1、An Introduction to European Culture,王昺 教授辽宁师范大学外国语学院Email:,Purposes of the course,Improve English learningUpgrade personal qualityPrepare for graduate programPromote intercultural competenceBroaden your vision for future,Characteristics of the Course,Wide Coverage of many fields:astronomy,geography,
2、literature,history,religion,philosophy,political thoughts,art(paining,music,architecture,sculpture),science,etc.Knowing something of everything,not everything of something Only a taste,Focus of Study,Historical background of every periodMajor events(wars,invasions,reforms,revolutions,social changes,
3、etc.)Ideologies(main assumptions)Prominent historical figures(political,literary,religious,scientific,artistic)Literary and artistic styles(main characteristics)Not original writings,Miscellany,Scope:chapter 1-chapter 8AttendanceEvaluation(paper or exam)Focus for prominent figures(names,time,contrib
4、utions,masterpieces,heroes in their writings)Language of deliveryRequirements for proper names(English,simple foreign,complex foreign)My personal qualifications for the course,Abilities needed and to be developed,Memorization(names,times,etc.)Comprehension(ideas and ideologies)Compare and contrast(e
5、ast and west)Critical thinking(why Europe leads the world in many ways)Personal analysis and synthesis,How can you learn the course well?,Establish a chronological framework of world history:1200 146 B.C.:Ancient Greece700 B.C.27 B.C.395 A.D.-476 1054-1453:Ancient Roman Empire476 A.D.14th century:Me
6、dieval Age14th C(Dante)mid-17th C(Shakespeare,English Revolution)17th C:prodigious development of sci&Tech 18th C:enlightenment 19th C:Marxism,Darwinism,realism20th C:modernism,postmodernismSince 1970s:information age,globalization,economic integration,multiculturalism,Ancient Greek Culture,Historic
7、al context:1200 BC.Trojan War(700BC:Homer)800-500 BC:formative period(city states)500-336 BC:classical period:heydaywinning Greco-Persian Way;democracy in Athens;flourish of sci and art;civil war:Athens vs.Sparta 伯罗奔尼撒战争(432-404 BC),declined.336-146 BC:Hellenization period 希腊化时期Alexander III(356-336
8、-323 BC);center:Alexandria in Egypt;Roman conquest in 146 BC,Contending Schools,诡辩学派 Sophists 500 B.C.代表人物:ProtagorasMan is measure of all things.Forerunner of Socratic dialecticEmphasis on ability to argue for any case regardless of its truth,Cynics:犬儒学派 300 B.C.Diogenes主张:simplicitybrotherhoodreje
9、cting conventions,Sceptics 不可知派PyrrhonNot all knowledge is attainable.Wise men should not judge,but should aim at balanced imperburbability.,Epicureans 伊壁鸠鲁学派EpicurusPleasure is the highest good of life,achieved through practiced virtue.Different from hedonism(享乐主义)through sensual indulgence.,Stoics
10、 斯多葛派,禁欲主义学派Zenoantithesis of Epicureansvirtue,not pleasure,is the highest good.DutyHardship,Ancient Rome,Period of Kings:753-510 B.C.City of Rome set upPeriod of Republic:510-27 B.C.1)Occupation of whole Italy2)expansion:Punic Wars(264133 B.C.),defeating Carthage(迦太基)3)Slave uprisings(133-27 BC.):斯
11、巴达克斯,Period of Empire:27 B.C.476 A.D.1453 27 BC.193 AD.Pax Romana前三头:克拉苏,庞培,凯撒(Julius Caeser)后三头:雷必达,安东尼,屋大维(Augustus Octavius)after 193:weakened,barbarian invasions(Huns,Goths,Visigoths,Vandals)475:split WRE and Byzantium1453:conquered by Ottoman Empire(Modern Italy:1871),Romans&Greeks,Similarities
12、:Democracy:citizen assembly,hostile to monarchyReligion and mythology:Languages(Greek and Latin):Indo-European family,Differences:Romans built an empire,Greeks not.Greeks:art and intellectRomans:Military:Roman legionsLaw:Roman LawConstructions:aqueducts,roadsGovernment system:effective bureaucracy,T
13、he Bible,It is not a single book,but a collection of 66 books,different in style,content,subject of matter,and point of view.Not written by one person,but by many anonymously,some sections had existed orally before.Not written within a single period of time:Old Testament:1,000-15 B.C.N.T.:50 150 A.D
14、.Not written in one language:O.T:in Hebrew;N.T:in Greek(partly in Aramaic 阿拉米语),*Books in it are not systematically classified or chronologically arranged.*It contains words of God,an inspired and inspiring bookan encyclopedia(poem,history,tale,moral teachings,etc.),*It is a book that was ordered to
15、 be burned,but survived every time.*It is a book translated into over 1,000 Ls and dialects.*Number One in terms of publication volume;greatly influencing Eu culture.,Classification of 66 books,Old Testament:(Hebrew History)1.Law and history2.Prophecies3.Poetry,drama,tales,moral teachingsNew Testame
16、nt:(Life of Jesus Christ)1.Gospels2.Letters3.Revelations The central theme binding all books:Hebrew tradition written by,meant for and about Hebrews.,GenealogyAdam&Eve Noah 诺亚(Ark)Abraham(to Canaan迦南)Moses 摩西(Exodus)Joshua(约书亚)(back to Canaan)split(犹太国&以色列国)Saul 扫罗(unification)David 大卫(built Jerusal
17、em)Solomon所罗门,Life of Gesus,Born on Dec.25th,4 B.C.In Bethlehem 伯利恒From a carpenters familyJoseph&Virgin MaryDisappeared as a childLife before 30:unknownAt 30:baptized by JohnFrom 30-33:preachingAt 33:cruxifixation on Good Friday2 days later(Sunday):resurrection to heaven(Easter),Spread of Christian
18、ity,In early time:suppressed by Roman gov.Later:developed quickly305 A.D.:stopped persecution313:Emperor Constantine granted religious freedom(Edict of Milan米兰敕令),became legal.Constantine baptized at deathbed392:Emperor Theodosius 塞奥多西乌斯made Christianity the official religion of the Empire and outla
19、w all other religions.6th century:Nestorianism 景教 reached China.,Translation of Bible,Original:Hebrew(旧)model for versions in other Ls.After 16th Century:into many national languages.,English Versions,1382:John Wycliff 威克里夫16th Century:William Tyndale,literary quality1611:King James Bible(詹姆斯一世钦定本),
20、plain language and most influential1885:revised edition1901:American edition,Chinese Versions,*7th C:景教本(敦煌)*17th C:明清本,by missionaries*1919:和合本,financed by churches*1979:联合本(in H.K.),Famous saying from the Bible,the last straw that falls gently on the camels back 引起巨大后果的最后因素Can the leopard change i
21、ts spots?本性难移.To sow the wind and reap the whirlwind自食其果.A living dog is better than a dead lion.It is more difficult for the rich to give than for the camel to go through the eye of a needle.,The Middle Ages(the Medieval Times),Time:476 A.D.14th C.(人文主义出现)Feudalization in EU.No political unity,no c
22、entral gov.Wars and invasions(1066,Crusades)Only organization:Catholic churchChurch gained power and influenceSuppress scientists(“heretic”):Inquization(the Dark Age)Everyone was a believer:Age of FaithBirth of many nations:England,France,Spain,Crusaders,Cause:Jerusalem fell to pagans killing Christ
23、ian pilgrimsTimes:12 crusades,200 yearsEffect:East-West contactrise of monarchymaterialisminternational trade developmentlearning revived,Renaissance,Time:14th C mid-17th C.(Eng.Revo.)Origin:Italy,spread to all Eu.Means:revival of interest in R.&G.cultureIdeology:humanismBourgeois in natureProdigiou
24、s development in sci.and tech.National languagesAbsolute authority of Catholic:shakenGiants appeared,Different emphasis,Italy:artFrance:literatureEngland:philosophy,dramaGermany:religion,Characteristics,Spread of HumanismReturn to classical valuesBeginning of objective sci.inquiryFlourish of literat
25、ure and artGeographic discoveries,Humanism,A philosophy to assert greatness of man:physical beauty+power of reasonA movement to restore human value of ancient classics as opposed to scholasticism 经院哲学of the M.Ages.Bourgeois in nature,against feudalism,paving the way for the rising capitalism,Religio
26、us Revolution,A 16th C.religious,social,political movementAim:to oppose absolute authority of Roman Catholic church and replace it with the authority of the BibleDisputes:(1)who is the supreme authority,the Church or Bible?(2)Can individuals communicate directly with God?(indulgences)Beginning:M.Lut
27、hers 95 theses(Wittengerg威登堡church)Result:split of church,Reformers practice,Translate Bible into vernacularsSimplify church ritualsAbolishing indulgences 赎罪券Reform churchOppose church interference with naitonal eco.And politicsPeasant war,Martin Luther,Founder of Protestant Church95 thesesAgainst i
28、ndulgencesStarted religious reform which extended to eco and poli.liberation from church controlTranslate Bible into German vernacularFighter for democracy and nationalismIdeal of equality,Split of Christianity,395 A.D.:Roman Empire-West and East476:W.RE ended1054:Catholic R.Catholic&Orthodox1453:en
29、d of E.RE(Byzantium)1520s:R.Catholic Catholic&Protestant(Calvinism瑞,Huguenot法,Presbyterianism苏,Anglican英,etc.)After 1620:Quacker,Methodism美,etc.),Reformation in England,Focus:Pope vs.King(Germany:church vs.Bible)J.Knox established Presbyterian churchWycliffe translated English BibleHerry VIII broke
30、with Pope(on marriage)Act of supremacy of 1534Closing monasteries and seizing land,Counter Reformation,Spain became the base of church reform,establishment of InquizationCouncil of Trent:stressing Catholic orthodoxyJesuits:conservative Catholic advocates who helped to win much of Germany,Poland,Hung
31、ary,etc.(still alive today),Protestantism and Capitalism,Roman Catholic church weakenedDenominations flourished ProtestantismLiberation of ideas:imagination,creationFormation of many nation-statesNational languages:popularSci,trade,commerceInventions and discoveriesObedience gave way to quest,challe
32、nge and freedom,Geographic Discoveries,By 1600,surface of the known earth doubledColumbus(热那亚人,西班牙):N.World(Oct.12,1492)(比较:郑和,14051433年7次下西洋)Diaz(葡萄牙):Cape of Good Hope(1487)Da Gama(葡萄牙):Route to India via Good Hope(1497)Amerigo(意大利,亚美利哥维斯普契):亚美利加洲Magellan,Firdinand(麦哲伦,葡萄牙):sailing around the glob
33、e(1522),Science in 17th C.,Ptolemy 托勒密(2nd C.AD.):地心说Copernicus:heliocentric hypothesis 日心说Kepler:3 Keplers laws-lend support to Copernicus HypothesisGalileo:invented astronomical telescope,proved heliocentric theory by observation,the law of inertia,the principle of lever,the law of falling bodies.
34、Sir Isaac Newton:the law of universal gravitation(Nature is governed by laws),Alexander Pope(蒲伯)wrote:“Nature and Natures laws hid in night,God said,Let Newton be,and all was light.”宇宙法则,冥冥之中,主曰:“顿来”,万物皆明。,社会契约论(民约论),Hobbes:Natural state of war:狼多肉少Laws of Nature:the rule of reasonpassion war and an
35、archyreason cooperation and peace3.Social contract:Every person gives up his or her rights to one man(sovereign)by“an agreement”;Powers of sovereign is absolute;Rebellion is wrong;Peace is achieved.实质:support of monarchy意义:against“divine right of kings.”君权神授,J.Locke,Against divine right of kingsAll
36、men are naturally free and equal in the state of nature(natural rights:survival,self-defense,private properties).Natural law means universally obligatory moral law,governed by reason.Social contract:Will of the mojority;The ruler of government is one partner of the agreement;Rebellion is justified;S
37、upport of democracy;意义:theory for Am.Revolution,English Revolution,causes:growth of capitalism;Breakdown of serfdom;Puritan movementTime:1642-1649(Charles I beheaded;Stuart ended)Leader:Oliver Cromwell 克伦威尔Charles II.Restoration:16581688:Glorious Revolution(William&Mary),Glorious Revolution of 1688,
38、1689:Bill of Rights:established supremacy of Parliament(constitutional monarchy)legislature:parliamentTaxation:parliamentMilitary:no standing army for kingReligion:no Roman Catholic can be a king.,Enlightenment,An intellectual movement originating in France in the 2nd half of the 18th C.特点:using cri
39、tical reason to free mind from prejudice,unexamined authority,and oppression of church or state Age of Reason先驱:1.J.Locke:materialist theory(知识来源于经验,人脑可以认识世界)2.I.Newton:law of universal gravitation(自然是由法则支配的,法则可以被人认识)Belief in:natural law,universal order,human reasonProminent figures:伏尔泰,孟德斯鸠,狄德罗,卢梭
40、 French Encyclopedia:popularized new kn.and ideas,Influences in Various Aspects,Politics:rationalization of gov.and law(separation of powers)Social contact vs.divine right of kingsIdeology:freedom,equality and fraternity vs.feudal privileges;kn.&sci.vs prejudice&ignorance Philosophy:materialism vs.s
41、cholasticism Religion:Deism vs.ChristianityArt&L.:decorum(规范)Economy:laissezfaire vs.state interference(feudal bondage),Historical Context,1700-1750:peacefulAfter 1750:full of ideological,political,social and economic revolutions1776:American Rev.Declaration of Independence1789:French Rev.Declaratio
42、n of Rights of Man1760-1840:English Industrial Rev.Result:growth of modern capitalism,Romanticism(18-19th C),Individual freedom and aspirations;Shift from conformist to creative and adventurous;Giving impetus to national movement;Direct contact with Nature for inspiration;Pure sentiment,ideal beauty
43、In search for subjective,spontaneous,supernatural;Eulogizing idyllic life;Escape from corrupt,polluted urban civilization;Return to nature and childlike innocence;Youth and love.,Beginning:Rousseau;Storm and Stress(德国狂飚突进运动)Corruption of capitalist societyPollution of nature after Industrial Revolut
44、ionCriticism of classicism:failing to express mans emotional nature and overlooking mans profound inner force.,Active and Passive Romanticism,1.Passive Romanticists:Representative:The LakersWordsworth 沃兹华斯Coleridge 科勒律治Southey:骚塞 Characteristics:Return to natureUnrelated to national liberation movem
45、ents.,2.Active Romanticists:Representatives:ByronShelleyKeatsCharacteristics:Showing sympathy to national liberation movements,active participation,Transcendentalism 超验主义,American Romanticism:Representatives:The Walton Amerson 爱莫生Thoureau 梭罗,“For standing on the Persians grave;I could not deem mysel
46、f a slave.”-Byron:“Isles of Greece”脚踩波斯人的坟地;就不能想象自己是奴隶。因为屹立在波斯人坟上;不能想象自己有奴隶相。,Realism(19th C),Focus on fidelity to actual experience(reality);Truthful representation of contemporary life;To expose and criticize social evils;Characterization as center of novel.,Musical Enlightenment,By early 18th C.,
47、music was completely rationalized;Representatives:Bach,HandelGeneral basis of their work is counterpoint,which is based on physical laws;Scientific principles of music composition;Standardized styles:opera,sonata,concerto,cantata,etc.,Music in classical period,Representatives:Haydn,Mozart;特点:The new science of aesthetics reached independent status;Emergence of instrumental music as the primary mode of expression;The modern piano and orchestra appeared;Sonata for solo instrument or orchestra occupied the position of opera;Continuous evolution of the structure of instrumental form and style.,