1、windows7启动时显示检查磁盘的代码。解决方法checking file system on c:the type of the file system is ntfs.one of your disks needs to be checked for consistency .youmay cancel the disk check.but it is strongly recommendedthat you continue.to skip disk checking.press any key within 2 second(s).checking file system on c:
2、the type of the file system is ntfs.one of your disks needs to be checked for consistency .youmay cancel the disk check.but it is strongly recommendedthat you continue.windows will now check the disk.cannot open volume for direct access.autochk cannot run due to an error caused by a recently install
3、ed softwarepackage.use the system restore feature from the control panel to restore the systemto a point prior to therecent software package installation.an unspeacified error occurred (766f6c756d6s2e63 3f1).1、下次开机时按F8进入,选择第一项“自动修复”之后会让你选择几个项目,你选第一个关于开机那个的让它自动修复就好了。我的是这么弄好的,你试一试吧!(没有这个选项)2、打开我的文档,点击
4、工具,文件夹选项,查看,隐藏扩展名的勾去掉,接着右击桌面,新建,文本文档,输入以下字符:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession Manager BootExecute=hex(7):00,00 点击保存,然后,把新建 文本文档.txt重命名为checking file system .reg 把它该成注册表文件,再右击checking file system .reg,点合并,将它导入注册表,即可。(不可取,没有说明原理)3、那是开机磁盘检查被打开的缘故,“开始运行”,在运行对话框中键入“chkntfs /t:0”这就关闭了磁盘检查chkntfs /x c: 非法关机不扫描C盘4、这是由于你为正常关机所导致的磁盘检查根据你的情况很可能是你上次的非正常关机的时候导致系统dll文件损坏或丢失其实,这种情况一般是没事的只要正常让它进行完磁盘检查即可,下次开机就可解决问题,不必担心如果你认为不保险,可以使用360系统急救箱对系统文件进行检查与修复或者在c盘上右键-属性-工具-磁盘检查即可搜索5、开机 按住F8 - 选择修复计算机 - 命令行模式- 输入chkdsk C:/r/f,可以进行修复文件系统错误;