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1、-专升本英语 综合复习I. Vocabulary and Structure1. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests _ when he _at the party.A. had left, arrivedB. left, had arrivedC. had left, had arrivedD. left, arrived2. Sir Denis, who is 78, has made it known that much of his collection _ to the nation.A. has left B. is to le

2、ave C. leaves D. is to be left3. The work _ by the time you get here. A. will have been doneB. is doneC. had been doneD. would have done4. It _ for a week and the streets were flooded.A. has rainedB. was rainedC. had been rainingD. should have rained5. Sorry, but we cannot go to San Diego. Our cousi

3、ns _ to see us ne*t Sunday.A. e B. are ing C. have e D. came6. The bus is late and Julie is cold. She _ for the bus for 10 minutes. A. waits B. waited C. has been waiting D. has waited7. All of us think it difficult to _ the difference between the two things.A. talkB. speakC. lectureD. tell8. George

4、 is so _ in debt that he is afraid to show up in the pub in case he meets his si* creditors.A. involved B. concentrated C. devoted D. concerned9. A new situation is likely to _ when the school leaving age is raised to 16.A. rise B. arise C. happen D. raise10. Be quiet! Its rude to _ people when they

5、 are speaking.A. interfere B. introduce C. interrupt D. prevent11. The music adviser taught her how to _ a song to find its mood and meaning.A. pose B. preserve C. include D. analyze 12. Rapid reading means reading something fast just to _ the general idea.A. master B. seizeC. grasp D. imagine13. Fi

6、nding it difficult to _ to the climate in the city, he decided to move to the North.A. adoptB. adaptC. fitD. suit14. They built strong walls round the town as a _ against the enemy.A. depend B. defend C. defeat D. defense 15. The students were not_to leave the classroom without an adequate reason.A.

7、 permitted B. remittedC. admittedD. emitted16. I dont think it is easy to _ your weight if keep on eating that way.A. decrease B. reduceC. declineD. shorten17. The guide is _ a line of tourists through the narrow passage with the help of his torch.A.concluding B.containing C.conducting D.conquering1

8、8. It _ the village where we spent our holidays last summer.A. reminds me of B. reminds me toC. remembers me of D. remembers me to19. Its too e*pensive for me. I cant _it.A. spend B. cost C. pay D. afford20. I didnt know what to do but then an idea suddenly_ to me.A. happened B. entered C. occurred

9、D. hit21. Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to _ any further responsibilities. A. take on B. bring on C. get on D. carry out 22. Dear, do send the children to bed. I cant _their noise any longer.A. put off B. put up C. stand up D. put up with23. Will you please _ my parcel at the post-office as y

10、ou passA. pick out B. pick up C. take out D. take up 24. In making such models, skills as well as thorough knowledge of plant structure are _.A. called on B. called up C. called for D. called in25. The little boy _ his hiding place when he coughed.A. gave awayB. gave upC. got awayD. got in26. None o

11、f us e*pected the chairman to _ at the party. We thought he was still in hospital.A. turn inB. turn upC. turn overD. turn down27. When he heard the bad news, he _ pletely.A. broke awayB. broke upC. broke downD. broke out28. If I had more time, I would _ golf as a hobby.A.take in B.take on C.take up

12、D.take over29. Would you like me _ the radio a bitA. turning down B. turned down C. turn down D. to turn down 30. Since the road is wet this morning, _ last night.A. it must have rained B. it must rainC. it must be raining D. it must have been rained31. As teachers we should concern ourselves with w

13、hat is said, not what we think _.A. ought to be said B. must say C. have to be said D. need to say32. You _ all those calculations. We have a puter to do that sort of thing.A. must not have doneB. should not haveC. can not have done D. neednt have done33. With all this work on hand, he _ to the cine

14、ma last night.A. mustnt goB. wouldnt go C. oughtnt go D. shouldnt have gone34. I saw Mary in the library yesterday.You _her, she is still in hospital.A. mustnt have seen B. could not seeC. cant have seen D. must not see35. He regretted _ the decision so hastily.A. makeB. makingC. to makeD. have made

15、36. The speech which he made _ the project has bothered me greatly. A. being concerned B. concerning C. be concerned D. concerned37. - Joe doesnt seem like the same person.-_so much in the war has made him more thoughtful.A. To have seen B. Having seen C. His seeing D. For him to see38. He had no ch

16、oice but _ to see him. A. to go B. went C. going D. go39. Although young, Fred could resist _ what to do and what not to do. A. to be told B. having been toldC. to have been told D. being told 40. No matter how frequently _, the works of Beethoven always attract a large audience.A. performing B. per

17、formedC. to be performed D. being performed41. The music was so _ that the audience were _ to death.A. boring . bored B. bored boring C. bored bored D. boring boring42. When he came back after an absence of 20 years, he found his hometown pletely _.A. changing B. to be changed C. to change D. change

18、d 43. Some of the e*periments _ in the book are easy to perform.A. being described B. described C. to be described D. having been described44. I really appreciate _ to help me, but I am sure that I can manage by myself. A. you to offer B. that you offer C. your offering D. that you are offering45. H

19、e should get used by now _ Chinese food.A. to eatingB. to eatC. for eatingD. eating46. The manager promised to keep me _ of how our business was going on.A. to be informed B. on informing C. informed D. informing47. No one thought that Johns suggestion was worth _ .A. to consider B. consideringC. to

20、 be consideredD. of consideration48. The young man got his motor bicycle tyre _ early this morning.A. changedB. changeC. changingD. be changed49. _ enough money, they decided to call off the construction project.A. Not to have raisedB. Not raisingC. Having not raisedD. Not having raised50. While rea

21、ding the newspaper, _. A. a colorful advertisement caught my eyesB. my attention was attracted by an advertisement C. I was attracted by a colorful advertisementD. What attracted my eyes was a colorful advertisement51. Weighing seven hundred pounds, _.A. she could not move the pianoB. the piano shou

22、ld not be movedC. the piano was too heavy for her to move D. the piano was unable to move52. The factory is said _ last month.A. to have gone into production B. to go into productionC. to be gone into production D. to be going into production53. _ in an atmosphere of simple living was what her paren

23、ts wished for.A. The girl was educated B. The girl educatedC. The girl to be educated D. The girls being educated 54. Having plenty of time, _ .A. we neednt to have hurriedB. there was no need for us to hurryC. we didnt need to hurryD. hurrying was not necessary55. _, little John did not reply.A. Wh

24、en being asked what his name was B. When asked what his name wasC. When his name was asked D. When he is asked what is his name56. With its e*pensive furniture and carefully _ color scheme, the room looked quite lu*urious.A.choose B.chose C.chosen D.choosing57. Time _, we will arrange for the touris

25、ts to visit two or three more remote spots of culture value.A.permits B.permitting C.permitted D.to be permitted58. All the afternoon he worked in his study with the door _.A. to lock B. locking C. lock D. locked 59. The garden requires _.A. watering B. being watered C. to water D. having watered60.

26、 We have cooperated well with them many years for the shared _.A. honour B. reward C. benefit D. prize61. I took the medicine, but it didnt have any _ on me.A. effect B. relationC. touch D. affect62. He said that hed like to take _ of this opportunity to co-operate with you.A. benefitB. advantageC.

27、profitD. occasion63. The new nurse does not have much _ in taking care of patients.A. e*perienceB. regret C. desireD. talent 64. Electricity, like other forms of _, has greatly increased in price.A. strength B. forceC. power D. energy65. Will you be taking my previous e*perience into _ when you fi*

28、my salaryA. possession B. scaleC. mindD. account66. I suggest that you put the dangerous things out of the childrens _.A. control B. reachC. orderD. sight67. When we had finished dinner, George asked waiter to bring him the _.A. tipB. costC. menuD. bill68. My father was born in Germany and still spe

29、aks English with a German _.A. pronunciationB. accent C.relativeD. sound69. They have always been on good with their ne*t-door neighbors.A. termsB. friendshipC. relationsD. connection70. Grandma told the story in a very sad _ and we were all moved.A. tune B. tongue C. tone D. ton71. The telegram was

30、 based on information from a _ source. A. recentB. reliableC. rare D. private72. His health is _.A. as poor, if not poor than, his sister B. poor as his sisters if not poorC. as poor as if not poorer than, his sistersD. as poor, if not poorer than sisters73. The kite flew _ in the sky and everyone s

31、poke _ of it.A. highhighly B. highlyhighlyC. highhigh D. highlyhigh74. Does your wife regret paying si* hundred dollars for the fashionable dressNot at all. She would gladly have paid _ for itA. twice so much B. twice as much C. as much twice D. so much twice 75. Petrol is manufactured from the _oil

32、 we take out of the ground.A. rawB. roughC. toughD. crude76. You are making me _with your stories of how hard the e*amination is.A. normalB. negativeC. nervous D. neutral77. Ill e with you _ we dont stay late. I need to be up early tomorrow.A. even IB. as long as C. so thatD. now that78. Even after

33、I washed the coat, it still had some _ marks on it.A. weak B. familiarC. faint D. regular79. Everyone in the room remained _.A. happily and friendly B. orderly and kindly C. happily and kindly D. orderly and friendly80. Some people think _ about their rights than about their duties.A. much more B. a

34、s much C. too much D. many more81. Apples are _ in summer and cost a lot.A. rare B. scarceC. monD. unusual82. In the future she hopes to go _ for further studies.A. awayB. abroadC. outsideD. far83. The new_machine is a great help in the production of this factory.A. adequateB. sufficientC. efficient

35、D. effective84. Little John caught a _ fish this morning.A. alive B. alone C. lonely D. living85. The football match was televised _ from the Berlin Olympic Stadium.A live B alive C living D lively86. The more fruits and vegetables you eat, _ chance of getting cancer you have.A little B less C the l

36、ess D the least87. Hes _ to know the answer.A. likely B. probable C. maybe D. probably88. It isnt quite _ that he will he present at the meeting.A. right B. sure C. certainD. e*act89. The e*amination I took yesterday wasnt very difficult, but it was _ long. A. much rather B. so much C. too much D. m

37、uch too 90. It may rain, but I shall go out_; I dont mind the rain.A. anywhereB. anyhowC. howeverD. nevertheless91. He had not _ made up his mind what attitude to adopt towards her. A. as yet B. as wellC. as usual D. as though92. I pulled the handle _I could.A. so hardly as B. as hardly as C. so har

38、d as D. as hard as93. He is so shy that he _ speaks in the public.A. often B. frequently C. seldom D. sometimes94. The story of Mary is merely _ of a poor farmer. A. one B. that C. those D. which95. The second-hand car was not worth _.A. much that B. that much all C. all that much D. much all that96

39、. _of them knew about the plan because it was a secret.A. Some B. Any C. No one D. None97. My car is not so fashionable as _.A. hes B. he C. his D. his98. _ Tom _ Mary can help me, for they are very busy.A. Both; andB. Neither; nor C. whether; or D. Either; or99. Do you know any other foreign langua

40、ge _ EnglishA. e*ceptB. butC. besidesD. beside100. With five hungry children seated around the table, the food disappeared _.A. in no time B. at no time C. ahead of time D. from time to time101. There is a very big bridge _ the river.A. aboveB. onC. overD. below102. The chairman signed the document

41、_ the pany. A. instead ofB. on behalf ofC. in place ofD. in case of103. Its about 400 mm rain in this area a year _.A. above all B. of all C. for average D. on average104. In many schools, students dont have sufficient access _ the library.A. toB. of C. intoD. about105. The traditional approach _wit

42、h ple* problems is to break them down into smaller ones.A. in dealing B. to dealingC. dealing D. to deal106. The flyover at the crossing on the 6th ring road is now _ construction.A. under B. in C. at D. with107. Its the first turning _ the left after the traffic lights.A. by B. in C. on D. for108.

43、I know nothing about him _he is a teacher.A. besides B. in addition C. e*cept for D. e*cept that109. The heavy snow could not keep us _ going out to work.A. from B. on C. upon D. up110. Jack works so hard as he dreams _owning his own house soon.A. to B. of C. with D. on111. I suppose I can count _you for help in this matter.A. of B. on C. at D. to112. It was difficult for him to buy good shoes because he had such a big _of feet.A. pair B. size C. couple D. number113. It was raining aga


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