参加比赛 2.几乎所有的歌手 3.唱的很清晰 4.鼓励人们说 5.取得进步 6。除了唱英语歌曲 7.。的获胜者 8.在舞台上9.使她对。感兴趣10.听说11.和

18、。交朋友,1.be able to 2.very modest 3.different statements 4.native speakers 5.make progress6.suggest doing sth 7.take an interest in 8.hear from9.on stage10.not mentioned,1.能够2.很谦虚3.不同的 陈述4.说本族语的人5.取得进步6。建议做。7.对。感兴趣8.收到。来信9.在舞台上10.未曾提及,你记住了吗?,Fill in the blanks.,1.Many Chinese people want to improve th

19、eir English _.(用不同的方法)2._ all the singers sang very clearly and looked _ on stage.3.Some of the singers were able to sing English songs _ native speakers.4.The winner was a _(19)girl.5.Singing English songs made her _ _ in learning English.6.This kind of contest _(鼓励)people _(speak)English。,in diffe

20、rent ways,Nearly,comfortable,as well as,19-year-old,more,interested,encourages,to speak,7.Thats not _.A.enough interesting B.interesred enough C.interesting enough8.He is also good at basketball and tennis _ swimming.A.except B.besides C.but 9.Miss Li often encourages me _ hard.A.to work B.work C.wo

21、rking 10.The woman has an _ boy.A.eight-years old B.eight year-old C.eight year old,C,B,A,B,What is the passage mainly about?,Task 4 Write a summary,Reading strategy:To understand the important ideas from the text,we must summarize.Do this by answering“who,what,where,why”questions as you read.,深读(小声

22、),Many Chinese people are trying to improve their English in different ways.Singers from across China entered a contest by singing English songs.Some of them were able to sing English songs very well.A winner said singing English songs made her more interested in learning English.So this kind of con

23、test encourages people to speak English.There are also many other fun ways to learn English,like watching English movies,reading English books.,Sample,Discuss:What other ways can you think of to improve your English?,1.Joining an English club to practice speaking English.,2.Listening to English radi

24、o programs or watching English TV shows.,3.Role-playing some short plays in English.,Sing a happy English song together,Twinkle,twinkle,little star,How I wonder what you are,Up above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky,Twinkle,twinkle,little star,How I wonder what you are.,A happy ending!,Lets start a new journey tomorrow!,


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